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Kosovo: Public Safety Academy Receives International Reaccreditation

On August 25, the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS) successfully completed the requirements necessary for reaccreditation from the US-based International Association of Directors of Law Enforcement Standards and Training (IADLEST).  The IADLEST Accreditation Manager stated, “I wanted to inform you that the Kosovo Academy of Public Safety passed its reaccreditation.  In fact, the improvements they made over the past three years yielded a score that qualifies for the highest level of IADLEST Accreditation: The Award of Excellence.  The Kosovo Academy of Public Safety becomes the first of our international law enforcement academy partners to achieve such a distinction and is only the second in the world to achieve that distinction.”  The Kosovo institution was the first in the world to receive IADLEST accreditation in 2018, a milestone mentored by ICITAP, specifically through ICITAP’s National Coordinator.  The Academy is the leader in international public safety academy accreditation; academy officials from the region and beyond have contacted KAPS for assistance as they prepare for their own IADLEST accreditation.

Updated August 11, 2023