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FOIA Summer School Returns with the Director’s Lecture Series

Last summer, OIP introduced a new slate of training seminars known as the Director’s Lecture Series.  This specialized series of training seminars was designed to complement OIP’s regular yearly training by offering focused sessions on unique topics in FOIA administration while providing an opportunity for discussion and open dialogue with attendees.  Next week, this training slate continues with the first of two seminars for this summer. Building off the foundation of progress and improvement reported in agency Fiscal Year 2012 Annual FOIA Reports and 2013 Chief FOIA Officer Reports, the July lecture will focus on “FOIA Fundamentals.”  The seminar will provide a forum for participants to discuss many procedural aspects of FOIA administration, such as efficient communication with requesters, adjudicating requests for expedited processing, and making proactive and discretionary disclosures. The details for this first seminar, which is open to all agency FOIA personnel, are:
Director’s Lecture Series FOIA Fundamentals Department of Justice, Robert F. Kennedy Building 10th and Constitution Ave., NW – Great Hall July 25, 2013, 10:00am – noon Registration is required and you will need a picture ID to enter the building for this seminar.
The second lecture of this summer series will be held on August 8th, and the topic for that seminar will be announced prior to that date here on FOIA Post. Providing training and guidance to agencies on the proper administration of the FOIA is one of the core functions of OIP, and throughout the year our office regularly offers many types of training opportunities for agency personnel.  The Director’s Lecture Series once again offers agency personnel a unique opportunity to discuss specialized topics in FOIA administration, while continuing to build a solid foundation for the day-to-day processing of FOIA requests. If you are interested in attending this event, please can email your name and phone number to OIP’s Training Officer at, with the subject line “July Director’s Lecture Series.”  If you have any questions regarding this seminar, please contact OIP’s Training Officer at (202) 514-3642. Information on training offered throughout the year by OIP is available on our Training page.  OIP subject matter experts are also available to conduct or participate in FOIA training at your agency, and you can contact OIP’s Training Officer at for more information on the availability of our staff.
Updated August 6, 2014
