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Exhibit C : Response To Comments In U.S. V. Village Voice Media

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Response to Comments in
United States v. Village Voice Media

Exhibit C

From: Stoney, Ericka
To: ''
Date: 1/29/03 9:10am
Subject: FW: The Village Voice and Microsoft

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Beberman []
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: The Village Voice and Microsoft

Shame, shame, shame on you. While you may have been correct that the Village voice was colluding in anti-competitive behavior, their actions were merely attempts to survive. Still, you went after them with the bloodlust of politicians attacking the most liberal of the media.

At the same time, you caved to Microsoft and failed to stop their anti-competitive behavior. Look at their attempts to cut off Java. What did your toothless consent decree do there? Here is one company controlling the future of much of the world's technology, and doing so without creativity, competition or significant innovation. You create deals that let them march forward and go after free newspapers instead.

I am ashamed that you are the supposed protectors of free markets under the law. You are the wimpy agent of big money. You don't defend innovation and competition. You help suppress it.

Let's hope for a new administration in 2005.


Gary Beberman
San Francisco, CA

Updated August 14, 2015