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U.S. v. Los Angeles County


On May 16, 2023, the Department of Justice issued a Letter of Findings to Los Angeles County under Title II of the ADA after investigating physical accessibility for persons with mobility and vision disabilities at the County's vote centers during the 2020 primary and general elections and 2022 general election.  In addition, the Department reviewed other aspects of the County's voting programs, including curbside voting and ballot drop boxes.  The Department concluded that the County, by reason of disability, excluded voters with disabilities from participation in and denied them the benefits of the County's voting services, programs, or activities, or subjected those individuals to discrimination, in violation of Title II and its implementing regulations.

On June 29, 2023, the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Los Angeles County after its investigation determined that the County discriminated against people with disabilities at vote centers, ballot drop boxes, and curbside voting during recent elections in violation of Title II of the ADA.  On May 16, 2023, the Department of Justice issued a Letter of Findings to Los Angeles County concluding that the County, by reason of disability, excluded voters with disabilities from participation in and denied them the benefits of the County's voting services, programs, or activities, or subjected those individuals to discrimination, in violation of Title II.  The Department seeks a court order directing the County to comply with the ADA, promptly develop a plan to remedy the alleged violations, and not further discriminate against individuals with disabilities.

Press Release - Complaint


Case Open Date
Case Name
U.S. v. Los Angeles County
  • New construction / alterations / barriers
  • Program access
  • Voting / polling places
Updated February 16, 2024