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Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR38235 - Feb. 2011
      1. Does a Jordanian citizen have the right to enter and remain in Syria?
      2. Does a Jordanian citizen born in Syria have the right to enter and remain in Syria?
      3. How long are Jordanian citizens, whether born in Syria or not, allowed to remain in Syria and what is their status there?
    • JOR37995 - Jan. 2011
      1. Please advise whether there are any impediments in the law of Jordan or Israel to being a dual national of Jordan and Israel.
      2. Please confirm that in Jordan if a person's father is a Jordanian national, and the person is born in Jordan, that person would have a right to Jordanian nationality.
    • JOR35401 - Oct. 2009
      1. Please provide background on the issue of Jordanian citizenship for persons of West Bank Palestinian descent.
      2. What is the overall situation for Palestinian citizens of Jordan?
    • JOR32544 - Oct. 2007
      1. The SHRC Annual Report for 2005 indicates that Jordan tries to "respect the affairs" of exiled Syrians. Are you aware of any people of Syrian background, either born in Jordan or having resided there for many years, who have been refused Jordanian citizenship? If so, why might they be denied citizenship?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ200607.E - Jordan and Palestine: Documents issued to stateless Palestinians, including yellow cards, green cards, and blue cards; requirements and procedures for stateless Palestinians to acquire Jordanian passports; the distinction between passports with and without a national number; loss of Jordanian passport; entry procedures for Palestinians holding Palestinian Authority (PA) passports; sponsorship by Jordanian citizens of their spouses (2018–October 2022) - Nov. 2022
    • JOR105234.E - Situation and treatment of Christians; state protection and support services available - August 2015
    • ZZZ103109.E - Passports issued to stateless Palestinians; procedures; entitlements; differences between Jordanian passports issued to Jordanian nationals and those issued to stateless Palestinians - July 2009 (PDF)
    • ZZZ102878.E - Whether there have been any recent change to rules or laws related to Jordanian citizenship or status (or protection) for Palestinians; in particular, whether authorities in Jordan are able to automatically revoke the citizenship of Palestinians who carry Palestinian Authority (PA) passports - Aug. 2008 (PDF)
    • ZZZ101173.E - Whether the acquisition of a Palestinian Authority (PA) passport leads to the loss of rights to Jordanian citizenship; whether this acquisition has any other impact on entitlements - May 2006 (PDF)
    • JOR101259.E - Whether a passport can be issued, or renewed, in Amman to a person who is not in the country, has not gone to the passport office, has not signed the passport application in the country, and is living abroad but has asked a friend to obtain this passport - April 2006 (PDF)
    • JOR43099.E - Whether an ethnic Palestinian who has a Jordanian birth certificate, was born in Nablus after 1967 and whose parents also have Jordanian birth certificates and passports is permitted to enter Jordan and enjoy all the rights and privileges available to a citizen of Jordan - Nov. 2004 (PDF)
    • JOR42905.E - Whether a Jordanian citizen of Palestinian descent would automatically lose his or her citizenship if she or he acquired a Palestinian authority passport; whether she or he would need to renounce his/her Jordanian citizenship; whether Jordan allows for dual citizenship - Sep. 2004 (PDF)
    • JOR41491.E - Jordan: Whether a person born in Jerusalem who holds a valid Jordanian passport issued in Amman, Jordan, is a full Jordanian citizen - May 2003 (PDF)

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • Re-admission to Jordan of Palestinians with Temporary Passports - Feb. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Stateless Again:  Palestinian-Origin Jordanians Deprived of their Nationality – Feb. 2010

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US Government Reports Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • “I Just Want Him to Live Like Other Jordanians” Treatment of Non-Citizen Children of Jordanian Mothers – Apr. 2018
    • “We’re Afraid For Their Future” Barriers to Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan – August 2016

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Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR32180 - Sep. 2007
      1. Please advise whether tribal custom would apply equally in all areas of Jordan.
      2. Would state protection be available against any harm inflicted by a tribe in these circumstances?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR104416.E - Tribal law, including whether it allows murder as revenge; whether tribal law overrides the legal justice system, as well as areas it is applied; government protection (1988-May 2013) - May 2013
    • JOR102173.E - Interethnic relations between Palestinians and Jordanian tribes people; state protection available to Palestinians who are physically assaulted by Jordanian tribes people - Jan. 2007

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Al Outoum

Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR32180 - Sep. 2007
      1. Please advise whether there is any evidence that male members of the Al Outoum (or any other tribe) face sanctions if they marry outside tribal custom.
      2. Please provide any information suggesting that this is not the case.

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US Government Reports
  • Congressional Research Service (CRS)
    • Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Issues for Congress – Dec 2021
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR104333.E - Whether a female citizen who wears a veil is required to remove the veil for passport photos - March 2013
    • JOR43377.E - Whether a Jordanian woman needs her husband's permission to leave Jordan; whether a Jordanian husband can prevent the departure of his wife from Jordan; whether children who are included on the Jordanian passport of their mother can use their mother's passport to travel without the mother - March 2005
    • JOR42883.E - Risk to men, who have been accused by relatives of a girl, of engaging in an illicit affair, and threatened with death; protection available to such men; examples of cases in which men have been "honor-killed" - Sep. 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Information on honor killings, in particular reprisals for marrying against families wishes; lack of state protection; difficulty of relocation; attitudes towards singe women with children - July 2011
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Honoring the Killers:  Justice Denied for “Honor” Crimes in Jordan – April 2004

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Human Rights

US Government Reports Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International 
    • Amnesty International Annual Reports
    • The state of the world’s human rights - 2022/2023
    • Death sentences and executions - 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
  • Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa: Review of 2019
  • Freedom House 
  • Human Rights Watch -  2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Domestic Plight:  How Jordanian Law, Officials, Employers, and Recruiters Fail Abused Migrant Domestic Workers – Sept. 2011
    • Slow Reform - Protection of Migrant Domestic Workers in Asia and the Middle East - April 2010
    • Torture and Impunity in Jordan’s Prisons:  Reforms Fail to Tackle Widespread Abuse – Oct. 2008
    • Shutting Out the Critics:  Restrictive Laws Used to Repress Civil Society in Jordan – Dec. 2007

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Justice System

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR42645.E - Consequences of repatriation or removal of Jordanian citizens who have been charged or convicted of drug offences outside Jordan; the interpretation of Articles 9 and 10 of the Jordanian Penal Code and any other legal provisions that may be relevant in these circumstances. - June 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Jordan’s new proposed cybercrimes law will strongly undermine digital rights - July 2023
    • Amnesty International Global Report:  Death Sentences and Executions – 2020
  • Human Rights Watch
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • “We Lost Everything” Debt Imprisonment in Jordan – March 2021
    • Double Jeopardy:  CIA Renditions to Jordan – April 2008
    • Honoring the Killers:  Justice Denied for “Honor” Crimes in Jordan – April 2004
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Is there any information about impunity of people with power who commit crimes - especially murder? - Aug. 2010

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US Government Reports

  • United States Commission on International Religious Freedom
    • Violating Rights – Enforcing the World’s Blasphemy Laws – Dec. 2020
    • Respecting Rights? Measuring the World’s Blasphemy Laws – July 2017

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR38422 - March 2011
      1. How does the Jordanian government accord primacy to Shari'a law? Please refer to the law/s or policies that accord primacy to Shari'a law. Is it a jurisdictional question and/or an application of primacy?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR42784.E - Whether pseudo ephedrine and met amphetamines are considered "drugs" under the Penal Code or other law in Jordan - July 2004
    • JOR42645.E - Consequences of repatriation or removal of Jordanian citizens who have been charged or convicted of drug offences outside Jordan; the interpretation of Articles 9 and 10 of the Jordanian Penal Code and any other legal provisions that may be relevant in these circumstances - June 2004

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR37981 - Jan. 2011
      1. Is there a Baptist Church in Ajloun, North Jordan, and, if not, where is the nearest Baptist Church?
    • JOR36525 - April 2010
      1. Please profile the neighborhood of "Ashrafieh".
    • JOR32180 - Sep. 2007
      1. Please advise where Jarash is. Is it rural or urban?

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Medical Availability

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Living on the Margins: Syrian Refugees in Jordan Struggle to Access Health Care – March 2016

International Government Organization Reports

  • World Health Organization Page

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR35401 - Oct. 2009
      1. Have there been any crackdowns upon Fatah members over the last 15 years?
      2. What kind of relationship exists between Fatah and the Jordanian authorities?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR102175.E - Whether the Muslim Brotherhood (the armed faction of the Islamic Action Front) practises forced recruitment of Palestinians for jihad; if it does, whether these Palestinians are citizens of Jordan, and whether the government has taken any measures to protect those being targeted for such recruitment (2004-2006) - Feb. 2007
    • JOR101125.E - The "Arab National Movement" and treatment of its members by authorities - April 2006
    • JOR43348.E - Current status of Jabhat al-Tahrir al-'Arabiyya (Arab Liberation Front); treatment of current/former members/supporters by the Jordanian authorities - Feb. 2005
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • International Crisis Group
    • Popular Protest in North Africa and The Middle East (IX): Dallying with Reform in a Divided Jordan-2012

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Refugees / IDPs

Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR34052 - Dec. 2008
      1. Has the UAE passed new laws preventing Palestinians and Iraqis, particularly those holding temporary travel documents, from being able to enter the country on work visas?
    • JOR32544 - Oct. 2007
      1. Are you aware of any recent widespread official pressure on people of Syrian background, who have resided in Jordan for many years, to leave Jordan? If so, in your view what is the reason for that pressure?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR42458.E - Jordan's treatment of failed refugee claimants who are returned to Jordan or persons who have exited the country illegally or whose permission to leave has expired; whether there is a distinction made between citizens of Jordan, stateless Palestinians from the Occupied Territories, and stateless Palestinians who reside in Jordan under UNRWA registration; possibility of torture or the existence of a risk to life or a risk of cruel and unusual treatment or punishment upon return - March 2004
  • Danish Immigration Service
    • Palestinian Refugees Access to registration and UNRWA services, documents, and entry to Jordan – June 2020
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • "I Want to Continue to Study" Barriers to Secondary Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan – June 2020
    • “I Have No Idea Why They Sent Us Back” Jordanian Deportation and Expulsions of Syrian Refugees – Oct. 2017
    • “We’re Afraid For Their Future” Barriers to Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan – August 2016
    • Not Welcome - Jordan's Treatment of Palestinians Escaping Syria - Aug. 2014
    • "The Silent Treatment" Fleeing Iraq, Surviving in Jordan - Nov. 2006
    • Flight From Iraq: Attacks on Refugees and Other Foreigners and their Treatment in Jordan - May 2003
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • Developing a measurement and learning framework for durable solutions among refugees living in Jordan - Feb. 2024
  • Refugees International
    • Syrian Refugees: Reliance on Camps Creates Few Good Options - Dec. 2012
    • Syrian Women & Girls: No Safe Refuge - Nov. 2012
    • Syrian Refugees: Anxious Neighbors Stretched Thin - July 2012

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US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR38422 - March 2011
      1. How does the Jordanian government accord primacy to Shari'a law? Please refer to the law/s or policies that accord primacy to Shari'a law. Is it a jurisdictional question and/or an application of primacy?
      2. Do Sharia courts have the authority to prosecute proselytisers? Where is that law found?
      3. Reports in late 2007 and early 2008 included in Country Advice JOR38218, indicate that approximately 30 foreign resident members of evangelical churches were deported, refused renewal of residency permits, or denied re-entry after exiting the country. The government cited as the reasons for these decisions concern for the evangelicals? personal safety, violation of immigration regulations, and unspecified unlawful actions while in the country. Is there any further information that can be obtained about the "unlawful aspects" of their conduct?
    • JOR38218 - Feb. 2011
      1. Are Born Again or Evangelical Christians targeted by extremist groups in Jordan?
      2. Does Jordanian law forbid "preaching" or proselytising to Muslims?
      3. Is state protection denied to Baptist Church members?
      4. Was the Baptist Church in Diwir Nisim, Irbid shut down in late February 2008?
      5. Is preaching or evangelism a core tenet of the Baptist religion?
    • JOR37981 - Jan. 2011
      1. What is the current situation and treatment of Born Again Christians in Jordan?
      2. What are the authorities? attitude towards and the availability of State protection for Born Again Christians in Jordan?
    • JOR36525 - April 2010
      1. What is the current situation and treatment of Christians by Muslims in Jordan?
      2. What is the authorities' attitude towards Jordanian Christians and the availability of state protection?
    • JOR35379 - Sep. 2009
      1. What is the law regarding apostasy in Jordan? How are converts to Christianity treated by the authorities? What role do Shari'a courts play?
      2. Are converts to Christianity in Jordan subject to harm from private actors i.e. family, community, or religious groups?
      3. Is a convert to Christianity likely to be denied state protection?
    • JOR30541 - Sep. 2006
      1. What is the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood towards Christians in Jordan?
      2. What is the attitude of the Muslim Brotherhood towards proselytising Christians in Jordan?
      3. Is there evidence to suggest that members of the Muslim Brotherhood or any other Muslim group persecute practicing Christians in Jordan?
      4. Are the authorities likely to respond to and protect Christians against harm directed towards them by member of the Muslim Brotherhood or any other group?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ105324.E - Passports issued to stateless Palestinians by the government of Jordan, including procedures, entitlements, differences between Jordanian passports issued to Jordanian nationals and those issued to stateless Palestinians; passports issued to Palestinians by the Palestinian Authority, including requirements and procedures, and entitlements - October 2015
    • JOR104151.E - Situation and treatment of Christians; state protection and support services. - Aug. 2012
    • JOR103511.E - Situation and treatment of atheists; whether someone who is born Muslim but does not practice Islam and considers himself or herself to be atheist faces discrimination or ill-treatment by state authorities or society - June 2010
Non-Government Organization Reports

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Sexual Orientation

Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR34990 - June 2009
      1. Is homosexuality illegal in Jordan (both in relation to civil law and sharia law)?
      2. Is there any evidence of discrimination and/or harassment of homosexuals in Jordanian society?
      3. Is there adequate state protection available to homosexuals in Jordan?
    • JOR33101 - June 2008
      1. Please follow-up with DFAT regarding outstanding information about homosexuality in Jordan promised by Australia's Ambassador to Jordan during his visit to the Tribunals.

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • “All This Terror Because of a Photo” Digital Targeting and Its Offline Consequences for LGBT People in the Middle East and North Africa - Feb. 2023

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Specific Country Issues

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR102174.E - The Jordan Armed Forces [Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army], particularly the Royal Jordanian Army, its organizational structure, including the different branches and ranks, their roles and responsibilities; military service and exemptions (2021–November 2023) - Nov. 2023

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Specific Country Issues - Palestinians

Foreign Government Reports
  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • JOR37694 - Nov. 2010
      1. What rights of residence do stateless Palestinians have in Jordan?
      2. Would a Palestinian having a two year Travel Document, which has expired, be likely to still have a right of return to Jordan?
      3. What is the situation of stateless Palestinians without a political profile in Jordan?
      4. Is there any information to suggest that a stateless Palestinian Muslim who converts to Catholicism would face ill-treatment by Islamic groups?
      5. What access to healthcare and/or hospitals do stateless Palestinians have in Jordan?
    • JOR35401 - Oct. 2009
      1. Please provide background on the issue of Jordanian citizenship for persons of West Bank Palestinian descent.
      2. What is the overall situation for Palestinian citizens of Jordan?
    • JOR34052 - Dec. 2008
      1. Please provide detailed information on the status of Palestinians from Gaza in Jordan, their socio-economic circumstances; the discrimination they encounter with respect to employment, access to services and property rights; and the degree of hardship faced by members this group in their day to day lives.
      2. Country information suggests that Palestinians from Gaza are allowed to work in the private sector in Jordan. Please provide a realistic assessment of this proposition in the context of Jordan's official and unofficial employment rates; the level of Palestinians? participation in the private (unskilled) work force; their rate of success in finding employment, and information suggesting that between 30% and 60% of Palestinians live below poverty levels in Jordan.
      3. What is the extent of assistance provided by UNRWA to Palestinians from Gaza living in Jordan?
      4. Are Palestinians from Gaza prevented from obtaining driver's licenses in Jordan?
      5. Are Palestinians from Gaza at risk of temporary detention or other forms of mistreatment by the Jordanian authorities due to circumstances arising out of their status, e.g. lack of access to a national ID number?
      6. Is there information to suggest that the Jordanian Embassy in Australia has refused to renew temporary Jordanian passports held by Palestinians from Gaza?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • JOR102174.E - Treatment of Palestinians by the government and its agents - Feb. 2007
    • JOR102173.E - Interethnic relations between Palestinians and Jordanian tribes people; state protection available to Palestinians who are physically assaulted by Jordanian tribes people - Jan. 2007
    • JOR43285.E - Right of entry into Jordan of stateless Palestinians born in Lebanon based on the fact that they hold Lebanese travel documents issued to stateless Palestinians; whether there is any corroboration for the claim that Jordan denies entry to any Palestinian refugee holding travel documents from any other Arab country - Jan. 2005
    • JOR42905.E - Whether a Jordanian citizen of Palestinian descent would automatically lose his or her citizenship if she or he acquired a Palestinian authority passport; whether she or he would need to renounce his/her Jordanian citizenship; whether Jordan allows for dual citizenship - Sep. 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Palestinians
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Stateless Again: Palestinian-Origin Jordanians Deprived of their Nationality - Feb. 2010

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Jordan’s new proposed cybercrimes law will strongly undermine digital rights - July 2023
  • Freedom House

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US Government Reports

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - North Africa and the Middle East - 2009

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US Government Reports
Updated May 30, 2024