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FOIA Post (2009): Upcoming Training for Chief FOIA Officers


Upcoming Training for Chief FOIA Officers

The Attorney General stressed in his FOIA Guidelines that "[i]mproving FOIA performance requires the active participation of agency Chief FOIA Officers." He directed Chief FOIA Officers to review all aspects of their agencies' administration of the FOIA and to report to the Department of Justice each year on the steps taken to improve transparency. The Attorney General informed agencies that the Office of Information Policy (OIP) would provide guidance to agencies on the content of these Chief FOIA Officer Reports. On September 30, 2009, OIP issued those guidelines. See FOIA Post, "Guidelines for Chief FOIA Officer Reports to the Department of Justice Pursuant to Attorney General Holder's FOIA Guidelines" (posted 9/30/2009).

OIP is hosting a training conference to discuss the requirements for these new Chief FOIA Officer Reports which will address a range of issues, including agency efforts to improve timeliness in responding to requests, steps taken to utilize technology, and examples of proactive disclosures.

The details for this training are set out below:

When: Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Where: Department of Commerce's Auditorium
14th and Constitution Avenue NW (main entrance on 14th Street)
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 noon
Who Should Attend: Agency Chief FOIA Officers and Principal FOIA Contacts

No pre-registration is required, but you must present your government ID to enter the building. Questions regarding the conference may be directed to OIP's Training Officer, Bertina Adams Cleveland, at (202) 514-1010. (posted 12/17/2009)

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Updated August 6, 2014
