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Comments to Federal Agencies

This page provides information on:

Related pages:

Copyright Office

ATR-FTC Joint Comment on Exemptions to Permit Circumvention of Access Controls on Copyrighted Works (March 21, 2024)

Department of Commerce - Patent and Trademark Office

Comment on Initiatives to Ensure the Robustness and Reliability of Patent Rights (February 28, 2023)

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (January 31, 2023)

Request for Comments on Enhancing Patent Quality (May 6, 2015)

Notice of Roundtable on Proposed Requirements for Recordation of Real-Party-in-Interest Information Throughout Application Pendency and Patent Term (February 1, 2013)

Department of Commerce - National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Comment on Privacy Equity and Civil Rights (March 6, 2023)

Department of Defense

Comments on Reverse Auction Guidance, FAR Case 2015-038 (February 4, 2021)

Department of Treasury

Comment to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau on Consideration of Updates to Trade Practice Regulations (July 7, 2023)

Federal Communications Commission

Ex Parte Submission of the U.S. Department of Justice in the matter of Incarcerated People’s Communications Services, Implementation of the Martha Wright-Reed Act; and Rates for Interstate Inmate Calling Services (April 29, 2024)

Ex Parte Submission of the United States Department of Justice in the Matter of Policies Regarding Mobile Spectrum Holdings (June 24, 2015)

Ex Parte Submission of the United States Department of Justice in the Matter of Policies Regarding Mobile Spectrum Holdings (May 14, 2014)

Ex Parte Submission of the United States Department of Justice: In the Matter of 2010 Quadrennial Regulatory Review - Review of the Commission's Broadcast Ownership Rules and Other Rules Adopted Pursuant to Section 202 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996; Promoting Diversification of Ownership In the Broadcasting Services; and Rules and Policies Concerning Attribution of Joint Sales Agreements In Local Television Markets (February 20, 2014)

Ex Parte Submission of the United States Department of Justice: In the Matter of Policies Regarding Mobile Spectrum Holdings (April 11, 2013)

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Comment of the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division and the Federal Trade Commission on Federal Power Act Section 203 Blanket Authorizations for Investment Companies (April 25, 2024)

Comment of United States Department of Justice Antitrust Division (August 22, 2023)

Comment of United States Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission (August 17, 2022)

Comments on Modifications to Commission Requirements for Review of Transactions Under Section 203 of the Federal Power Act and Market-Based Rate Applications Under Section 205 of the Federal Power Act (November 28, 2016)

Enhanced Natural Gas Market Transparency (February 1, 2013)

Federal Maritime Commission

Brief as Amicus Curiae in Intermodal Motor Carriers Conference, American Trucking Associations, Inc. v. Ocean Carrier Equipment Management Association, Inc., et al. (June 20, 2024)

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (October 21, 2022)

Comments of the U.S. Department of Justice on the Puerto Nuevo Terminals, LLC, Cooperative Working Agreement, Amended FMC Agreement No. 201292-001 (March 17, 2020)

Comments of the U.S. Department of Justice on the OCEAN Alliance Agreement, FMC Agreement No. 012439 (November 22, 2016)

Comments of the U.S. Department of Justice on the OCEAN Alliance Agreement, FMC Agreement No. 012426 (September 19, 2016)

Federal Reserve System

Comments on Proposed Rule on Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing, Docket No. R-1748 (August 11, 2021)

Federal Trade Commission

Comment on Trade Regulation Rule on Unfair or Deceptive Fees (February 7, 2024)

Comment on the Non-Compete Clause Rule (April 19, 2023)

General Services Administration

Comments on Reverse Auction Guidance, FAR Case 2015-038 (February 4, 2021)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Comments on Reverse Auction Guidance, FAR Case 2015-038 (February 4, 2021)

National Labor Relations Board

Brief as Amicus Curiae on the NLRB's employee standard in The Atlanta Opera, Inc., et al. (February 10, 2022)

Office of the United States Trade Representative

Comment of the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice before the Office of the United States Trade Representative (April 22, 2024)

Securities and Exchange Commission

Comment on Proposed Rules on Disclosure of Order Execution Information; Regulation NMS: Minimum Pricing Increments, Access Fees, and Transparency of Better Priced Orders; Order Competition Rule; and Regulation Best Execution (April 11, 2023)

Comments on Market Data Infrastructure (May 26, 2020)

Comments on Amendments to Exemptions from the Proxy Rules for Proxy Voting Advice (February 5, 2020)

Surface Transportation Board

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (January 24, 2023)

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (February 28, 2022)

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (August 26, 2021)

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (May 14, 2021)

Comment of The United States Department of Justice (April 12, 2021)

Reply of The United States Department of Justice (April 8, 2016)

Updated July 8, 2024