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Lebanese Republic

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports 

  • State Department - Country Documents
  • Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
    • Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN201564.E - Lebanon: Passports, including their content, appearance and security features; requirements and procedures for obtaining them in Lebanon and abroad; samples - Aug. 2023
    • LBN105581.E  - Lebanon: Information on national ID cards, individual and family registers, and drivers licenses, including purpose of documents, application and issuance procedures, procedures for correcting errors; whether errors in these documents are common and whether there are issues with fraud – July 2016
    • LBN105329.FE - Requirements and procedure to obtain a passport in Lebanon or from abroad, including the processing time - November 2015
    • LBN104772.E - Lebanon: Requirements and procedures for a Palestinian refugee to obtain a travel document; whether the applicant is screened for criminal charges - February 2014
    • LBN104651.E - Lebanon: Permanent Residence Permit, including associated rights of exit and entry, as well as accessibility to employment and social services; renewal procedures, including outside the country - November 2013
    • LBN104652.E - Lebanon: Citizenship requirements and procedures for an individual who was born in Lebanon to parents with Syrian citizenship, has a permanent residency permit, and whose spouse was granted Lebanese citizenship by Decree - November 2013
    • LBN104470.FE - Lebanon: Lebanese nationality; whether an identification card that has not been renewed since 1968 is still valid - July 2013
    • LBN103454.E - Lebanon: Procedures to register a civil marriage that has taken place outside of Lebanon with Lebanese authorities; whether the procedure is different for Lebanese citizens who marry non-Lebanese citizens; whether there are time restrictions on registering such a marriage – March 2010
    • LBN103337.E - Lebanon: Whether a person from Syria, who was not born in Lebanon, could obtain Lebanese citizenship – December 2009
    • LBN102317.E - Lebanon: Whether religion is identified on birth certificates – February 2007
    • LBN102316.E - Lebanon: Format of the extract of resident's register of identification; whether an individual's religion appears on it – February 2007
    • LBN102315.E - Lebanon: Whether Bedouins born in Lebanon are entitled to Lebanese citizenship and are able to obtain identity documents; information on decree 5247, including whether it enabled naturalization of stateless Bedouins and information on the time before it was in effect; consequences of illegal entry to or exit from Lebanon – February 2007
    • LBN102314.E - Lebanon: Rights associated with the "permis de séjour," including renewability, right to enter, remain in and exit the country, and right to employment and social services; whether there is any difference between the "permis de séjour" and the "carte de séjour permanent" – February 2007
    • LBN101008.FE - Lebanon: Whether a Palestinian refugee from Lebanon who is living abroad can be refused a renewal of his laissez-passer (travel document) after it has expired; the procedures a Palestinian abroad must follow to renew a laissez-passer issued by the Lebanese authorities after it has expired – January 2006
  • Danish Immigration Service
    • Lebanon Access to Lebanon for Syrians Entitled to Courtesy Residence in Lebanon – May 2020

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - Lebanon - Information on readmission requirements and procedures for Palestinians from Lebanon with and without travel documents - Jan. 2024 (PDF)

      • 1. Information on readmission requirements and procedures for Palestinians from Lebanon with and without travel documents 

        • 1.1 Information on readmission requirements and procedures for Palestinians from Lebanon with travel documents

        • 1.2. Information on readmission requirements and procedures for Palestinians from Lebanon without travel documents

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN43284.E - Lebanon: Whether children born in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, of a Jordanian father and a stateless Palestinian mother born in Lebanon have the right to reside in Lebanon; whether Lebanese authorities would deny them permission to remain in Lebanon – January 2005
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • Lebanon:  Education at a Tipping Point - Oct. 2021

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch
    • “I Don’t Want My Child to Be Beaten” Corporal Punishment in Lebanon’s Schools – May 2019
    • Preventing a Lost Generation: Lebanon “Growing Up Without an Education: Barriers to Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon - July 2016

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Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch
    • “I Would Like to Go to School” Barriers to Education for Children with Disabilities in Lebanon – March 2018

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Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Minority Rights Group International - State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - 2016

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Druze

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Minority Rights Group International - Country Profile - Druze

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Maronites

Not Available

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Palestinians

Foreign Government Reports

  • UK Home Office 
    • Country Policy and Information Note Lebanon: Palestinians - Mar. 2024
    • Country Policy and Information Note: Lebanon: Palestinians in Lebanon - June 2018
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN104692.E - Lebanon: Treatment of Palestinians by society and authorities; state protection; treatment of Sunni Palestinians from refugee camps near Beirut by Hezbollah – Dec. 2013

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Sunnis

Not Available

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US Government Reports

  • Congressional Research Service (CRS)
    • Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Issues for Congress – Dec. 2021

Non-Government Organization Report

  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • Trapped - How Male Guardianship Policies Restrict Women’s Travel and Mobility in the Middle East and North Africa - July 2023

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Human Rights

US Government Reports

Non-Government Organization Report

  • Amnesty International
    • Amnesty International Annual Reports:
    • Lebanon: “We Are Not Safe Here” Government Fails People Living In Buildings At Risk Of Collapse In Tripoli - Feb. 2024
  • Freedom House
  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • Trapped - How Male Guardianship Policies Restrict Women’s Travel and Mobility in the Middle East and North Africa - July 2023
    • “Cut Off From Life Itself” Lebanon’s Failure on the Right to Electricity - Mar. 2023

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Justice System

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBN31663May 2007
      1. Is it likely that a person would not be able to seek assistance from the Lebanese police in the event they were threatened for reasons of his membership or imputed membership of the Ba’ath Party?

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Amnesty International Global Report:  Death Sentences and Executions – 2020

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US Government Reports

  • Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
    • Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014

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Medical Availability

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

Non-Government Organization Report

  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
    • Annual fact sheet on the health situation (covering 2023) - Feb. 2024

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • International Crisis Group
    • Limiting the Damage of Lebanon’s Looming Presidential Vacuum - Oct. 2022

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • The Danish Immigration Service
    • Country of Origin Report (COI)
      • Lebanon: The Situation of Palestinian Refugees from Syria – Feb. 2016

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
    • COI Query
      • Lebanon: Forced recruitment of young Palestinians by Fatah – Feb. 2020

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • ‘I Wished I Would Die’ Syrian Refugees Arbitrarily Detained On Terrorism-Related Charges And Tortured In Lebanon – March 2021
    • "I want a safe place" Refugee women from Syria uprooted and unprotected in Lebanon - Feb. 2016
    • Agonizing Choices: Syrian refugees in need of health care in Lebanon – May 2014
  • Human Rights Watch -  2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • “Our Homes Are Not for Strangers” Mass Evictions of Syrian Refugees by Lebanese Municipalities – Apr. 2018
    • Rot Here or Die There:  Bleak Choices for Iraqi Refugees in Lebanon – Dec. 2007
    • "I Just Wanted to be Treated like a Person" - How Lebanon's Residency Rules Facilitate Abuste of Syrian Refugees - Feb. 2016
  • International Crisis Group
    • Easing Syrian Refugees’ Plight in Lebanon – Feb. 2020
  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
    • A Decade of Displacement in the Middle East and North Africa – Feb. 2021

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBN35208August 2009
      1. Please provide information about Allawis.
      2. Please provide information about violence between Allawis and Sunni Muslims in Lebanon, especially Tripoli.
      3. Was there a flare up in May 2008?
      4. Were there any serious problems from 2005 – April 2008?
      5. Please provide information about Hizb Al Arabi Al Democrati. Is it only open to Allawis?
    • LBN35057June 2009
      1. Please provide an update on 2008 material regarding any further reports of harm to Jehovah’s Witnesses, particularly in Halba El Zwarib and Akkar.
      2. Is there any independent evidence which supports the assertion of rising Sunni extremist activity in Halba El Zwarib and Akkar?
    • LBN32071August 2007
      1. Please provide information on the treatment of Alawites in Lebanon by the authorities or others since the recent Syrian withdrawal.
    • LBN31663May 2007
      1. Please provide information on the Allawi Muslim sect in Lebanon.
      1. Is it likely that a person would not be able to seek assistance from the Lebanese police in the event they were threatened for reasons of his membership or imputed membership of the Ba’ath Party?
    • LBN31032December 2006
      1. I would like information about Hezbollah targeting Sunni simply because they are Sunnis.
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN201147.E - Situation of Christians and treatment by society, authorities, Hezbollah [Hizballah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah, the Party of God], and other armed groups; state protection - August 2022
    • LBN104650.E - Lebanon: Situation of Jehovah's Witnesses, including treatment by society and authorities; state protection available in cases of discrimination or mistreatment - November 2013
    • LBN43573.FE - Lebanon: Treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses by the authorities and society in general, and protection offered – November 2005

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Sexual Orientation

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN104726.FE - Lebanon: Situation of sexual minorities in Beirut, including treatment by society and the authorities, legislation, support services and organizations that provide assistance – Jan. 2014

Non-Government Reports

  • Human Rights Watch
    • “All This Terror Because of a Photo” Digital Targeting and Its Offline Consequences for LGBT People in the Middle East and North Africa - Feb. 2023

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Specific Country Issues - Armed Conflict

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBN39446November 2011
      1. Please provide information on whether militia groups are "more powerful and armed" than Lebanese security forces, and on the ability for Lebanese authorities to provide protection from harm by militia groups.
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN104844.E - Lebanon: Asbat al-Ansar, including leaders, areas of influence, recruitment, and activities; relationship of the group with the government - April 2014

Non-Government Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Flooding South Lebanon:  Israel’s Use of Cluster Munitions in Lebanon in July and August 2006 – Feb. 2008

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Specific Country Issues - Foreign Military Groups/Parties

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LBN37754December 2010
      1. Are any particular groups at risk of harm from pro-Syrian groups currently active in Lebanon, particularly in northern Lebanon?
    • LBN31663May 2007
      1. Please provide information on the organization, size and role of the Syrian Ba’ath Party in Lebanon, and in Tripoli.
      2. Are there any reports of recent attacks on members of the Ba’ath party by persons or groups in the Lebanese community?
      3. Is there any information on whether there is any conflict between any known Sunni groups and members of the Ba’ath party.
      1. Where is the Akkar region in Lebanon and is it an area which is under the protection of Syrian security authorities or influence? How far is Khoura Dahr El Ein from the Akkar region?
    • LBN36736 June 2010
      1. Please provide brief information about Fatah.
      2. Please provide updated information about the activities of Fatah-al-Islam in the Nahr El Bared area and over Lebanon in general.
      3. Is there any area in Lebanon where Fatah-al-Islam does not operate?
      4. How effective are the authorities in dealing with Fatah-al-Islam?

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Specific Country Issues - Hezbollah

US Government Reports

  • Congressional Research Service Report - Lebanon - Hezbollah - Feb. 2021

Foreign Government Reports

  • Australian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    •  LBN31032 - December 2006
      1. I would like information about Hezbollah targeting Sunni simply because they are Sunnis.
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LBN201147.E - Situation of Christians and treatment by society, authorities, Hezbollah [Hizballah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah, the Party of God], and other armed groups; state protection - August 2022
    • LBN105332.E - Recruitment practices of Hezbollah, including forced recruitment, such as Shi'ite youth; consequences for those that refuse to join; availability of state protection; regions controlled by Hezbollah, including ability to locate a person wanted by the group who returns to Lebanon; presence of Hezbollah spies or informers in areas outside the organization's control; whether Lebanese Shi'ite students returning from international study are considered spies upon returning to the country - October 2015

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Specific Country Issues - Military Service

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs) 
    • LBN105387.E - Lebanon: Military service obligations in South Lebanon for a young Shiite in 1999 and 2000; whether military service would have been required in the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) or the South Lebanon Army (SLA) during these years – Dec. 2015 

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Specific Country Issues - Salafism

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organization Reports

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US Government Reports

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - North Africa and the Middle East - 2009

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US Government Reports

Updated May 30, 2024