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United States v. Richard Donahue (W.D. Wis.)


On February 16, 2024, the court entered a consent order in United States v. Richard Donahue and Mary Donahue (W.D. Wis.).  The complaint, which was filed on May 13, 2022, alleged that, since at least 2000, defendant Richard “Rick” Donahue sexually harassed numerous female tenants of residential rental properties owned by the defendants in Janesville, Wisconsin by offering to reduce monthly rental payments in exchange for sex, making unwelcome sexual comments and advances, and evicting or threatening to evict female tenants who objected to or refused his sexual advances. The complaint alleged that both defendants were liable for discrimination based on sex in violation of the Fair Housing Act (FHA). The consent order requires the defendants to pay $623,965 in monetary compensation, including $500,000 to 13 aggrieved persons, and a $123,965 civil penalty to the United States. It also permanently enjoins the defendants from managing rental properties in the future. The consent decree also bars future discrimination and retaliation; requires that property management responsibilities be turned over to an independent property manager; mandates the implementation of a sexual harassment policy, complaint procedure, and Fair Housing Act training; and requires detailed reporting regarding property management activities and compliance with the terms of the consent decree.  

Press Release - (2/9/2024)
Press Release - (5/13/2022)

Case Open Date
Case Name
United States v. Richard Donahue (W.D. Wis.)
Civil Rights
  • fair housing act; fha; Mary Donohue; two unit home; sexual harassment; sexual favors; oral sex; touching; eviction actions
Industry Code(s)
  • None
Updated February 20, 2024