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Miami-Dade County Schools/ Department of Justice Settlement Survey


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The purpose of this survey is to determine whether you are owed wages due to errors with the employment eligibility verification process in connection with your hire or attempt to be hired by Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS).  Under a settlement agreement between MDCPS and the Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), certain people who were not allowed to start work at MDCPS or who were delayed due to such errors, may be eligible to receive back pay (lost wages). Your current immigration status is not relevant, but you must have had permission to work in the United States when you applied for, or were fired from, a job at MDCPS.


If you do not believe you are owed any back pay or do not want to file a claim for back pay from MDCPS, you may ignore this survey.  If you believe you may be entitled to back pay and want to file a claim, the first step in the back pay process is to complete this survey. For additional information and guidance on the back pay fund and the procedures for filing a claim for back pay, please see the Frequently Asked Questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Miami-Dade County Public Schools/Department of Justice Back Pay Process:

1. Why did I get this letter? The Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), reached an agreement with Miami Dade County Public Schools (MDCPS). This survey will help DOJ find workers who lost work or lost pay because of MDCPS’s alleged improper requests for specific immigration documents. If you applied for a job at MDCPS from September 5, 2012 to October 22, 2015, and you lost work (wages) because of MDCPS’s documentation practices, then you may receive back pay (wages) for the time you missed.

2. Will I get into trouble if I do not complete the survey? No. You will not get into trouble, and you can ignore the message. However, if you lost work with MDCPS because it rejected your valid immigration documents, the only way you can be eligible for back pay is if you fill out the survey. Based on your answers to the survey, DOJ will decide whether you may be entitled to back pay.

3. Who is eligible for compensation? Only people who missed work from September 5, 2012 to October 22, 2015, due to the alleged documentation practices can receive back pay. For example, MDCPS must have rejected your application or delayed hiring you because of specific issues relating to your immigration documents for you to get back pay. No other type of issue is covered.

4. My friend was not hired at MDCPS because of his immigration documents, but he never got a letter. What should he do? You or your friend should call Liza Zamd at 1-800-255-7688 for assistance.

5. What if I need help on how to fill out the survey? Please do the best you can. The DOJ will call you or email you if the DOJ has questions.

6. What happens if I do not complete the survey by March 20, 2016? You are not required to complete the survey unless you would like the DOJ to determine if you may be eligible for back pay. However, even if you are eligible for back pay, you will likely lose your chance to receive back pay under this settlement agreement if you do not complete the survey by March 20, 2016.

7.  How will the information in this survey be used? The personal information will be used for the DOJ’s authorized enforcement activities related to MDCPS’ compliance with a federal employment statute, 8 U.S.C. § 1324b.  DOJ will not disclose your name or other identifying information about you unless it is necessary for enforcement activities against MDCPS, unless such information is required to be disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. § 552, or if disclosure is allowed through DOJ’s routine uses in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a.   For further information on published uses, you may refer to

Updated November 19, 2015