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United States v. Town of Franklinton, Louisiana (E.D. La.)


On June 28, 2024, the court entered a consent decree in United States v. Town of Franklinton (E.D. La.).  The complaint, which was filed on June 27, 2024, alleged that the Town of Franklinton discriminated on the basis of race in violation of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) when it obstructed, delayed, and denied zoning for a Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) housing development that would have disproportionately served Black residents and would have been built in a predominantly white neighborhood. The consent decree requires the Town of Franklinton to pay $205,000 in damages to developers and a $25,000 civil penalty to the United States, facilitate the development of new affordable housing to replace the units that the town previously blocked, amend its zoning ordinance and policies, and support the development of affordable housing by rezoning land to multi-family use and establishing a land donation program.

Press Release (7/1/2024)

Case Open Date
Updated July 1, 2024