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Rajkovic v. FBI, No. 13-1808, 2014 WL 5703419 (D.D.C. Nov. 4, 2014) (Chutkan, J.)


Rajkovic v. FBI, No. 13-1808, 2014 WL 5703419 (D.D.C. Nov. 4, 2014) (Chutkan, J.)

Re: Request for records concerning John Kennedy, Jr.

Disposition: Granting defendant's motion for summary judgment

  • Litigation Considerations, Adequacy of Search:  The court holds that "defendants have met their burden, and absent any opposition from the plaintiff, the Court will grant summary judgment in the defendants' favor."  The court notes that the "motion is unopposed," recounts that defendant searched its "Central Records System using variations of John Kennedy Jr.'s first and last names as search terms[,] identified three main files plus another '104 potentially responsive cross-reference files,'" and "has reviewed the responsive records 'to achieve maximum disclosure consistent with the access provisions of the FOIA.'"
Court Decision Topic(s)
District Court opinions
Litigation Considerations, Adequacy of Search
Updated January 26, 2022