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6: MDT Coordinator

The MDT Coordinator

To ensure optimal functioning, the MDT must be skillfully managed. For most MDTs, this person is referred to as the MDT Coordinator. For some MDTs, this person has a dual role of MDT Coordinator and agency representative; for others, an individual is hired solely for the purpose of managing the MDT and its many functions. To increase accountability, it is preferable to hire a full-time person for this position rather than solicit a volunteer from the MDT, but realistically, this option is unavailable for many communities.

If you are hiring an MDT Coordinator, the MDT will want to think strategically about the vision the MDT holds for the MDT Coordinator. The MDT Coordinator has tremendous responsibility for administrative aspects of the MDT, such as arranging meetings, gathering and coordinating victim information, facilitating discussions, recording decisions, providing case follow up and tracking, and managing data collection. The MDT coordinator also plays a nearly invisible yet crucial role in melding the disparate MDT members into a cohesive team and maintaining team cohesion as the team matures over time.

The MDT Coordinator’s Responsibilities

Good coordination by a skilled MDT Coordinator can overcome many barriers associated with an MDT. Therefore, the MDT may want to discuss and/or write a position description for the MDT Coordinator position. The following is a list of some activities your MDT might want to consider designating as the MDT Coordinator’s responsibility:

Prior to Meetings

  • Manages case intake procedures including: reviews, approves, and prioritizes case summaries submitted for presentation (de-identifies parties before the meeting if needed)
  • Provides assistance in preparing members who will be presenting a case by explaining what the presenter should expect in the meeting and helping the presenter frame the case, concerns, and requests for assistance from other team members.
  • Sends out MDT meeting reminders and agendas

At the Meetings

  • Sets up the meeting room:
    • Arranges sign-in sheet/confidentiality agreement, copies of case summaries, name cards, and any other community information
    • Coordinates food and drink
  • Sits at the head of the table in order to best facilitate the meeting
  • Facilitates introductions and agency announcements
  • Reviews the confidentiality agreement
  • Reviews discussion ground rules (i.e. raising hand to be called on to speak, no shame-no blame)
  • Directs group discussion toward the presenter’s questions by ensuring that all (or most) MDT members contribute to the discussion
  • Checks in with the presenter at the end of the discussion as to whether he/she received the assistance needed
  • Responds to previously raised issues where follow-up was requested
  • Notes issues raised at MDT meetings that need follow-up
  • Records meeting minutes using the MDT Data Collection Form (if any)
  • Manages conflict and interpersonal dynamics
  • Recasts a team error into an opportunity for learning
  • Is responsible for enacting confidentiality procedures (e.g., collecting and shredding documents at the end of the meeting, enforcing note taking protocols, etc.)

After the Meetings

  • Engages in follow-up and ensures MDT members are honoring their promises
  • Oversees data entry and data tracking activities
  • Manages case follow-up calendar (as many cases are presented at the MDT meeting on multiple occasions, either for additional consultation or for outcome reporting).

Outside of Meetings

  • Reviews and purges the MDT Meeting Reminder e-mail list periodically
  • Arranges trainings (often short 30 minute trainings built into MDT meetings)
  • Arranges new-member orientation
  • Presents information about the role and function of the MDT to the wider community
  • Represents the MDT at community meetings and events

The MDT Coordinator’s Leadership Qualities

  • Transformational Leadership Skills
    Possesses (or has the capacity to possess) the ability to develop a team culture by aligning team members’ goals and values and to foster collective team identification.
  • Equalize Participation
    Manages the group process to ensure all members of the MDT participate and communicate equally.
  • Neutrality
    Perceived by all team members as neutral.
  • Credibility
    Has the clout to influence agency administrators.
  • Time
    Has the time to commit to developing and running the MDT.
  • Recruitment
    Has the ability to recruit new MDT members from a variety of agencies.
  • Facilitation Skills
    Possesses the skills to work with a variety of individuals, to unify the team, move the team to a group decision, and when necessary redirect the team back to the discussion at hand.
  • Confrontation Skills
    Has the ability to confront a team member regarding their responsibility failure.
  • Sense of Humor
    Has a sense of humor, which can alleviate stressful situations.
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