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United States v. Hyundai Capital America (C.D. Cal.)


On May 8, 2024, the United States filed a complaint and a proposed consent order in United States v. Hyundai Capital America (C.D. Cal.).  The complaint alleges that the defendant violated the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) by repossessing 26 motor vehicles leased or owned by SCRA-protected servicemembers without first obtaining the required court orders.  The proposed consent order, which still must be approved by the court, requires the defendant to develop policies and procedures for motor vehicle possessions that comply with the SCRA; provide SCRA compliance training to key employees; pay $10,000 plus any lost equity and provide credit repair to affected servicemembers; and pay a civil penalty of $74,941.  

Press Release 5/9/24

Case Open Date
Updated May 21, 2024