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Kosovo: ICITAP Recognized During 15th Anniversary Celebration at the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo

On July 2, the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo (PIK) reached a milestone in celebrating 15 years of service to the citizens of Kosovo. During this time-period, the PIK has expanded from its initial mission of investigation of administrative violations within the Kosovo Police to now handling the most complicated criminal allegations against members of the Kosovo Police staffed at over 9000 employees. PIK members were recognized for both tenure with the agency as well as presentation of awards to individual members for outstanding work within the past twelve months. The Police Inspectorate Chief Executive Officer affirmed his appreciation of the ICITAP-Kosovo mission for their continued support and assistance. Also recognized were members of the ICITAP embedded team to include ICITAP’s Senior Law Enforcement Advisor to PIK and ICITAP’s National Program Coordinator for their assistance in facilitating the PIK full membership into the U.S.-based National Internal Affairs Investigators Association. Link to PIK Facebook page:

Updated August 11, 2023