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Criminal Resource Manual

1526. Protection Of The President, Etc. -- Investigative Jurisdiction

Investigative jurisdiction for violations of 18 U.S.C. §§  871, 879, and 1752 rests with the Secret Service while the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has jurisdiction over 18 U.S.C. § 1751. Steps should be taken to insure that the FBI maintains close liaison with the Secret Service throughout the conduct of investigations under § 1751. There is an "Agreement of Procedures"|C727 between the Secret Service and the FBI regarding the transfer of responsibility in the event of the killing of a Secret Service protectee or any other violation of law involving a Secret Service protectee for which the FBI has investigative jurisdiction. As of July 1996, this 1978 agreement remains in effect; however, contact should be made with the Terrorism and Violent Crime Section (TVCS) to verify the current procedures.

[cited in USAM 9-65.100]