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ICITAP Participates at Third Meeting of Authorities on Transnational Organized Crime

On June 23 and 24, ICITAP joined over 150 criminal justice officials and counterparts from across the Western Hemisphere to participate in the Organization of American States (OAS) Third Meeting of Authorities on Transnational Organized Crime. The two-day event was virtual, delivered simultaneously in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese, and was chaired by the Government of the United States of America. The following topics were discussed: 1) Updates on the activities of the Secretariat for Multidimensional Security / Department against Transnational Organized Crime (SSM / DDOT) since the last meeting of National Authorities and steps taken to implement the Hemispheric Plan of Action; 2) New threats and opportunities in relation to transnational organized crime; 3) Draft Hemispheric Strategy against Transnational Organized Crime; 4)  Review / Discussion of the Hemispheric Plan of Action against Transnational Organized Crime: implementation, monitoring, indicators, Hemispheric Strategy; 5) Proposal for Recommendations of the National Authorities on Transnational Organized Crime. ICITAP shared its experience and perspectives of delivering capacity-building in 22 OAS member states since 1986. For more information:

Updated August 11, 2023