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Appropriation Figures For The Antitrust Division

Appropriation Figures for the Antitrust Division
Fiscal Years 1903-2024*
(Updated July 2024)

*The fiscal year from 1903 to 1976 was from July 1 through June 30. In 1977, it changed to the current period from October 1 through September 30.

Fiscal Year Direct Appropriation Amount
Included in Appropriations Bill
($ in thousands)
Filing Fee Revenue Amount
Included in Appropriations Bill
($ in thousands)
Total Funding
($ in thousands)
1903 $0 - $0 On 01/05/1903, the office of the Assistant to the Attorney General was established to administer the antitrust laws and laws to regulate commerce. On 02/25/1903 Congress passed a FY 1904 appropriation of $500,000. However, the Deficiency Act of 03/03/1903 authorized the immediate use of the FY04 appropriation.
1904 500 - 500 The appropriation of $500K authorized for FY 1904 was used to fund the Assistant to the Attorney General for FYs 1904 through 1907 (and part of FY 1903 - see FY 1903 note). Treasury balances each year were authorized for use in subsequent years.
1905 0 - 0
1906 0 - 0
1907 0 - 0
1908 250 - 250  
1909 250 - 250  
1910 100 - 100  
1911 203 - 203 Included the following: transfer of $494 from "Enforcement & Antitrust Laws" to "Acts to Regulate Commerce;" also included funds from the following Deficiency Acts: $1.4K dated 03/04/13, and $900 dated 10/22/1913.
1912 263 - 263 Included funds from the following Deficiency Acts: $60K dated 08/26/1912, $2.5K dated 03/04/1913 and $500 dated 04/06/1914.
1913 280 - 280 Included funds from the following Deficiency Acts: $65K dated 03/04/1913, $4.7K dated 04/06/1914, $9.3K dated 07/29/1914, and $900 dated 03/04/1915.
1914 300 - 300  
1915 300 - 300  
1916 300 - 300  
1917 250 - 250  
1918 200 - 200  
1919 100 - 100  
1920 300 - 300 Included supplemental appropriation of $200K dated 11/04/1919.
1921 100 - 100 In addition, unexpended amounts from prior years were made available.
1922 100 - 100  
1923 225 - 225  
1924 200 - 200  
1925 204 - 204 Included supplemental appropriation of $2.7K dated 12/06/1924.
1926 228 - 228  
1927 200 - 200  
1928 198 - 198  
1929 204 - 204 Included funds of $3.6K from the Deficiency Act dated 03/04/1929.
1930 204 - 204  
1931 204 - 204 Included $500 transferred to Personnel Classification Board and $600 from the Deficiency Act dated 03/04/1931 for salary adjustment.
1932 224 - 224 Included funds of $20K from the Deficiency Act dated 03/04/1931.
1933 166 - 166 Included an additional $16.3K transferred from "Detection and Prosecution of Crimes."
1934 254 - 254 Included an additional $100K transferred from "Federal Jails, Buildings and Equipment."
1935 415 - 415 Included funding of $125K from the Deficiency Act dated 06/19/1934 for FYs 1934 and 1935.
1936 420 - 420  
1937 435 - 435  
1938 423 - 423 Included $288K transferred from "Pay of Special Assistant Attorneys, US Courts," and $25K transferred from "Miscellaneous Expenses, US Courts."
1939 789 - 789 Included supplemental appropriation of $200K dated 06/25/1938, and funding of $9K for "Salary, Assistant Attorney General" paid from "Salaries, Department of Justice".
1940 1,309 - 1,309  
1941 1,324 - 1,324  
1942 2,325 - 2,325  
1943 1,800 - 1,800  
1944 1,760 - 1,760 Included supplemental appropriation of $160K dated 04/01/1944.
1945 1,540 - 1,540 Included supplemental appropriation of $150K dated 12/22/1944.
1946 1,875 - 1,875 Includes supplemental appropriation of $175K dated 04/19/1946.
1947 2,089 - 2,089  
1948 2,400 - 2,400  
1949 3,572 - 3,572 Included supplemental appropriation of $160K dated 06/23/1949.
1950 3,799 - 3,799  
1951 3,750 - 3,750  
1952 3,470 - 3,470  
1953 3,500 - 3,500  
1954 3,500 - 3,500  
1955 3,100 - 3,100  
1956 3,464 - 3,464  
1957 3,594 - 3,594  
1958 3,785 - 3,785  
1959 4,138 - 4,138  
1960 4,500 - 4,500  
1961 5,074 - 5,074  
1962 5,875 - 5,875  
1963 6,219 - 6,219  
1964 6,600 - 6,600  
1965 7,072 - 7,072  
1966 7,172 - 7,172  
1967 7,495 - 7,495  
1968 7,820 - 7,820  
1969 8,352 - 8,352  
1970 9,761 - 9,761  
1971 11,079 - 11,079  
1972 12,340 - 12,340  
1973 12,836 - 12,836  
1974 14,790 - 14,790  
1975 18,253 - 18,253  
1976 22,239 - 22,239  
1977 26,706 - 26,706  
1978 32,371 - 32,371  
1979 37,508 - 37,508  
1980 43,544 - 43,544  
1981 44,862 - 44,862  
1982 44,000 - 44,000  
1983 44,489 - 44,489  
1984 44,229 - 44,229  
1985 43,119 - 43,119  
1986 42,586 - 42,586  
1987 43,845 - 43,845  
1988 44,937 - 44,937  
1989 44,937 - 44,937  
1990 34,317 13,519 47,836 The filing fee was implemented under Section 7A(e) of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. 18a) on 11/29/1989.
1991 40,479 13,250 53,729  
1992 44,994 13,500 58,494  
1993 44,626 17,220 61,846  
1994 45,997 26,126 72,123  
1995 41,015 48,399 89,414  
1996 17,506 67,568 85,074  
1997 17,542 74,905 92,447  
1998 5,495 88,000 93,495  
1999 166 101,474 101,640  
2000 - 110,000 110,000  
2001 - 120,838 120,838 HSR reform legislation (Section 630 of Pub. L. No. 106-553, 114 Stat. 2762) became effective February 1, 2001, and created a three tiered filing structure with graduated fees.
2002 - 130,791 130,791 For FY 2002, the Division's funding of $130,791,000 is offset by a prior year unobligated balance of $10,095,000, reducing the reliance on current year fee collections to $120,696,000.
2003 - 133,133 133,133  
2004 21,133 112,000 133,133 The FY 2004 appropriation authorized Antitrust $21.133 million in ‘direct' funding since the fee estimate of $112 million was not enough to cover the total appropriation of $133.133 million.
2005 37,763 101,000 138,763  
2006 28,088 116,000 144,088 A Department-wide rescission was applied against the Division's original appropriation of $144.451 million, resulting in a $363,000 reduction to the Division's fiscal year 2006 appropriation
2007 18,819 129,000 147,819  
2008 8,819 139,000 147,819  
2009 0 157,788 157,788  
2010 61,170 102,000 163,170  
2011 60,844 102,000 162,844 A Department-wide rescission was applied against the Division's original appropriation of $163.170 million, resulting in a $326,340 reduction to the Division's fiscal year 2011 appropriation.
2012 49,587 110,000 159,587  
2013 44,039 115,000 159,039 A Department-wide rescission ($.978 million) and sequestration ($2.153 million) was applied against the Division‘s original appropriation of $162.170 million, resulting in a $3.131 million reduction to the Division fiscal year 2013 appropriation
2014 57,400 103,000 160,400  
2015 62,246 100,000 162,246  
2016 40,977 124,000 164,977  
2017 39,977 125,000 164,977  
2018 38,977 126,000 164,977  
2019 28,977 136,000 164,977  
2020 25,755 141,000 166,755  
2021 34,524 150,000 184,524  
2022 54,776 138,000 192,776  
2023     233,000  
2024 30,000 203,000 233,000  
Updated July 15, 2024