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Somalia: ICITAP-Mentored Surveillance Security and Surveillance Teams Conduct Live Training Exercises

During the week of September 6, the ICITAP Somalia-mentored Counterterrorism and Intelligence Division’s (CTID) Surveillance (ST) and Surveillance Support Team (SST) conducted live surveillance and security joint training exercises in downtown Mogadishu. The objective of these exercises was to operate jointly in a real-world setting, conduct “action on” drills, review security and surveillance procedures, overcome communication barriers and familiarize the officers with the capabilities of their respective equipment. All of these objectives were achieved while operating in a dynamic operating environment. During the series of exercises, ICITAP ST and SST advisers provided guidance as officers monitored the exercises in the Joint Operations Center. Team members utilized live tracking technology provided by ICITAP Somalia to ensure geographical and situational awareness. The teams also used ICITAP Somalia-issued police radios to give direction as well as monitor operations via the GSM functions that assist with navigation. The conduct of such exercises matriculates the SST towards full certification under the advisement of ICITAP-Somalia and achieve a sustainable capacity. In Somalia, ICITAP works with the support of the State Department’s Bureau of Counterterrorism and the FBI.

Updated August 11, 2023