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Healthcare and Consumer Products Section

Section History

The Healthcare and Consumer Products Section (HCP) traces its history back to 2002, when members of the Healthcare Task Force joined attorneys with experience in a variety of consumer products as part of a broader Division reorganization.  Initially known as Litigation I, the section had early litigation successes with United States v. Dentsply (artificial teeth) and United States v. UPM-Kymmene (label stock), and also investigated and litigated cases in paper, dairy, and beer markets, among others. Its successful simultaneous suits to block two multibillion dollar insurance mergers in 2016 and 2017 highlighted its attention on healthcare markets. Healthcare continues to be an important focus of the section, producing some of HCP’s largest and most high-profile matters. At the same time, the section routinely works on other industries, providing opportunities for attorneys to work on smaller matters and a mix of commodities. Recent examples include investigations into apparel markets, various food and supplement markets, and products in the beauty industry.

HCP members bring a variety of backgrounds to our shared commitment to protect and advocate for competition in our industries. We’re proud to still count several founding members of Litigation I among our HCP colleagues, and have supplemented their expertise with attorneys joining us through the Honors Program or who have developed their skills in private practice or at other state and Federal agencies. Through ongoing investigations, attendance at conferences, and direct engagement with individuals impacted by anticompetitive harms, we strive to maintain a deep knowledge of how competition works for each of the products under our umbrella. We deploy that learning both in the course of our investigations and litigations as well as through cooperation with the Division’s Competition Policy and Advocacy section, which works to help develop policy in other portions of the Government.

Jill Maguire, Acting Section Chief


Jill Maguire
Acting Section Chief

Garrett M. Liskey
Acting Assistant Chief

Patricia L. Sindel
Acting Assistant Chief

Department of Justice, Antitrust Division Seal with black background

Industries and Commodities

Healthcare: HCP has primary responsibility for all health insurance mergers, and routinely investigates mergers involving insurers and providers or other related products and services. HCP also investigates healthcare conduct matters, such as hospital market allocations, use of anti-steering provisions, and no-poach agreements. Finally, HCP investigates matters involving healthcare technology companies, such as electronic medical records providers.

Grocery Products: HCP covers many of the products that consumers purchase every day from grocery shelves around the country. Industries with which HCP has particularly in-depth experience include dairy (both milk and cheese), bread, and beer.

Wood and Paper Products: HCP’s work with wood and paper products extends across the full supply chain, from the companies that own the forestry land and timber mills, to those that convert the raw materials into lumber, plywood, paper, packaging material, or other products, to those that distribute and sell the product to contractors, companies, or consumers.

Other Consumer Products HCP also has experience with a variety of other consumer products, including home appliances, beauty and personal care products, and clothing, among others.

Federal and State Contacts

Healthcare Matters: HCP often works with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Trade Commission, state Attorneys General, and state insurance regulators in the course of its healthcare investigations.

International Contacts HCP most often coordinates with international enforcers on its non-healthcare matters, with wood and paper products providing the most frequent opportunity.

Antitrust Division Seal
HCP Contact Information

Mailing address:
Liberty Square Building
450 Fifth Street, NW
Suite 4100
Washington, DC 20530

Phone: 202-307-0001
Fax: 202-307-5802