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Russian Federation

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports
  • State Department - Country Documents
  • Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
    • Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • ZZZ106331.E  - Russia and Ukraine: Issuance of Russian passports and citizenship rights to Ukraine citizens living in the territories of Crimea and Donbas [Donbass] (2014-February 2020) - Feb. 2020
    • RUS105381.E - Russia: Requirements and procedures to obtain internal and foreign travel passports; whether biometric passports have been used; if so, information on the biometric passport, including stored biometric data and its appearance; requirements and procedures to obtain a biometric passport within Russia; whether it can be replaced and renewed from abroad, including requirements and procedures (2014-January 2016) - January 2016
    • ZZZ104866.E - Russia and Uzbekistan: Whether an individual born in the Soviet Union (Russia) to ethnic Russian parents, who is a citizen of Uzbekistan, is entitled to Russian citizenship (2013-May 2014) - May 2014
    • RUS32255.EX - Situation of minorities in Moscow, including information on residence registration issues - Aug 1999
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    1. How can a foreign citizen obtain right of residency in the Russian Federation?

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US Government Reports
  • Department of Labor - Finding on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 2014
  • Congressional Research Services
    • Child Soldiers Prevention Act: Security Assistance Restrictions - Oct. 2023
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS100341.E - Whether the consent of both parents is required for a child to be listed and/or pictured in one of the parents' international passports; whether the consent of both parents is required for a child to obtain his or her own passport (2003-2005) - July 2005
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
  • Human Rights Watch
    • Abandoned by the State: Violence, Neglect, and Isolation for Children with Disabilities in Russian Orphanages - September 2014
    • Abandoned to the State: Cruelty and Neglect in Russian Orphanages - 1998

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs) -
    • RUS103792.FE - Measures implemented to fight police corruption, including the procedure for filing a complaint against the police; the witness protection program - November 2011
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
  1. What protection is available to those in Russia who experience extortion or to businesspeople who experience other types of harm?

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
    1. How are people with disabilities treated in daily life in Russia?
    2. Do they face discrimination in employment?
    3. What protection does the government provide against discrimination or other forms of harm (for example physical violence in the streets) which people with disabilities may suffer?
  •  Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42403.E - Compensation available for ship workers (marine engineers) who are disabled as a result of working on ships that dispose of nuclear or radio-active wastes - March 2004

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch-
    • Left Out? Obstacles to Education for People with Disabilities in Russia - Sept 2015

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Non-Government Organization Reports


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Ethnic Groups / Race

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS105096.FE - Russia: The treatment of people of mixed race and of people of African descent by society and the authorities; state protection provided to people of mixed race and to people of African descent who have been victims of violence and discrimination (2013-February 2015) - March 2015

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Minority Rights Group International - State of the Worlds's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - 2016
  • Human Rights Reports
    • Singled Out - Russia’s Detention and Expulsion of Georgians - Oct 2007
    • Russian Federation: Ethnic Discrimination in Southern Russia - 1998
  • World Directory of Minorities - Overview

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Adygey

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Adygey


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Ethnic Groups / Race - Altai

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Altai

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Avars

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Avars

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Bashkirs

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Buryats

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42797.E - Discrimination against the Buriat (Buryat) people of the Republic of Buryatia and whether Potapov is still the president of this region; if so, information on his relations with political opponents - July 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Buryats

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Chukchi

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Chuvash

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42473.E - Treatment of ethnic Chuvash with particular comment on their treatment in the Republic of Bashkortostan; state protection - March 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Cossacks

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Dargins

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Dargins

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Dolgan

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Dolgan

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Evenk

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Evenk

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Ingush

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
  1. What is the situation in Russia at present for Caucasians, and in particular people having Ingush ancestry?

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch
  • World Directory of Minorities - Ingush

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Jews

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS102352.E - Anti-Semitism and response by the government (2005 - March 2007) - March 2007
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Jews 

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Khakass

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42837.E - Treatment of the Khakass community, including of members who are in relationships with Russians, in Abakan, Khakassia; whether protection is available (2001 to 2004) - Sept. 2004

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Khants and Mansi

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Komi

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Komi-Permyaks

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Koryaks

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Kumyks

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Lezgins

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42259.E - Update of RUS34780.E of 7 July 2000 on the treatment of ethnic Lezgins and available state protection - Jan 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Mari

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Meskhetian (Turks)

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Mordovans

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Nenets

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Nenets

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Nogai

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Nogai

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Ossetians

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Roma

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42683.E - General situation of Roma (2001 to 2003) - June 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Roma 

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Russian or Volga Germans

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS43120.E - Treatment of ethnic Russians in Kalmykia and availability of state protection - Dec 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Tatars

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS40190.E - Update of RUS33941.E of 10 March 2000 on the treatment of Tatars - January 2003
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Tatars

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Tuvans

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Tuvans

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Udmurts

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Udmurts

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Ukrainians, Belarusians, and Kazakhs

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada RIRs 
    • ZZZ106331.E  - Russia and Ukraine: Issuance of Russian passports and citizenship rights to Ukraine citizens living in the territories of Crimea and Donbas [Donbass] (2014-February 2020) - Feb. 2020 (PDF)

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS106279.E - Russia: Situation and treatment of sexual and gender minorities; legislation, state protection and support services (2017-February 2020) - Feb. 2020
    • RUS103793.E - Requirements and procedures to obtain a temporary residence permit, a permanent residence permit, and citizenship through marriage - Nov. 2011
    • RUS103312.E - Domestic violence; recourse and protection available to victims of domestic violence; support services and availability of shelters (2007 - 2009) - December 2009
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amensty International
    • Violence against women in Easter Europe and Central Asia: Protect women from violence during crisis and beyond - Dec. 2022
  • Human Rights Watch
    • “I Could Kill You and No One Would Stop Me” Weak State Response to Domestic Violence in Russia - Oct 2018

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Human Rights

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS103795.E - Information on military conscription and exemption from service, including alternative military service for conscientious objectors - November 2011
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International Annual Report - 2020
  • Amnesty International
    • Russia/Ukraine: 10 years of occupation of Crimea Russia is seeking to effect demographic change while suppressing Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar identities - Mar. 2024
    • Any tidal wave could drown us – Stories from the climate crisis - Nov. 2022
  • Freedom House
  • Human Rights Watch - 202420232022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Russia: FIFA World Cup 2018 Human Rights Guide for Reporters - May 2018
    • Red Card - Exploitation of Construction Workers on World Cup Sites in Russia - June 2017
    • "Invisible War" Russia's Abusive Response to the Dagestan Insurgency - June 2015
    • Confessions At Any Cost: Police Torture in Russia - Nov 1999

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Justice System

US Government Reports
  • Congressional Research Service (CRS)
    • Russian Military Intelligence: Background and Issues for Congress - Nov. 2021
    • Russian Private Military Companies (PMCs) – Sept. 2020
    • Russian Law Enforcement and Internal Security Agencies – Sept. 2020
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS105310 - Russia: standardized police reporting forms, including appearance; whether police are required to submit a written response to a complainant regardless of whether they pursue an investigation, appearance and content of the written response; police procedures for following up on physical assaults reported by hospitals and medical practitioners, including type of report generated; whether these policies and reports are standardized or if there are regional variations - October 2015

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Russia: "I would love to hug her, but it is impossible." Imprisoned dissenters deprived of family contact - June 2024
    • Russia/Ukraine: 10 years of occupation of Crimea Russia is seeking to effect demographic change while suppressing Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar identities - Mar. 2024
    • Prisoner Transportation in Russia: Travelling into the Unknown - Oct 2017
  • Human Rights Watch Reports
    • Confessions At Any Cost: Police Torture in Russia - Nov 1999
  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
  1. What protection is available to those in Russia who experience extortion or to businesspeople who experience other types of harm?

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US Government Reports

  • Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
    • Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014
  • United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
    • Violating Rights – Enforcing the World’s Blasphemy Laws – Dec. 2020

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS42685.E - Impact of 1997 law on religion on non-traditional religious minorities (2000-2004) - June 2004

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Medical Availability

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS103313.E - Procedures for obtaining police reports and medical reports; whether these can be obtained by a third party acting on behalf of a Russian citizen who is outside the country - December 2009
  1. How are people with disabilities treated in daily life in Russia?

International Government Organization Reports

  • World Health Organization Page

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Report
    • Lesson Not Learned: Human Rights Abuses and HIV/AIDS in the Russian Federation - April 2004

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS100121.E - The Baltic Republican Party in Kaliningrad; mandate, structure, membership and treatment of its members by the authorities; whether the party has ceased its operations and been renamed the Kaliningrad Public Movement-Respublika (2001-May 2005) - June 2005

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - The Russian Federation - Major developments in the Russian Federation in relation to the treatment of political opposition and dissent - October 2023 

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Refugees / IDPs

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • European Asylum Support Office (EASO)
    • Country of origin information report for the Russian Federation – Refugees and displaced persons - April 2021

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US Government Reports

Foreign Government Reports

  • Country Policy and Information Note
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS43444.E - information on the Baptist Church (known also as Evangelical Baptist Church or Baptist Presbyterian Church) in Nakhodka city; whether churches have difficulties reregistering; whether any pastor or member faced any physical harm as a result of membership in the Baptist Church and, if so, any state protection offered; whether there are specific reports concerning the Baptist Presbyterian Church at 32 Sadovaia Street or its minister, N.M. Tsebenko (2000- March 2005) - March 2005
    • RUS41592.E - The current treatment of Buddhists by government officials, nationalist groups, police and the general public; whether police protection is available - May 2003
    • RUS41560.E - Treatment of Hare Krishna adherents - March 2003
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Human Rights Watch Annual Report - Freedom of Religion - 2018

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Sexual Orientation

Foreign Government Reports
  • UK Home Office Report
    • Russia: Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression – Nov. 2020
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS106279.E - Russia: Situation and treatment of sexual and gender minorities; legislation, state protection and support services (2017-February 2020) - Feb. 2020
    • RUS102353.E - Treatment of homosexuals by society and government authorities; legal recourse and protection available to homosexuals who have been subject to ill-treatment (2006 - February 2007) - March 2007
    • RUS42804.E - The availability of state protection to homosexuals (January 2002 - July 2004) - July 2004
  Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Russia: Man “disappeared”, apparently for his sexual orientation. Chechen Authorities Should Immediately Free Idris Arsamikov - February 2023
  • Human Rights Watch Annual Report - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - 2018
  • Human Rights Watch
    • No Support: Russia’s “Gay Propaganda” Law Imperils LGBT Youth - Dec. 2018

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Specific Country Issues - Chechnya

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • RUS43105.E - The situation of internally displaced persons from Chechnya (January 2003 - November 2004) - November 2004
  Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Human Rights Watch Report
    • “Like Walking a Minefield” Vicious Crackdown on Critics in Russia’s Chechen Republic - August 2016
    • "No Happiness Remains:" Civilian Killings, Pillage, and Rape in Alkhan-yurt, Chechnya - 2000
  • World Directory of Minority - Chechen Profile

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Specific Country Issues - Military Service

Foreign Government Reports

  • Austrailian Migration Review Tribunal - Refugee Review Tribunal
  1. What are the compulsory military service obligations in Russia?
  2. Is there any evidence that those performing compulsory military service are sent to serve in Chechnya?
  3. What system of alternative service is available to those with a conscientious objection to military service?
  4. How is a person’s entitlement to perform alternative service determined?
  5. Please provide information on the "dedovshchina" system and the treatment of "dukhi".
  6. What steps have the Russian authorities taken to combat dedovshchina and what remedies are open to a first year recruit who suffers harm?
  7. Are those who perform alternative service also affected by dedovshchina?
  8. Are there any reports of people being killed for refusing to fight in Chechnya?
  9. Do those from Belarus face discrimination in Russian society and in the military in particular?
  10. Are there any reports of military conscripts being harmed for being unhealthy or physically weak?
  11. Are there any possible avenues by which a person might avoid military or alternative service altogether?

International Government Organization Reports

  • European Union Agency for Asylum
    • COI Query - The Russian Federation - Major developments in the Russian Federation in relation to military service - Oct. 2023

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Specific Country Issues - War on Ukraine

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • International Crisis Group
    • Answering Four Hard Questions About Russia’s War in Ukraine - Dec. 2022
  • Human Rights Watch
    • “We Had No Choice” - “Filtration” and the Crime of Forcibly Transferring Ukrainian Civilians to Russia - September 2022

US Government Reports

  • Congressional Research Service
    • Russia’s War in Ukraine: Military and Intelligence Aspects - February 2023
    • Russia’s War on Ukraine: Financial and Trade Sanctions - February 2023
    • Russia’s 2022 Invasion of Ukraine - January 2023

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organization Reports

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International Profiles
    • Russia/Ukraine: 10 years of occupation of Crimea Russia is seeking to effect demographic change while suppressing Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar identities - Mar. 2024
    • Russia: “You Will Be Arrested Anyway”: Reprisals Against Monitors and Media Workers Reporting from Protests - Nov. 2022
    • Russia: No Place For Protest – Aug. 2021
  • Human Rights Watch
    • Online and On All Fronts: Russia's Assault on Freedom of Expression - July 2017

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US Government Reports

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Global Report on Trafficking in Persons - Eastern Europe and Central Asia - 2009

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US Government Reports

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Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Human Rights Watch Reports -
    • Swept Under: Torture, Forced Disappearances, And Extrajudicial Killings During Sweep Operations In Chechnya - Feb 2002
    • Confessions At Any Cost: Police Torture in Russia - Nov 1999

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Updated June 26, 2024