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Court Orders California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to Pause its No-Beard Policy

A federal court paused CDCR's no-beard policy for peace officers (POs) and ordered the department to do more for POs who wear facial hair for religious reasons.

  • CDCR must temporarily stop enforcing its no-beard policy against POs who ask to wear facial hair for religious reasons.
  • CDCR must temporarily allow these POs to work other jobs while receiving their PO pay or take paid leave.
  • CDCR must talk with these POs about other ways they can keep working without violating their religious beliefs.
  • CDCR cannot take action against these POs for asking CDCR to accommodate their religious beliefs.

    • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a federal agency, has been investigating complaints that CDCR does not accommodate POs who wear beards for religious reasons.
    • The EEOC said action was needed to stop ongoing harm to POs.
    • The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) asked a federal judge in Sacramento to stop CDCR from enforcing its no-beard policy and to do more to accommodate POs while the EEOC finishes its investigation. The court agreed.

      • DOJ will update the court when the EEOC completes its investigation.
      • If CDCR is following the law, the pause might end. If CDCR breaks the law, DOJ will consider taking additional steps.


      Contact DOJ at if you believe CDCR is not following the court’s order or have questions about how the order may apply to you. It is illegal for CDCR to retaliate against those who tell the EEOC or DOJ about discrimination.

      DOJ cannot represent you or give you legal advice but may use information you provide to ensure CDCR follows the court’s order.


      Updated August 26, 2024