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Republic of Rwanda

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports 

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA201664.E - Birth and death documents; content, appearance, and security features; requirements and procedures for obtaining them within the country and abroad; samples (2021–October 2023) - Oct. 2023
    • ZZZ200728.FE - Access to Rwandan nationality and dual citizenship with Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Uganda (2019–September 2021) - Sept. 2021
    • ZZZ105753.E - Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda: Ability to travel from Burundi to neighbouring countries, including obstacles and resettlement - Mar. 2017
    • RWA104466.FE - Information on the official death certificate (acte de décès) and the doctor's death certificate (certificat de décès) for a Rwandan citizen, including the procedure for obtaining death documents – June 2013
    • RWA103584.E - Procedures for obtaining the National Identity Card, including a physical description of the card; information on when recent versions of the national identity card were made available and where individuals can obtain such cards; whether previous versions of the card are still valid – Sept. 2012
    • ZZZ104039.E - Democratic Republic of the Congo/Burundi/Rwanda: Travel between these countries, including whether a passport is required to travel between them, and other documents used for travel - Mar. 2012
    • RWA103551.FE - The existence and number of false documents in circulation that concern the 1994 genocide; description of the documents issued by the gacaca courts, including notices to appear, genocide survivor certificates (certificats de survivant du génocide) and death certificates – Sept. 2010

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US Government Reports

  • US Department of Labor - Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 202220212020
  • Congressional Research Reports
    • Child Soldiers Prevention Act: Security Assistance Restrictions - Oct. 2023

Non-Government Report

  • Human Right Watch Reports
    • “As Long as We Live on the Streets, They Will Beat Us” - Rwanda’s Abusive Detention of Children – Jan. 2020

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Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA42393.FE - The level of corruption of public institutions; the involvement of army personnel, police officers and government officials in extortion practices – Feb. 2004

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None Available

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Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Setting the Scene for Elections: Two Decades of Silencing Dissent in Rwanda - July 2017
  • International Crisis Group
    • "Consensual Democracy" in Post-Genocide Rwanda: Evaluating the March 2001 District Elections – Oct. 2001

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA104375.FE - Treatment by authorities of people of mixed nationalities, particularly if the father is Congolese and the mother is Rwandan; society's attitude towards people of mixed origins – Apr. 2013

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Hutu

US Government Reports

  • RIC Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Tutsis

US Government Reports

  • United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
    • Apostasy, Blasphemy, and Hate Speech - Intersection of Blasphemy and Hate Speech in Africa - Dec. 2019

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA200731.E - Relations between Hutus and Tutsis - Aug. 2021
    • RWA42872.E - Situation of Tutsi survivors (who remained in Rwanda during the genocide) and whether there is any tension between them and other Tutsis who have returned from the Diaspora – Aug. 2004

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Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA104588.E - Domestic violence, including legislation, state protection, services and legal recourse available to victims - Oct. 2013

Non-Government Organization reports

  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • Struggling to Survive: Barriers to Justice for Rape Victims in Rwanda – Oct. 2004

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Human Rights

US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA200729.E - Treatment of people who have opposed the Rwandan government in the past, including their family members (2000–July 2021) - Aug. 2021
  • United Kingdom Home Office
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Asylum system - May 2024
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Human rights - Apr. 2024
    • Country Policy and Information Note - Review of asylum processing Rwanda: assessment - May 2022

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International - 2021/20222020
  • Amnesty International Profiles
    • The State of African Regional Human Rights Bodies and Mechanisms 2019-2020 - Oct. 2020
  • Freedom House 
  • Freedom House - Transnational Repression Report - 2021
  • Human Rights Watch Annual Report –
  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • “Join Us or Die” Rwanda’s Extraterritorial Repression - Oct. 2023 
    • Uprooting The Rural Poor In Rwanda - May 2001

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Justice System

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA104588.E - Domestic violence, including legislation, state protection, services and legal recourse available to victims - Oct. 2013
  • United Kingdom Home Office
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Annex 1 (Government of Rwanda evidence) - Apr. 2024
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Annex 2 (UNHCR evidence) - April 2024
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Annex 3 (other material) - April 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Gacaca Courts

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA103551.FE - The existence and number of false documents in circulation that concern the 1994 genocide; description of the documents issued by the gacaca courts, including notices to appear, genocide survivor certificates (certificats de survivant du génocide) and death certificates – Sept. 2010

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • Justice Compromised: The Legacy of Rwanda's Community-Based Gacaca Courts – May 2011

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Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA104588.E - Domestic violence, including legislation, state protection, services and legal recourse available to victims - Oct. 2013

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Safer to Stay Silent - The chilling effect of Rwanda's laws on 'genocide ideology' and 'sectarianism' – Aug. 2010
  • Human Rights Watch
    • “Join Us or Die” Rwanda’s Extraterritorial Repression - Oct. 2023

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Medical Availability

Foreign Government Reports

  • United Kingdom Home Office
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Medical and healthcare - Apr. 2024

International Government Organization Reports

  • World Health Organization Page - Rwanda

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA106290.E - The Amahoro People's Congress, including its history, structure, leadership, objectives and activities; documents provided to members; treatment of members and supporters by authorities - May 2019
    • RWA106286.FE - Treatment by authorities of President Kagamé’s opponents who supported Diane Rwigara during the August 2017 electoral period - May 2019
    • RWA106046.E - The United Democratic Forces-Inkingi (UDF-Inkingi) [Forces démocratiques unifiées, FDU-Inkingi], including structure, leadership, objectives, and activities; requirements and procedures to become a member of the party, including membership cards; treatment of party members by authorities - Feb. 2018

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Justice in jeopardy - The first instance trial of Victoire Ingabire – Mar. 2013

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Foreign Government Reports

  • United Kingdom Home Office
    • Country Information Note Rwanda: Annex 3 (other material) - April 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
    • Africa Report on Internal Displacement - 2019
  • United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
    • Fact sheet on the breakdown of refugees, aslyum-seekers and IDPs in Southern Africa (as of April 2023) - July 2023

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US Government Reports



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Sexual Orientation

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA201663.E - Rwanda: Gender-based violence (GBV), including domestic violence; state protection and support services available (2021–October 2023) - Oct. 2023
    • RWA200730.E - Situation of persons of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity and expression (SOGIE), including their treatment by society and state authorities; state protection and support services (2019–August 2021) - Aug. 2021
    • RWA106190.E - Situation of sexual minorities, including legislation; treatment by society and authorities; state protection and support services available - Nov. 2018

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Specific Country Issues - Child Soldiers

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • Swept Away: Street Children Illegally Detained in Kigali, Rwanda – May 2006

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Specific Country Issues - Civil War

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • International Crisis Group
    • Rwanda Hutu Rebels in the Congo: A New Approach to Disarmament and Reintegration - May 2003

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Specific Country Issues - Genocide

US Government Reports

  • United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
    • Apostasy, Blasphemy, and Hate Speech - Intersection of Blaspemy and Hate Speech in Africa - Dec. 2019

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RWA103551.FE - The existence and number of false documents in circulation that concern the 1994 genocide; description of the documents issued by the gacaca courts, including notices to appear, genocide survivor certificates (certificats de survivant du génocide) and death certificates – Sept. 2010

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Specific Country Issues - Rwanda's Independence from Uganda

None Available



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Specific Country Issue - Treatment of Returnees



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Specific Country Issues - War Crimes

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Profiles
    • Genocide, War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity: A Digest of the Case Law of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda – Jan. 2010

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organization Reports

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US Government Reports

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - Sub-Saharan Africa - 2016

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None Available



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Non-Government Organiztion Reports

  • Amnesty International Profiles
  • Human Rights Watch
    • "We Will Force You to Confess" - Torture and Unlawful Military Detention in Rwanda - Oct. 2017

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Updated May 3, 2024