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Republic of Cameroon

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Country Background Note - Internal relocation – Dec. 2020
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • CMR35364 - Sept. 2009
      1. Is there any information relating to document fraud in Cameroon?
      2. Is there any information on whether activists subject to warrants could leave the country without being questioned by authorities?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR104811.E - Information on fraudulent identity documents, including national identity cards - Apr. 2014
    • CMR104813.E - The national identity card, including the agency that issues this card, the conditions and documents required to obtain the card, and a detailed description of the card and its use; whether a Cameroonian citizen living abroad can obtain a national identity card; whether the former paper cards are still valid - Apr. 2014
    • CMR104831.E - Requirements and procedures for obtaining passports in Cameroon and abroad - Mar. 2014
    • CMR102449.FE - The existence of fraudulent national identity cards and the possibility of obtaining one - Feb. 2007
    • CMR43569.FE - Cameroonian passports, specifically the issuing agency, the meaning of the numbers on the page bearing the holder's photo, the measures taken to determine the passport's authenticity, whether applications must be submitted in person, whether the holder's photo is taken at the passport office, and whether the holder signs at the time of application or when the passport is issued - May 2005
    • CMR43567.FE - Information on the existing identity documents, particularly the national identity card, including the agency that issues this card, the conditions and documents required for obtaining the card, and a detailed description of the card and its use; whether a Cameroonian citizen living abroad can obtain a national identity card; whether the former paper cards are still valid - May 2005
    • CMR42424.FE - Whether a traditional marriage performed abroad between a Cameroonian woman and a foreigner vests him with the right to residence and Cameroonian citizenship - Feb. 2004

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • Factsheet: Legal and civil documentation response in Cameroon - May 2024

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US Government Reports
  • US Department of Labor - Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 202220212020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016
  • Congressional Research Service - Child Soldiers Prevention Act: Security Assistance Restrictions -March 2020

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • CMR34380 - Feb. 2009
      1. Please advise whether there is a process of formal adoption in Cameroon? If so, please provide some basic information about it including when it was introduced.
      2. Please provide information about the Nso culture in relation to family life. It is claimed that in Nso culture it is not acceptable to question the paternity of a child when the mother is alive. Is there any available information about this issue?
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Coalition to Stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Are there child protection laws and agencies which adequately protect children's rights in Cameroon? - June 2011
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • Factsheet: Legal and civil documentation response in Cameroon - May 2024
    • Unprecedented school closures jeopardise the future of millions in West and Central Africa - Mar. 2023
    • A more generous embrace - Why addressing the needs of adolescent boys and men is essential to an effective humanitarian response in Cameroon’s North West and South West - September 2022

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None Available

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None Available

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US Government Reports
  • Congressional Research Service (CRS)
    • African Elections in 2020
Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • CMR35364 - Sept. 2009
      1. What information is there that low level SDF or SCNC members are arrested or detained simply because of their membership or in this case, involvement in teaching classes.
    • CMR30526 - Sept. 2006
      1. Is there any evidence that voters in Cameroon are forced to vote for the Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM)? How free and fair are elections there?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR43537.FE - The October 2004 presidential elections, including the process, the monitoring efforts, the election results, the reaction of government organizations and opposition parties, as well as the treatment of opposition party members by government authorities - May 2005
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Election Guide - Recent elections
  • International Crisis Group
    • Cameroon: Divisions Widen Ahead of Presidential Vote - October 2018
    • Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: Dialogue Remains the Only Viable Solution - December 2017

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Ethnic Groups / Race Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR105129.FE - The village chief’s warriors, specifically in the Mbouda region; possible consequences for someone who refuses to take over the duties of his deceased father, who was a member of one of these warrior groups (2012-March 2015) – Mar. 2015
    • CMR100141.FE - Chieftaincy, specifically in the village of Bonabakata in Douala; the process of naming a successor to the traditional chief; the consequences of refusing to become chief; and the availability of state protection, if any - June 2005
    • CMR43215.FE - Chieftaincy of the Bangou in the village of Bangou; how succession occurs, including the rituals; the consequences of a person's refusal to become chief; whether that person would be threatened and whether the state would protect him or her; the process that follows the refusal, in order to choose a new chief - Dec. 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Minority Rights Group International - State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - 2016

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Bamilékés

Ethnic Groups / Race - Bassa

None Available

Ethnic Groups / Race - Nso


Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR201034.E - Cameroon: Situation and treatment of single women and women who head their own households, including their ability to live on their own and access housing, income, education, health care, and support services, particularly in Douala and Yaoundé; impact of COVID-19 (2020–May 2022) - June 2022
    • CMR43510.FE- Update to CMR41594.FE of 29 May 2003 on the situation of women who are victims of rape and the recourses available to them; update to CMR41855.FE of 25 August 2003 on domestic violence, including protection and services offered to victims, police attitudes and laws in this regard, as well as whether victims can file a complaint (2003-April 2005) - Apr. 2005

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Situation of lesbian women, including legislation, treatment by the state, treatment by society, availability of state protection, access to support services - Jan. 2024
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Women who have undergone abortion: legislation, treatment by the state and by society, particularly in Yaoundé - Dec. 202
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Situation of women who have children out of wedlock, including Muslim women, and treatment by non-state actors in the Far North region - Oct. 2023
    • COI Query - Treatment of civilians affiliated with members of the Ambazonian armed groups and situation of women in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon - July 2023
      • 2.  Situation of women and their treatment by the state in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon 
        1. EASO COI Query:  Legal framework (national legislation and international instruments) and implementation - July 2019
  • European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Tradition of 'bride price' in marriage - Sept. 2024
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Treatment by society of people with HIV/AIDS in Cameroon - May 2024
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Women victims of rape: legal framework and treatment by society - Jan. 2024 
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Treatment of women by separatist groups, including information on sexual and gender-based violence, in the Northwest and Southwest (Anglophone) regions - Oct. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • A more generous embrace - Why addressing the needs of adolescent boys and men is essential to an effective humanitarian response in Cameroon’s North West and South West - September 2022

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Human Rights

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Border Agency Country of Origins Information (COI) Report
  • UK Country Background Note – Dec. 2020
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • CMR30526 - Sept. 2006
      1. Is there any evidence that supporters or members of the SDF suffer mistreatment in Cameroon?
      2. Are there any reports of a runner who overstayed in the US in 1996 and was imprisoned on his return to Cameroon?
      3. Do those who criticize the government or expose corruption face mistreatment in Cameroon
  •  Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR201035.FE - Domestic violence, including legislation; support services available to victims, including mental health services; the impact of COVID19; state protection (2020–April 2022) - June 2022 (PDF)

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Tradition of 'bride price' in marriage - Sept. 2024
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Treatment by society of people with HIV/AIDS in Cameroon - May 2024
    • Treatment of individuals perceived as separatists by the state - Mar. 2024
    • Treatment of anti-separatist activists and human rights defenders, including members of the Human Rights Defence Club, by separatist groups in the Northwest and Southwest (Anglophone) regions - Oct. 2023
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Situation of women who have children out of wedlock, including Muslim women, and treatment by non-state actors in the Far North region - Oct. 2023
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Treatment of pro-Anglophone protesters and activists, including students, in Northwest and Southwest regions - Oct. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Amnesty International Reports: The state of the World’s Human Right - Apr. 20242022/20232021/2022
    • Death Sentences and Executions 2020 - Apr. 2021
    • The State of African Regional Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms 2019-2020 - Oct. 2020
    • Death Sentences and Executions 2019 - Apr. 2020
    • A Turn For The Worse: Violence And Human Rights Violations In Anglophone Cameroon – May 2018
    • Cameroon's Secret Torture Chambers: Human Rights Violations and War Crimes in the Fight Against Boko Haram - July 2017
    • Right Casue Wrong Means; Human Rights Violated and Justice Denied in Cameroon's Fight Against Boko Haram - July 2016
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • The world's most neglected displacement crises in 2022 - May 2023 
    • Breaking the glass ceiling: A smarter approach to protection financing – Nov. 2020
  • Freedom House - 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
  • Human Rights Watch Annual World Reports - 202420232022, 2021, 2020, 2019
  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • “How Can You Throw Us Back?” Asylum Seekers Abused in the US and Deported to Harm in Cameroon - Feb. 2022
  • International Crisis Group
    • Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: How to Get to Talks? - May 2019
    • Cameroon’s Anglophone Crisis: Dialogue Remains the Only Viable Solution - December 2017
    • Cameroon’s Far North: Reconstruction amid Ongoing Conflict - October 2017
    • Cameroon: A Worsening Anglophone Crisis Calls for Strong Measures - October 2017
    • Cameroon's Anglophone Crisis at the Crossroads - August 2017
  • International Federation for Human Rights: Steadfast in Protest - Annual Report - 2009
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • Cameroon Annual Report 2023 - Feb. 2024
    • Joint statement on attacks on civilians in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon - Mar. 2020
    • Forced displacement and access to housing, land and property in the Far North of Cameroon – June 2019

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Justice System

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • What information is there on police corruption, specifically politically motivated corruption, within Cameroon? - Mar. 2011

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
    • The Cameroon Renaissance Movement (MRC), including activities and treatment by the authorities, particularly in Douala and Yaoundé - Jan. 2024

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Medical Availability

Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • CMR34380 - Nov. 2008
      1. Please provide any information about an organization called the Help Medical Foundation in Douala, Cameroon.
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR103398.FE - The treatment of people with HIV/AIDS by society and government authorities - Feb. 2010

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Treatment by society of people with HIV/AIDS in Cameroon - May 2024
    • Impact of the conflict on availability and accessibility of healthcare facilities in the Southwest region - Nov. 2023
  • World Health Organization Page

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports
  • RIC Report
    • Information on Ambazonia, Cameroon Democratic Party, Social Democratic Front (SDF), and Anti-Gang [Brigade] - Dec. 2002
Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • CMR35364 - Oct. 2009
      1. Please provide information on the MEC: history, leader, policies, profile, election results
    • CMR42651.FE - President Biya's Youth (PRESBY), including its objectives and activities; whether its members participated in a youth congress allegedly held in November 2003 - May 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • “These Killings Can Be Stopped” Abuses by Government and Separatist Groups in Cameroon’s Anglophone Regions - Jul. 2018
  • International Crisis Group
    • Easing Cameroon’s Ethno-political Tensions, On and Offline - December 2020
    • Divisions Widen Ahead of Presidential Vote - October 2018
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Information required on the Cameroon Democratic Union - Sept. 2010

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Refugees / IDPs

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
    • Country Report on internal displacement in 2021 - December 2021
    • Severity of internal displacement Report - Nov. 2021
    • Africa Report on Internal Displacement - 2019
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • Report on humanitarian and protection situation of refugees, IDPs and returnees (as of July 2024) - Sept 2024
    • Protection is paramount for more than 470,000 refugees in Cameroon - June 2024
    • Factsheet: Legal and civil documentation response in Cameroon - May 2024
    • The world's most neglected displacement crises in 2021 - June 2022

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US Government Reports

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Situation of women who have children out of wedlock, including Muslim women, and treatment by non-state actors in the Far North region - Oct. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • International Crisis Group
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Information on traditional religious practices in where people (men) are forced to become chief; Any problems if they refuse; Any state protection for such problems. - Mar. 2011

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Sexual Orientation

US Government Reports
  • RIC Report
    • Information on Treatment of Homosexuals - Nov. 2002
Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Country Policy and Information Note
    • Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression - Feb. 2020
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • CMR200309.FE - Situation of sexual and gender minorities, including legislation, treatment by authorities and society, state protection and support services - Aug. 2020
    • CMR106270.FE - Situation of sexual minorities, including legislation, treatment by authorities and society, state protection and support services – May 2019

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Situation of LGBTIQ people; legislation and implementation; treatment by the state; treatment by society; availability of state protection; access to support services - Jan. 2024 (PDF)
    • COI Query - Attitudes towards individuals, including LGBTIQ people, with Hepatitis B by the state and by society; access to support services; access to employment and to healthcare - Jan. 2024
    • COI Query - Situation of lesbian women, including legislation, treatment by the state, treatment by society, availability of state protection, access to support services - Jan. 2024
    • COI Query - Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against women, including prevalence, legislation, availability of state protection, access to support services, in particular in Yaoundé - Dec. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Making Love A Crime: Criminalization Of Same-sex Conduct In Sub-Saharan Africa – June 2013
  • Human Rights Watch
    • Guilty by Association: Human Rights Violations in the Enforcement of Cameroon's Anti-Homosexuality Law - Mar. 2013
  • Ireland Refugee Documentation Center
    • Treatment of lesbians by society and the government in Cameroon? Attitudes towards lesbians within the Bamileke ethnic group in particular, in Cameroon? NGOs supporting lesbians in Cameroon? - May 2010

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Specific Country Issues - Armed Conflict 

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA)
    • Treatment of former members of Cameroon’s armed forces, including of the Gendarmerie Nationale, and of their relatives by separatists in Northwest and Southwest (Anglophone) regions - Jan. 2024
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Forced recruitment of adult men by separatist groups, including prevalence, in Northwest and Southwest (Anglophone) regions; consequences for refusing to join separatist groups. - Nov. 2023
    • Security situation in the Far North, Northwest and Southwest regions - Oct. 2023
  • COI Query - Treatment of civilians affiliated with members of the Ambazonian armed groups and situation of women in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon - July 2023
    • 1.  Treatment of civilians affiliated with members of the Ambazonian armed groups, incl. their relatives, by the state.
  • COI Query - Cameroon - Resignation and desertion from the Armed Forces - May 2023
    • 1. Resignation from the Armed Forces (February 2022 – May 2023)
      • 1.1 Legal framework on resignation from the Armed Forces, particularly during a period of internal armed conflict
      • 1.2 Implementation of legal framework
      • 1.3 Treatment by the state of former members of the Armed Forces who voluntarily resigned, particularly during a period of internal armed conflict
    • 2. Desertion from the Armed Forces (January 2019 – May 2023)
      • 2.1 Legal framework on desertion from the Armed Forces, particularly during a period of internal armed conflict
      • 2.2 Implementation of legal framework
      • 2.3 Treatment by the state of deserters from the Armed Forces, particularly during a period of internal armed conflict
    • 3. Information on the conditions in military prisons, especially for deserters 

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Cameroon: With or against us: People of the North-West region of Cameroon caught between the army, armed separatists and militias - July 2023 
    • Anti-Corruption Fight in Peril – Crackdown on Anti-Corruption Human Rights Defenders in West and Central Africa - July 2023
    • Cameroon: With or against us: People of the North-West region of Cameroon caught between the army, armed separatists and militias - July 2023
    • Human Rights Violations In Cameroon’s Anglophone North-West Region - June 2023
  • International Crisis Group
    • A Second Look at Cameroon’s Anglophone Special Status - March 2023 
    • Rebels, Victims, Peacebuilders: Women in Cameroon’s Anglophone Conflict - February 2022

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Specific Country Issues - Female Genital Mutilation


Foreign Government Reports

  • Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo)
    • Female genital mutilation of women in West Africa - Jan. 2009
  • International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): legislation; prevalence; societal attitudes; possibility to refuse FGM and consequences for refusal; availability of state protection; access to support services - Oct. 2023

Speech / Press / Internet

US Government Reports
  • RIC Report
    • Information on the takeover of the Buea radio station in December 1999 by the Southern Cameroon's National Council (SCNC) - Dec. 2000
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • International Crisis Group
    • Easing Cameroon’s Ethno-political Tensions, On and Offline - Dec. 2020

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Foreign Government Reports Media

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US Government Reports

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
    • COI Query - Cameroon - Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) - Mar. 2024
    • Prevalence of Trafficking in Human Beings in Cameroon - Nov. 2021

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US Government Reports

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None Available

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Updated September 12, 2024