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Chapter 5 - Discovery

5.2 - Written Interrogatories

(a) Generally

An interrogatory is a written question or set of questions submitted to another party in a proceeding. In OCAHO proceedings, any party may serve upon any other party written interrogatories to be answered in writing by the party served. If the party served is a public or private corporation, partnership, association, or government agency, the interrogatories may be answered by any authorized officer or agent. The person answering the interrogatories must furnish such information as is available to the party.

(b) Service of Interrogatories

A copy of the interrogatories must be served on all parties to the proceeding.

(c) Answers and Objections

Each interrogatory must be answered separately and fully in writing under oath or affirmation, unless it is objected to. If the answering party objects to any interrogatory, the party must state the reasons for the objection in lieu of an answer. The answers and objections must be signed by the person making them.  A person or entity upon whom interrogatories are served may respond by submitting business records, if they are sufficient to answer the interrogatories. The answering party must indicate to which interrogatory the documents respond.

(d) Service of Answers and Objections

The party upon whom the interrogatories were served must serve a copy of the answers or objections on all parties to the proceeding within 30 days after service of the interrogatories. The ALJ may extend or shorten the deadline for service of answers and objections.