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United States v. The City of Troy (E.D. Mich.)


On November 23, 2022, the Court in United States v. City of Troy, Michigan (E.D. Mich.) entered a stipulated order resolving the United States’ motion seeking additional relief in the United States’ Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000 (“RLUIPA”) lawsuit against the City of Troy, Michigan. The complaint, filed on September 19, 2019, relates to Adam Community Center’s (“Adam’s”) efforts to establish an Islamic place of worship in Troy at a building previously used as a restaurant and banquet hall. On March 18, 2022, the Court issued an order granting the United States’ motion for summary judgment by finding that Troy violated RLUIPA. In granting the United States’ motion for summary judgment the Court specifically held that Troy (1) imposed an unjustified substantial burden on Adam’s exercise of religion when it denied Adam’s variance requests that would have allowed Adam to worship at the building and (2) violated RLUIPA’s equal terms provision by requiring places of worship to abide by more onerous zoning restrictions than places of nonreligious assembly. The Court also enjoined Troy from enforcing its discriminatory zoning restrictions, denied Troy’s motion for summary judgment, and issued final judgment dismissing the case. The United States’ motion for additional relief, filed on April 13, 2022, sought judicial oversight to ensure Troy’s compliance with the court’s order and Adam’s religious use of the building.

Press Release (3/18/22)
Press Release (9/19/19)

Case Open Date
Case Name
United States v. The City of Troy (E.D. Mich.)
Civil Rights
  • 2:19-cv-12736 PDB-MJH
  • Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act
  • religion
  • discrimination
  • place of worship
  • zoning
  • Oakland County
  • city council
  • zoning board
  • ZBA
Industry Code(s)
  • None
Updated December 14, 2022