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Kosovo: ICITAP Attaché Delivers Remarks at 9/11 Tribute to Honor First Responders

On September 11, the Association Friends of USA organized a very heartfelt tribute to the victims of the 9-11 terrorist attacks in the United States. The event began with a solemn tribute at the Bill Clinton Statue in Pristina following by sirens from the approaching fire vehicles signaling the beginning of the event followed by the Kosovo Police Honor Guard lowering the United States to half-staff. Kosovo public safety personnel marched to the United States flag and candles were lite. The ICITAP-Kosovo Law Enforcement Assistance Attaché represented the U.S. Embassy and provided remarks to the attendees and the media outlets present. The Attaché remarks included “…although one of the darkest days in recent Unites States history, courage and bravery was evident that fateful day. Police, firefighters, and medical professionals ran towards the danger to provide aid to citizens and save lives. Many lives were lost that day while others later passed away from complications related to the toxic exposure in the days and weeks after the attack…”

Updated August 11, 2023