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Local Non-stop Fare Before, During, And After Entry By Low Cost Carrier

Local Non-stop Fare Before, During, and After Entry by Low Cost Carrier

A Bar Graph:
y-axis goes from $0 - $180 in increments of 20
x-axis has Colorado Springs, Wichita, and Kansas City

the color lavender represents “before entry”
the color purple represents “lcc in market”
the color yellow represents “after exit”

Colorado Springs:
the lavender bar goes to “$156”
the color purple represents “$88”
the color yellow represents “$133”

the lavender bar goes to “$110”
the color purple represents “$57”
the color yellow represents “$98”

Kansas City:
the lavender bar goes to “$113”
the color purple represents “$83”
the color yellow represents “$125”

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Updated June 25, 2015