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Republic of Honduras

Citizenship and Country Documents

US Government Reports
  • State Department - Country Documents
  • Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
    • Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014

Congressional Research Service

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Response to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND104647.FE - Requirements and procedure for obtaining a Honduran national identity card from other countries, such as Canada) - Oct 2013
    • HND100449.E - Documentation required and procedures to be followed by a parent wishing to travel abroad with a minor child in the absence, or without the consent, of the second parent (2003-July 2005). - Aug. 2005
  • UK Home Office - Country Information Note - Honduras: Background Note: Honduras - March 2021

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US Government Reports
  • Department of Labor - Finding on the Worst Forms of Child Labor - 202220212020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013
  • Library of Congress (Law Division)
    • Law Library of Congress - El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico: Laws governing Travel of Unaccompanied Minors - Aug. 2014

Foreign Government Reports

  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND104994.E - Information on the structure and hierarchy of main gangs; gang recruitment of children (2012- November 2014) - Dec. 2014

International Organizations

    • BROKEN DREAMS:Central American children’s dangerous journey to the United States.  Aug. 2016

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Coalition to stop the use of Child Soldiers - Child Soldiers Global Report - 2008
  • Center for Gender and Refugee Studies

    • Childhood and Migration in Central and North America: Causes, Policies, Practices and Challenges - 2015

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US Government Reports
  • Congressional Research Service - Corruption in Honduras - Jan 2020

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups - Dec. 2022
  • In Sight Crime
    • Firearms Trafficking - in Honduras - 2018
    • Honduras Elites and Organized Crime - 2016

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\Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Minority Rights Group International - State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples - 2016
  • World Directory of Minorities - Overview

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Garifuna

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Bay Island Creoles

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Tawahka

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Pech

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Pech

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Maya Chortis

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Miskito

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Miskito

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Lenca

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • World Directory of Minorities - Lenca

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Ethnic Groups / Race - Xicaques

Non-Government Organization Reports

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Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND104660.FE - Domestic violence, including legislation and protection available to victims (2010-November 2013) - Dec. 2013
    • HND103935.FE - Femicide and spousal and sexual abuse, and services provided to the victims (2009-2011) - February 2012
    • HND101869.FE - Sexual violence against women; legislation; attitude of the authorities and the general public toward victims; organizations that provide assistance to victims. - Nov. 2006
    • HND100086.FE - Domestic violence in Honduras; recourse available; laws in effect and their enforcement; attitude of the police; resources available; protection offered (October 2002-June 2005). - June 2005
    • HND40651.E - Recourse and state protection available for women who are stalked by members of the police or the armed forces (2001 to January 2003). - Jan. 2003

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Human Rights

US Government Reports
  • State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
  • Congressional Research Service
  • CSO Report -
    • Northern Triangle Country Conditions: Ranking the Highest and Lowest Areas of Reported Homicides, Disappearances, and Extortion - May 2019
    • Northern Triangle and Mexico Country Conditions - May 2019
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada - The Research Directorate
    • Honduras: Information Gathering Mission Report - Feb. 2018

Non-Government Organization Report
  • Amnesty International - 2022/20232020/2021
  • Amnesty International Profiles
    • Any tidal wave could drown us – Stories from the climate crisis - Nov. 2022
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups - Dec. 2022
  • Freedom house - 20242023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017
  • Human Rights Watch - 2022, 2021, 2020, 20192018201720162015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • Human Rights Watch
    • Honduras: Government emulates human rights violations policies of Bukele’s government in El Salvador to tackle public security challenges - June 2023 
    • There Are No Investigations Here - Impunity for Killings and Other Abuses in Bajo Aguán, Honduras - Feb. 2014
    •  After the Coup: Ongoing Violence, Intimidation, and Impunity in Honduras - Dec. 2010
  • Inter-American Commission On Human Rights
    • Situation of Human Rights in Honduras - Dec. 2015
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • The search for protection: A snapshot of Latin American legal protection frameworks - June 2023
  • Organization of American States
    • Preliminary Observations of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on its Visit to Honduras - May 15 TO 18, 2010
    • Honduras: Human Rights and the Coup D' ETAT - Dec. 2009

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Justice System

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND105348.E Honduras: Witness protection program, including types of protection offered, requirements and procedures to access the program; effectiveness (January 2012-December 2015) - Dec. 2015

    • HND104733.E - Arrest warrants, including appearance, signatory, issuance procedures, means and agent of delivery; whether the warrant can be received by a person other than the individual in case they cannot be located (2013) - Jan. 2014
    • HND42785.E - Legal penalties for murder, and the judicial system (procedures, etc.) in regards to individuals accused and/or charged with murder - July 2004
    • HND41066.E - Whether there is a law in Honduras that criminalizes the wearing of tattoos; reports of state agents arresting, detaining, mistreating or murdering people with tattoos that do not belong to gangs (2001 to March 2003) - March 2003
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • Honduras: Government emulates human rights violations policies of Bukele’s government in El Salvador to tackle public security challenges - June 2023 
  • Human Rights Watch
    • There Are No Investigations Here - Impunity for Killings and Other Abuses in Bajo Aguán, Honduras - Feb. 2014
    • Life Or Death Choices For Women Living Under Honduras' Abortion Ban - Women Tell Their Stories - June 2019

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US Government Reports
  • Library of Congress - Law Library of Congress (LLOC)
    • Family Reunification Laws in Selected Jurisdictions - July 2014
Foreign Government Reports
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND42785.E - Legal penalties for murder, and the judicial system (procedures, etc.) in regards to individuals accused and/or charged with murder. - July 2004

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US Government Reports

  • State Department - Northern Triangle Country Conditions - Map

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups (Map of Honduras) - Dec. 2022

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Medical Availability

International Government Organization Reports
  • World Health Organization Page

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Political Figures and Parties

US Government Reports Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND104766.E - The National Popular Resistance Front (Frente Nacional de Resistencia Popular, FNRP), including history, structure, objectives, and leadership; information on delegates, including number, identification, and election procedures; information on membership registration and membership cards (2009-February 2014) - Feb. 2014
    • HND42890.E - Update to HND34286.E of 20 April 2000 on rivalry and violence between the National Party and the Liberal Party, and specifically whether National Party members have been killed by the Liberal Party members (2000 to August 2004) - Aug. 2004

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Refugees / IDPs / Returnees

Intergovernmental Organization Reports

  • UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
    • San Pedro Sula: Fact sheet on internal displacement (as of March 2024) - Mar. 2024
    • Brief report on the situation of IDPs (Colombia, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico) - Dec. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Amnesty International
    • Home Sweet Home? Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador's Role in a Deepening Refugee Crisis: 2016
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups (Returnees) - Dec. 2022
  • Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
    • Severity of internal displacement Report - Nov. 2021
  • Norwegian Refugee Council
    • The World’s Most Neglected Displacement Crises - 2021

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US Government Reports

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Sexual Orientation

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND104661.E - Treatment of sexual minorities, including legislation; state protection and support services available (2012-November 2013) - Nov. 2013
    • HND43013.E - Update to HND25191.E of 6 January 1997 on the treatment of gays and lesbians and the availability of state protection (1997-September 2004) - Oct. 2004
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • No Safe Place: Salvadorans, Guatemalans and Hondurans seeking asylum in Mexico based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity -  Nov. 2017
  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups - Dec. 2022
  • Human Rights Watch
    • "Not Worth a Penny" Human Rights Abuses against Transgender People in Honduras - May 2009

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Specific Country Issues - Gangs/Organized Crime

US Government Reports
  • Congressional Research Service
Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND200998.E - Honduras: Criminal groups in Roatán, including Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Barrio 18 [18th Street Gang]; cases of individuals being tracked by criminal groups in Roatán (2020–November 2022) - Nov. 2022 
    • HND104994.E - Information on the structure and hierarchy of main gangs; gang recruitment of children (2012- November 2014) - Dec. 2014
    • HND104993.E - State response to gang-related violence and criminal activity, including the efforts of the army (2012-November 2014) -Dec. 2014
    • HND104464.FE - Areas where gangs operate (2012 - June 2013) - June 2013
    • HND103940.E - Areas of operation of Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and Mara 18 (M-18) (also known as the 18th Street gang) in Honduras; domestic and transnational networks; nature of any alliances and whether the maras dispute territory; violence perpetrated by gang members against other gang members (2009-December 2011) - February 2012
    • HND43076.E - Incidence of tattooing among criminal gangs; description, meaning and images of tattoos commonly used by such gangs; significance ascribed by state security forces to the different types of gang tattoos - Oct. 2004
    • HND41066.E - Whether there is a law in Honduras that criminalizes the wearing of tattoos; reports of state agents arresting, detaining, mistreating or murdering people with tattoos that do not belong to gangs (2001 to March 2003) - March 2003
    • HND41103.E - The activities of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS) gang, particularly in the colony of La Prieto, San Pedro Sula, and the treatment of the MS by the police and authorities (1998-March 2003) - Oct 2003
  • United Kingdom Home Office
    • Country Policy and Information Note Honduras: Gangs - Nov. 2023

Non-Government Organization Reports

  • Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD)
    • Honduras: Gang-based violence, criminality and human rights violations against specific groups - Dec. 2022
  • Crisis Group International
    • Mafia of the Poor: Gang Violence and Extortion in Central America - April 2017
  • InSight Crime 

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Specific Country Issues - Guatemala-Honduras Border

Non-Government Organization Reports
  • International Crisis Group
    • Corridor of Violence: The Guatemala-Honduras Border - June 2014

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Specific Country Issues - Guerrilla and Paramilitary Groups

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND41593.E - Whether former Nicaraguan contras have attacked or threatened local land owners in Zico, La Mosquitia or anywhere else near the Nicaraguan border; response by the state to protect those affected by contra violence (2000-May 2003). - May 2003

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Specific Country Issues - Land (Agrarian) Reform

Foreign Government Reports
  • Canada Responses to Information Requests (RIRs)
    • HND42187.FE - Whether the government evicts citizens from their lands by force or with financial compensation; land disputes and their scope (2002-November 2003). - Nov. 2003
    • HND42188.FE - Colonel Álvaro Romero, Sabel Guiffaro, Deputy Alberto Cruz, Freddy Salgado, Deputy Betio Guifarro, and four other persons; whether they play active roles in politics or in the army, or whether they are landowners in El Aguacate and Catacamas. - Nov. 2003
    • HND40517.E - A cooperative called Movimiento Campesino del Aguàn (Aguan Farmer or Peasant Movement) in Sonaguera, Colon, and violent military actions against its members to force them to sell their land to the military (February 2002). - Feb. 2003
Non-Government Organization Reports
  • Amnesty International
    • ‘We Are Defending The Land With Our Blood’: Defenders Of The Land, Territory And Environment In Honduras And Guatemala - Sept. 2016

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Speech / Press / Internet

Non-Government Organization Reports

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US Government Reports

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Not Available

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  None Available
Updated March 29, 2024