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United States v. Iraj Shambayati – (S.D. Ga.)


On April 29, 2024, the court entered a consent order in United States v. Iraj Shambayati, 1511 Rosewood LLC and IDHD Properties LLC (S.D. Ga.). Defendant Shambayati is a landlord who owns and manages over 45 residential properties in and around Savannah, Georgia. The complaint, which was filed on August 8, 2023, alleged that since at least 2008, Shambayati harassed female tenants and prospective tenants by making repeated and unwelcome sexual comments and advances, inappropriately touching their bodies without their permission, entering their homes without their permission, requesting sexual acts in exchange for rent or other housing-related benefits, and taking retaliatory actions against female tenants who rejected his sexual advances or complained about the harassment. The consent order requires Shambayati and two other defendants, 1511 Rosewood LLC and IDHD Properties LLC, to pay $590,000 in monetary damages to female tenants and prospective tenants harmed by Shambayati’s conduct, and a $10,000 civil penalty to the United States. The order requires defendants to vacate any retaliatory eviction judgments obtained against these tenants and to take steps to correct the tenants’ credit histories. The defendants are also prohibited from managing residential rental properties in the future. The consent order further requires defendants to retain an independent property manager for the properties, implement a sexual harassment policy and complaint procedure, and submit detailed reports regarding property management activities and compliance with the terms of the consent order.


Press Release (04/29/24)

Press Release (08/08/23)

Case Open Date
Case Name
United States v. Iraj Shambayati – (S.D. Ga.)
Civil Rights
  • Daniel Shambnayati; Akbar Keshavarz; 1511 Rosewood LLC; IDHD Properties; Fair Housing Act; sexual acts; discriminatory conduct; Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968; single family; duplex; condominium; co-owned
Updated April 30, 2024