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OPDAT Kosovo in coordination with OPDAT Croatia and Pristina Recognizes Annual International Anti-Corruption Day

To mark the Annual Anti-corruption day, OPDAT Kosovo in coordination with OPDAT Croatia and Pristina PAS organized the "Youth for a society without corruption" student competition. The aim of the Annual Anti-Corruption Competition, funded by the U.S Department of Justice and the U.S Embassy in Kosovo, was for Kosovo students to conduct anti-corruption awareness campaigns and advocate for corruption intolerance and rejection. Primary school students (grades 6-9) designed posters, while high school students created videos in the public interest. Students competed for several prizes which were electronic devices sponsored by OPDAT Croatia. The purpose of this competition is to promote the common values of American and Kosovo youth in combating all forms of corruption. It is aimed at motivating young people into building a society with zero tolerance for corruption.

Updated August 11, 2023