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Chase v. DOJ, No. 17-274, 2018 WL 5923914 (D.D.C. Nov. 13, 2018) (Boasberg, J.)


Chase v. DOJ, No. 17-274, 2018 WL 5923914 (D.D.C. Nov. 13, 2018) (Boasberg, J.)

Re:  Request for records concerning plaintiff's arrest, booking, and detention

Disposition:  Denying plaintiff's request for reconsideration

  • Litigation Considerations:  "As the arguments and evidence presented are neither new nor persuasive, the Court will deny [plaintiff's] Motion."  First, the court finds that "Plaintiff's argument casts no shade on the Court's prior reasoning in upholding Exemption 3 here, which covers records 'specifically exempted from disclosure by statute.'"  Second, "[t]he Court already concluded in its prior Opinion that USMS properly applied this exemption."  "To combat this, Plaintiff needed to explain why 7(C) does not reach the names withheld."  "This [plaintiff] failed to do."  Third, "[t]he Court explained at length in its prior Opinion why the steps Defendants took to search for responsive records were adequate."  "[Plaintiff] has offered nothing to entice the Court to reconsider this issue."  Fourth, the court finds that "[plaintiff] offers no new arguments or evidence of bad faith."
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Updated November 18, 2021