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Chief FOIA Officers Council (CFOC) Technology Committee Artificial Intelligence (AI) Working Group Charter

Members:   Nicholas Wittenberg – Chair
                        Jennifer McDonald
                        Michelle McKown

Objective:  The Artificial Intelligence (AI) working group will examine the use of AI in other government agencies as well as in the private sector.  This group aims to gain a broad understanding of the various AI offerings that are available in the document management space and gain a better understanding of potential applications for FOIA. This working group will seek to provide tools to educate FOIA professionals about AI, answer questions raised by various FOIA professionals and their respective agencies about the most appropriate AI tools (based on particular agency size, mission, and budget), and make more general recommendations on how AI can be leveraged in practical ways by agencies now and in the future.

Proposed Deliverables and Target Deadlines:

  1. Host an event for FOIA professionals to introduce and explain AI - Event occurred on  November 5, 2020  
    See Department of Justice, Office of Information Policy (OIP), OIP Hosts Artificial Intelligence Event Featuring CFO Council Technology Committee Working Group
  2. Examine AI’s Use in Other Government Applications - Target deadline: January 29, 2021
    This working group will invite various experts and professionals who have used AI in other Government applications. This will provide valuable insight into the market research, budget, selection, and final use cycles. This will also identify best practices and ways to achieve the most efficient and accurate results.
  3. Develop a short paper as an Introduction to AI for FOIA professionals - Target deadline: February 26, 2021
  4. Hold a Panel Discussion for FOIA Professionals on AI in Government Agencies - Target deadline:  June 30, 2021
  5. Participate in the Vendor Day held by the Technology Committee/Office of Information Policy (OIP)/Office of Government Information Services (OGIS).
Updated November 4, 2022