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Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA200299.E - Sri Lanka: Identity documents, including biometric passports, National Identity Cards (NICs), birth certificates, and driver's licenses; requirements and procedures to obtain such documents; appearance and security features (2016-July 2020) – Aug. 2020
    • LKA106007.E - Sri Lanka: entry and exit procedures at international airports, including security screening and documents required for citizens to enter and leave the country; treatment of returnees upon arrival at international airports, including failed asylum seekers and people who exited the country illegally; factors affecting the treatment, including ethnicity and religion (2015-November 2017) - Nov. 2017
    • LKA105848.E - Sri Lanka: Fraudulent documents, including national identity cards, registers of birth and birth certificates; difference between registers of birth and birth certificates (2015-July 2017) - July 2017
    • LKA105842.E - Sri Lanka: Information on the ability of notaries public, lawyers or commissioners of oaths to notarize a document in which the deponent is stating that they aided an individual, who was wanted by the authorities, in fleeing the country; whether the notary, lawyer or commissioner of oaths has any legal obligations when issuing such an affidavit, including notifying the authorities (2016-July 2017) - July 2017
    • LKA105435.E - Sri Lanka: Statements by village headmen confirming that a person lives in a certain area; whether these are used as official documents; appearance and contents of these documents (2014-February 2016) - March 2016
    • LKA100503.E - Procedures used to verify Sri Lankan identity documents; the incidence of spelling errors on stamps used by Sri Lankan officials (1998 - 1999) - Dec. 2005
    • LKA42576.E - Content of the National Identity Card of Sri Lanka; format of the date of issue and date of birth (1995-2004) - Apr. 2004

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US Government Reports
  • Department of Labor - Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 202220212020

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Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Minority Rights Group International
    • South Asia State of Minorities Report 2020:  Minorities and Shrinking Civil Space – Nov. 2020
    • State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - 2016
  • World Directory of Minorities - Overview

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Tamil


Foreign Government Reports

  • UK Country Policy and Information Note - Report of a Home Office fact-finding mission to Sri Lanka -  Jan 2020
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA37219 - Aug. 2010
      1. What is the current situation for young single female Tamils in Colombo?
    • LKA36049 - Feb. 2010
      1. Can you provide an update on the current security situation for Tamils living in Colombo, particularly since the cessation of the war with the LTTE?
      2. Is there any recent country information about the risk to Colombo based Tamils from LTTE operatives, or of them being kidnapped or taken for money or ransom?
    • LKA35247 - July 2009
      1. Please provide information about the current situation for Tamils in Negombo?
    • LKA34842 - June 2009
      1. Please advise what the situation for Ceylon Tamils is like in Kandy?
    • LKA34697 - Apr. 2009
      1. Is there any information about the treatment by the authorities (and the LTTE) of returned asylum seekers to Sri Lanka in general and returned Tamil ayslum seekers in particular who had spent a considerable period in a western country?
      2. A (brief) update of the conflict in Sri Lanka and any information about the greatest risk of persecution Tamils face at the moment (by the authorities or any other actors (such as the LTTE).
      3. Any information about the level of state protection afforded single Tamil women in Sri Lanka, if available.
    • LKA34693 - Apr.2009
      1. Travel restrictions have reportedly been in place for Tamil citizens from northern and eastern provinces, especially to Colombo. What were they, when were these introduced, have they been enforced and would they have affected a Tamil travelling from Vavuniya to Colombo during 2008?
      1. Are Tamils likely to be routinely detained for questioning by authorities on suspicion of LTTE involvement? Are there reports of physical abuse or torture of suspects?
      1. Would a young Tamil man who has been living outside the country since August 2008 be able to travel to Sri Lanka and return safely to Vavinuya
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA105756.E - Sri Lanka: Treatment of Tamils in society and by authorities; the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), including relationship with the Tamil population (2014-February 2017) - March 2017
    • LKA105042.E - Sri Lanka: Surveillance, arrest and detention of Tamil citizens; recourse available to Tamil citizens (August 2011-January 2015) - Feb 2015
    • LKA100504.E - The situation of the elderly, including elderly Tamils and those who have been displaced; the social services available to the elderly (2002 - 2005) - Dec. 2005
    • LKA43213.E - Social services and support available in Colombo to displaced elderly Tamils and abused women (January 2003 - December 2004) - Dec. 2004

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Veddhas

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Veddhas

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Foreign Government Report
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA37219 - Aug. 16, 2010
      1. What is the current situation for young single female Tamils in Colombo?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA103947.E - Sexual and domestic violence, including legislation, state protection, and services available for victims - Jan. 2012
    • LKA43212.E - The government response to violence against women, particularly in Colombo (January 2003 - December 2004) - Dec. 2004  

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Sri Lanka: Gender-based violence (GBV) against Tamils by state authorities - Feb. 2023

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Human Rights

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA200596.E - Sri Lanka: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including on detention conditions, access to justice and socio-economic conditions in major cities (2019–May 2021) – May 2021
    • LKA103784.E - Recourse available to Jaffna Tamils who have been victims of human rights violations, including places where complaints can be lodged (2010-June 2011) - Aug. 2011
    • LKA103343.E - Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL); Commissioner appointments, powers of enforcement and protection for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) - Jan. 2010
    • LKA43303.E - Update to LKA43290.E of 7 January 2005 on the impact of the 26 December 2004 tsunami on human rights conditions in Sri Lanka (7-13 January 2005) - Jan. 2005
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International Profiles
    • “We Are Near Total Breakdown”: Protecting the Rights to Health, Food and Social Security in Sri Lanka’s Economic Crisis - Oct. 2022
    • Penalized for Protesting: Sri Lanka’s Crackdown on Protesters - Sept. 2022
    • "Only Justice Can Heal Our Wounds" - Listening to the Demands of Families of the Disappeared in Sri Lanka - May 2017
  • Freedom House - Freedom in the World - 2022
  • Human Rights Watch -  2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • Human Rights Watch Profile
    • “If We Raise Our Voice They Arrest Us” Sri Lanka’s Proposed Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Sept. 2023
    • Open Wounds and Mounting Dangers: Blocking Accountability for Grave Abuses in Sri Lanka- Feb. 2021
    • “Why Can’t We Go Home?” Military Occupation of Land in Sri Lanka -  Oct. 2018
    • Exported and Exposed – Abuses Against Sri Lankan Domestic Workers in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, and the United Arab Emirates - Nov. 2007
    • Return to War – Human Rights Under Siege - Aug. 2007
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Sri Lanka: COI Compilation - Human Rights Issues - Dec. 2016

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Justice System

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA200594.E - Sri Lanka: Police reports, including records of arrest or detention, extracts of complaints, and police clearance certificates; procedures for an individual to obtain a copy of a police report; prevalence of fraudulent police reports (2019–April 2021) – April 2021
    • LKA105436.E - Police reports, including records of arrest or detention, extracts of complaints, and police clearance certificates; procedures for an individual to obtain a copy of police reports; prevalence of fraudulent police reports - March 2016
    • LKA103344.E - Security controls at the international airport and ports - Jan. 2010
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Human Rights Watch Profile
    • Locked Up Without Evidence: Abuses under Sri Lanka’s Prevention of Terrorism Act - Jan 2018
    • "We Live in Constant Fear" - Lack of Accountability for Police Abuse in Sri Lanka - Oct 2015
  • Amnesty International:  Death Sentences and Executions - 2020
  • Amnesty International Report 
    • HRC53 Oral Statement: Item 6: Consideration of UPR reports - July 2023
    • Locked Away: Sri Lanka's Security Detainees - 2012

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Medical Availability

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Border Agency Country of Origin Information (COI) Report
    • Medical Treatment and Healthcare - July 2020
International Government Organization Reports
  • World Health Organization Page

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA37855 - Jan.10, 2011
      1. Is there any information available confirming Mr Laktilleke's role within the UNP?
    • LKA35652 - Nov. 11, 2009
      1. What do we know about the PA using a strategy of instigating/encouraging/protecting illegal occupation of the land of UNP supporters, particularly in the region around Seeduwa?
      2. If so, for how long have such strategies been utilised?
      3. Deleted.
      4. What information is available regarding action being taken by the PA against UNP supporters and organisers in the Seeduwa region?
      5. What information is available regarding the effectiveness and impartiality of the police force in dealing with complaints such as these, and the availability of state protection generally, particularly in the Seeduwa region?
      6. What information is available regarding the particular party in power in Seeduwa and the names and details of the key political figures in this area, including the results of the most recent election in this area.
      7. What is the extent (if any) to which recent elections in the Seeduwa region were marred by inter-party violence between the UNP and PA?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA201521.E - Political situation, including the resignation of President Rajapaksa and the change in government; situation of political opponents and treatment of protesters, human rights defenders, and civil society activists by the authorities (July 2022–July 2023) - July 2023

Non-Government Reports

  • International Crisis Group 
    • Sri Lanka: Stepping Back from a Constitutional Crisis - Oct. 2018

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Refugees / IDPs

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ103357.E - Status of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in India, including information on identity documents, citizenship, movement, employment, property, education, government aid, camp conditions and repatriation (2008-January 2010) - Feb. 2010

International Government Organization Reports

  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) - UNHCR Eligibility Guidelines for Assessing the International Protection Needs of Asylum-Seekers from Sri Lanka - December 2012

Non-Government Reports

  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
    • Severity of internal displacement Report - Nov. 2021

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US Government Reports

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Sri Lanka: From burning houses to burning bodies: Anti-Muslim violence, discrimination and harassment in Sri Lanka - Oct. 2021
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA35710 - Nov. 2009
      1. Are there any reports of Muslim politicians facing ill-treatment by the government, or any other actor, for speaking out against the government/opposing the government?
      2. Is it common for Muslims in Sri Lanka to speak Tamil?
      3. Is there any information about Tamil-speaking Muslims being under suspicion by the government?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA200593.E - Sri Lanka: Situation and treatment of Muslims by society and the authorities; state protection (2019–April 2021) – May 2021
    • LKA43395.E - Treatment of Ahmadis by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), other Muslims, and society; the protection available to Ahmadis by the state (January 2003 - February 2005) - Feb. 2005

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Sexual Orientation

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Country Information and Guidance - Sri Lanka: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - Nov. 2021 

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Specific Country Issues - Armed Conflict

Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA35133 - June 2009
      1. What is the current security situation in Trincomalee?

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Specific Country Issues - Child Soldiers

Specific Country Issues - Tamil Militant Groups - Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office - Country Information and Guidance 
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA35265 - Aug. 2009
      1. Do paramilitary groups/pro-government militias (such as those previously headed by Karuna and/or Pilliyan) still operate in Trincomalee? Are they still a threat to Tamils who are suspected of having LTTE links?
      2. Is there any evidence of a town called Kiliveddy Muthur Trincomalee? Prior to the Sri Lankan government claiming victory over the LTTE, was Kiliveddy controlled by the LTTE or the government?
    • LKA35100 - July 2009
      1. Please provide information regarding the activities of the LTTE in Batticaloa around January 2009.
      2. Please provide information on house sales in Batticaloa at this time compared to other times. (Would it be difficult to sell at this time?)
      3. Is there any information regarding the LTTE coercing funds from house sales?
      4. Is there any information suggesting that vendors prefer cash sales for homes?
      5. Please provide information about the Karuna faction in Colombo, and their connections to the Sri Lankan security forces. Is there much activity by Karuna group re suspected LTTE affiliations?
    • LKA34693 - Apr. 2009
      1. International news media have reported intense fighting between LTTE and the Sri Lankan Army over recent months. Civilian population has apparently been badly affected in areas of fighting. Please provide a summary of the key developments.
      2. Please provide information about the Peoples Liberation Organisation of Tamil Ealam (PLOTE). What activities are they involved in?
      3. Are Tamils likely to be routinely detained for questioning by authorities on suspicion of LTTE involvement? Are there reports of physical abuse or torture of suspects?
      4. What is known about financial support for the LTTE by Tamil diaspora?
    • LKA34481 - Mar. 2009
      1. Please provide an overview/timeline of relevant events in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka from 1986 to 2004, with particular reference to the Sri Lankan Army (SLA)-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) conflict.
      2. What is the current situation and risk of arrest for male Tamils in Batticaloa and Colombo? - Feb. 2013 

Non-Government Reports

  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Sri Lanka: Situation of Tamils who participated in past protests - Feb. 2023
    • Sri Lanka: Gender-based violence (GBV) against Tamils by state authorities - Feb. 2023
    • Sri Lanka: Situation of Tamils with links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE); situation of family members of former LTTE members - Feb. 2023

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Specific Country Issues - Peoples Liberation Organisation of Tamil Ealam (PLOTE)

Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA34693 - Apr. 2009
      1. Please provide information about the Peoples Liberation Organisation of Tamil Ealam (PLOTE). What activities are they involved in?

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Specific Country Issues - Colombo

Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    • LKA35100 - July 2009
      1. Please provide information about the Karuna faction in Colombo, and their connections to the Sri Lankan security forces. Is there much activity by Karuna group re suspected LTTE affiliations?
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA200302.E - Sri Lanka: Registration requirements in Colombo for Tamil and Sinhalese citizens who migrate from Jaffna or other regions of the country (2017-July 2020) – Aug. 2020

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Specific Country Issues - Trincomalee

Not Available

Specific Country Issues - Batticaloa

Not Available

Specific Country Issues - Treatment of Returnees

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Country Policy and Information Note - Report of a Home Office fact-finding mission to Sri Lanka  - Treatment of Tamils July 2016
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • LKA200592.E  - Sri Lanka: Political situation and Rajapaksa regime, including trends in political culture; situation and treatment of returnees, including failed asylum seekers (August 2019–April 2021) – April 2021

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amensty International
    • HRC53 Oral Statement: Item 6: Consideration of UPR reports - July 2023
  • Freedom House

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US Government Reports

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US Government Reports

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Not Available
Updated June 27, 2024