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Mouton v. Augustine (W.D. La.)


On September 9, 2015, the United States filed a Statement of Interest in Mouton v. Augustine (W.D. La.), a Fair Housing Act sexual harassment case against the owner and manager of an apartment complex in Abbeville, Louisiana.  The plaintiff alleged that she was sexually harassed by the apartment manager from the time she first inquired about her apartment until her tenancy ended more than two years later.  The defendants filed a motion to dismiss all claims relating to conduct that happened after the plaintiff rented the apartment, arguing that post-acquisition conduct is not covered by the FHA.

Case Open Date
Case Name
Mouton v. Augustine (W.D. La.)
  • Fair Housing Act
  • FHA
  • sex
  • sexual harassment
  • female
  • apartment
  • post-acquisition
  • owner
  • manger
  • statement of interest
  • Abbeville
  • Louisiana
Industry Code(s)
  • None
Updated November 16, 2020