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Mexico: ICITAP Provides Forensic Expertise During Firearms Roundtable Event in Mexico City

On December 4 and 5, the U.S. Department of State Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) hosted the Firearms Roundtable in Mexico City, which brought together officials from Mexico and the United States including the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico and Mexico’s Deputy Attorney General. ICITAP-Mexico’s Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché (LEAA) and ICITAP-Mexico ballistic experts participated in this two-day event. The roundtable explored current situation of arms trafficking between the two countries, cases being prosecuted, the use of the E-trace system and the benefits to both countries reaped from continued work together into the future. Experts from ICITAP Mexico presented guidance regarding the safeguarding of ballistic evidence within a robust quality assurance system. Firearms Trafficking is a critical issue for both countries and one of the main components of the Bicentennial Framework for Security between the U.S. and Mexico. 

Updated September 9, 2024