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Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas: Appendix D. Arson Report

U.S. Department of Justice
Washington, D.C. 20530


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Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas
February 28 to April 19, 1993

Appendix D. Arson Report



This report relates to the cause and origin of a fire that occurred on April 19, 1993 at the structure known as the "Branch Davidian compound" located near Waco, Texas.



This report establishes that the fire was the result of an intentional act by a person or persons inside the compound and in in violation of state and federal criminal laws including but limited to: Title 7, Section 28.02 of the Texas Penal Code (Arson), and Title 18, Section 844(i) of the U. S. Code.


Furthermore, if the prosecution establishes that a person intentionally causes the death of an individual in the course ot committing or attempting to commit Arson, the person may be trie,j for Capital Murder as defined under Title 5, Section 19.03 T.P.C. punishable by life imprisonment or death.



The involved structure was a multi-storied, wood framed building in an irregular shape with a ground floor area of approximately 12,500 square feet. Contained within the buildinq on the ground floor were the men's living quarters, a kitchen an"i dining room with adjacent food storage area, several utility rooms, a chapel, and a gymnasium.


The second floor was located over the entire length of the front of the building and above the food storage area, as well as in an area above the northeast portion of the chapel. The second floor was apparently used as quarters for women and children, and also contained Vernon Howell's quarters. Both corners on the front of the building contained a third floor. A third and fourth floor were located over the food storage area.


The building appeared to have been constructed haphazardly over a period of time with no attention to any building or fire codes. No bathroom or plumbing fixtures were found within the building with the exception of,sinks located in the kitchen area. Used lumber had been employed in construction. Most of the building's interior lacked wallboard. Foundation, slabs, and piers were unreinforced concrete of inferior quality.


A poured, unreinforced concrete foundation wall approximately 1001 x 241 was located on the southeast section of the building. Cinder blocks with a poured concrete cap set directly on the earth made up the remainder of the exterior foundation on the front. The remaining structural foundation was either cinder blocks set directly on the earth or homemade unreinforced concrete blocks.


Most of the interior foundation was made of poured unreinforced concrete blocks or cinder blocks set directly on the earth, unreinforced concrete slabs, or poured concrete blocks formed from five gallon cans and/or half gallon milk containers.


Floor joists were identifiable from remains found on the ground floor only. Most appear to have been wooden 2" x 6"s. There were no mechanical connections to foundations or piers, with the exception of the 100' x 2' section previously noted. Several materials used for flooring on the ground floor were noted, including 1/21 plywood, 1" particle board and 1" particle board over 1" x 6"s.


The exterior framing in the 100' x 24' area on the ground floor appeared to be 2" x 6"s. The remaining exterior framing appeared to be 2" x 4"s. Exterior walls throughout were covered with 1/2" exterior masonite. The entire front section of the building's ground floor (176' x 24') appears to have had interior walls covered with 1/211 sheetrock ' wallboard. The remains of 1/2" sheetrock were also found in the chapel area. No remains of interior wallboard were found in either the dining room or the gymnasium. The interior wall coverings above the first floor are unknown.


The only materials known to have been used for roof construction were found at the rear of the gymnasium. In this area, 3/8" plywood had been laid over 2" x 8" homemade wooden trusses. The roof of the entire structure was covered with rolled asphalt composition roofing material.


Electrical power to the building had been turned off prior to the day of the fire. No evidence of any energized electrical service to the building was observed.


There were also several underground storage rooms that appeared to have been dug directly under the existing structure. A school bus had been buried at the west end of the building. The bus was a part of a tunnel system extending from the west end of the building to a large concrete walled structure (unfinished construction) partially roofed by plywood covered with tar paper.


The only entrance to the tunnel system from the main building was through an opening in the floor of the main building, west end. This opening led to a small underground room with access to the rear door of the aforementioned school bus.




The structure was occupied as a multi-family residential building with shared common areas including a single kitchen and dining area, a chapel, and a gymnasium. The gymnasium was being used as a storage area.


The interior of the building was compartmented into many smaller rooms presumed to have been used as sleeping quarters.


The building also contained a small machine shop in which the remains of a metal lathe and mill were found. There were also identifiable remains of a large amount of firearms, ammunition, and devices resembling explosive ordinance.



This fire was caused by the intentional act(s) of a person or persons inside the compound. Fires were set in three separate areas of the structure identified as points of origin 1, 2, and 3. This investigation establishes that these fires occurred in areas significantly distant from each other and in a time frame that precludes any assumption of a single ignition source or accidental cause.


Furthermore, the physical evidence collected at the scene included the remains of several metal containers commonly used for the storage of flammable liquids. These containers were collected by members of the Texas Rangers crime scene team and remain in their custody. Samples of fire debris were also collected and proof of flammable liquids was established through the use of an accelerant detection dog and through laboratory analysis. Further details are included in other sections of this report.


Point of origin #1 is further identified as the second floor, front section of the building, southeast corner.


Point of origin #2 is further identified as the first floor, mid section of the building in or near the area identified as the dining room.


Point of origin #3 is further identified as the first floor, right side (east) of the building identified as the chapel area.


Investigative findings further confirm that flammable liquids were used to accelerate the spread and intensity of the fire.






on or about and for several weeks prior to April 19, 1993, the above described structure, also known as the Mount Carmel Compound, was occupied by several dozen members of a religious cult who called themselves "Branch Davidians". The cult was allegedly led by a person identified as Vernon Howell, aka: David Koresh.


This location was the scene of a federal law enforcement operation in which hostage negotiators were attempting to effect the release of persons inside the compound and/or surrender of Howell and others charged with criminal violations.


At or about 6:00 am on April 19, 1993, federal officers began to breach the walls of the building using vehicles described as combat engineering vehicles (CEV's). Other military vehicles were also used at the scene as transport for law enforcement officers.


During the next six hours, ending shortly after 12:00 noon, several large portions of the building's exterior walls were destroyed by the CEV's. The area of deepest penetration by the vehicles was in the rear section known as the gymnasium located on the northeast side of the building. During this period of time, law enforcement officers reported seeing persons moving about inside the building. Also during this same time period, tear gas was inserted inside the building by means of pressurized injectors mounted on the CEV's and hand held launchers. At or about 9:17 am, the front door of the building was breached by CEV.


The last contact by a CEV was at or about 12:06 pm. This contact resulted in the removal of a part of the southeast corner of the exterior wall, ground floor level.


There was no evidence-or indication of fire at any time during the approximate six hours of intermittent physical contact between the vehicles and the building. At the conclusion of the breaching and tear-gassing operation, the building had sustained several large openings in the exterior walls.






The intensity levels described in this section refer to the relative growth and flame spread characteristics observed in the F.L.I.R. video tape. They are applied to this particular case for claiification purpos es only and do not refer to the commonly applied "phases of fire" theory.
Intensity levels are defined as follows:


I.L.(1) Visible flame or observable heat at the incipient fire stage.
I.L.(2) A fire which has progressed from incipient (I.L.1) to the point of full room involvement.
I.L.(3) A fire which his reached a point greater than I.L.2 and has visible flame extending beyond the room or area of origin.

12:07:41 - Fire is first observed in point of origin one (southeast corner, second floor). This fire is at I.L.1 (incipient).

12:08:49 - Fire is observed at area of origin two (dining area). This fire is already at or near I.L.2 when first observed.

12:09:30 - Fire at point of origin one is observed reaching I.L.2

12:09:42 - Flames at point of origin one are observed venting through windows, second floor.

12:09:45 - Fire is visible in point of origin three (inside chapel). This fire is observed at I. L. 1 and rapidly intensifit~s to I.L.3.

12:10:22 - Point of origin three (chapel) spreading to full involvement of gymnasium (I.L.3+).

12:11:00 - Fire rapidly spreading to involve entire building.




The spread of this fire was enhanced by a combination of several factors in addition to the multiple points of origin and the use of flammable liquids. These factors include the following:


1) Building construction: This building, as mentioned above, was very poorly constructed with no apparent consideration to fire safety. Although constructed in a rural area and possibly not legally bound to fire code restrictions, this building appears to have been built with a total disregard to any reasonable concern for fire prevention, especially considering it's intended use as living quarters for numerous people.


2) Wind: The spread of any fire is naturally affected by the wind. This fire was certainly intensified by a very strong wind from the general direction of the south.


3) Law enforcement breaching operations: During the approximate six hours prior to the fire, in their efforts to allow access to the interior of the building, and allegedly to allow escape from within, the FBI removed several large sections of the building's exterior walls. When added to the aforementioned strong wind, these openings are contributory to the fire's spread. However, another factor to consider is that the allowance of additional fresh air into the building, while fanning the flames, would have also lowered the concentration of carbon monoxide thus allowing a greater amount of "breathable" air and increasing the amount of time a person might have survived if trapped inside.


4) Contents within the building: One aspect of particular concern, somewhat unique to this fire scene, is the unusual amount of highly combustible products stored inside the building, such as bailed hay, large quantities of paper products and other flammables.


5) Delayed fire suppression: The building was virtually destroyed before fire fighting operations began. However, even under more favorable circumstances, including the time required for detection, reporting, response and suppression, a fire such as this would have likely been too far advanced for effective extinguishment, salvage or rescue.






During the fire scene examination, an accelerant detection dog was used to assist in locating areas within the compound that may have contained the presence of hydrocarbons or flammable liquids (possibly used to accelerate the fire). The dog alerted in numerous areas throughout the compound including the points of origin mentioned above. Additionally, the dog was allowed controlled access to articles of clothing removed from the residents of the compound who escaped after the fire began. The dog alerted on many of the articles of clothing.


Of particular interest is the fact that the dog is capable of making distinctions of relative intensity between areas of the same garment. Although incapable of identifying a particular flammable liquid, the dog is much more sensitive than commonly used electronic equipment and can often alert on samples containing minute quantities of flammables, that cannot be detected by the gas chromatographic instrument.




Approximately one hundred samples of fire debris and clothing were submitted for scientific analysis. These items had been alerted on by the canine prior to submission for identification. Many could not be identified by scientific means. However, those that were identified include the following:

0018B         shoes - Misty Ferguson KEROSENE
0019C         shoes - Clive Doyle CAMP STOVE FUEL
0024           clothing - Derek Lovelock CAMP STOVE FUEL
0024A         clothing - Derek Lovelock KEROSENE
0024B         shoes - Derek Lovelock CAMP STOVE FUEL
0026A         shoe (left) - Graeme Craddock KEROSENE AND GASOLINE
0022A         shoes - Jaime Castillo CAMP STOVE FUEL
0037           jacket CHARCOAL STARTER FUEL
0189           shirt, shirt, pants CHARCOAL STARTER FUEL
0255           soil GASOLINE
0735           raincoat GASOLINE
0925           carpet GASOLINE
0928           debris GASOLINE
0932           latex gloves CHARCOAL STARTER FUEL
0934           cartridge belt GASOLINE
0936           coat CHARCOAL STARTER FUEL
0938           camo pants HEAVY PETROLEUM DISTILLATE
0939           gas mask GASOLINE
1176           unknown sample GASOLINE
1404           debris GASOLINE
1415           concrete KEROSENE
1417           concrete KEROSENE
1418           soil KEROSENE
1419           soil KEROSENE
1420           concrete KEROSENE






The following is provided for informational purposes concerning the tear gas used by the FBI at the compound. We are of the opinion that this fire was not caused by nor was it intensified by any chemicals present in the tear-gassing operations.
There were two methods of delivery.
1) The 40mm Ferret cartridge which is a plastic projectile delivered by an M79 hand held launcher.

The irritant mixture is a nonburning nonexplosive liquid agent containing CN and Methylene Chloride as a carrier. Each Ferret contained 25cc (1.53 of the mixture. The effectiveness of this product is diminished proportionally to the amount of air available for dissipation, which is why it is intended for enclosed space application.

Although capable of limited penetration, many of these rounds did not penetrate the exterior of the building. Those that did enter the building were probably incapable of penetrating beyond the first room of entry.

Although Methylene Chloride can be made to support weak flame propagation under some controlled laboratory conditions, it most likely would have acted as a flame inhibitor if introduced into a room during the incipient stage of a fire, and probably could not have been ignited during deployment and delivery by any common ignition source present in this application.

2) The pressurized CN carried aboard the CEV's had a maximum delivery rate of twelve to fifteen seconds and was sprayed through a nozzle using Carbon Dioxide as the propellant. Not only incapable of igniting, this product may have been an effective extinguishing medium if applied to a fire already in progress.




It is apparent that a conscious decision to use the above described methods of tear gas delivery included some concern for potential fire hazards. In choosing the products selected, a significant degree of effectiveness may have been sacrificed in favor of safety. In fact, when all factors are considered, including the strong winds, the large openings in the building as a result of the CEV operations, the relative weakness of the tear gas selected, and the use of gas masks by the occupants, the entire gassing operation may be viewed as a failure with the possible exception of a psychological effect. Nevertheless, we are of the opinion that these operations did not contribute to the ignition or spread of the fire.




A scenario involving the Ferret round as a cause of this fire includes some unlikely coincidental occurrences which would have required the projectile to enter a room, striking a lighted liquid fueled lantern, spilling the fuel without extinguishing the burning mantel, and allowing the burning mantel to ignite the spilled fuel. Such a scenario would have resulted in an immediate flash ignition at a single point of origin with a natural fire spread from that point. As reflected earlier in this report, multiple points of origin occurring after cessation of the gassing operation eliminates this hypothetical explanation.


Another theoretical explanation reported by the media in this case involves the rupture of a propane cylinder or flammable liquid container as a result of being crushed by one of the vehicles breaching the walls of the compound. If this had happened, an immediate vapor air explosion or flash fire would have occurred involving the vehicle itself. It did not happen. All law enforcement vehicles were well away from the building prior to the start of the fire. Although explosions did occur during this fire, some of which were likely caused by propane cylinders rupturing from overpressure due to external heat, there were no explosions during the early stages of the fire.


It should be pointed out that there was certainly a significant amount of structural damage done to the building during this operation which would naturally include it's interior and contents. Therefore, it is possible that some flammables were spilled inside the building as a result. These flammables could have contributed to the destruction of the building as the fire spread to them. There is no positive proof of this but it cannot be eliminated.


One final observation, though not relative to the cause and origin of this fire, concerns the possibility of escape from the building after the fires began. A great many of the occupants could have escaped to the outside of the compound even as the building burned. An exact number cannot be determined. However, considering the observable means of exit available, we must assume that many of the occupants were either denied escape from within or re~used to leave until escape was not an option.


It is also possible that the escape route planned included the aforementioned tunnel system accessible through an opening in the floor at the west end of the building. A significant amount of structural debris was found in this area indicating that the breaching operations could have caused this route to be blocked.




Paul C. Gray


John T. Ricketts


William S. Cass


Thomas W. Hitchings


Mr. Paul Gray
Assistant Chief Arson Investigator
Houston Arson Bureau
410 Bagby, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77002

Re: Mt. Carmel Investigation



On April 24, 1993, twenty-four containers of items were received by Dr. Andrew T. Armstrong from Ranger Sergeant Jim Miller and Ranger Sergeant Lane Akin of the Texas Department of Public Safety. Some containers were comprised of single items and some of multiple samples. All had been sealed and secured by the collecting officers. The items submitted are outlined in Appendix I and are identified by the laboratory number, the DPS number and other numbers when applicable. All are described and all markings are indicated. This report will refer to samples in accordance with the DPS marking, a twelve digit number where the last four places are significant.

On April 26, 1993, thirty-six additional samples were delivered to the laboratory by Ranger Sergeant Lane Akin and on April 28, 1993, twenty-two additional samples were received from the same officer. These samples were entered into evidence and described in the same manner as previously outlined. On May 4, 1993, the laboratory received one additional sample for analysis from Sergeant Akin.

The samples were subjected to dynamic head space recovery in accordance with ASTM E1412-91 or passive collection in accordance with ASTM Method E1413-91, where required. Collection of the volatiles was on SKC charcoal with carbon disulfide extraction and analysis by- capillary column gas chromazzography with cross column confirmation. Sefected samples were analyzed by gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry. The gas chromatographic analyses. and classification of flammable and combustible recoveries are in accordance with ASTM E1387-90.

Results of the testing are itemized individually for each sample tested beginning on page two in the conclusion to the report. Samples with similar flammable liquid or combustible liquid identifications are included in common parag-ra-ahs in the data summary.


- Data analyses achieved from the testing establishes that samples known as DPS Numbers 0026B, 0255, 0733, 0925, 0928, 0934, 0939, 1176, 1404 and 1415 contained a refined petroleum fuel mixture consistent with gasoline. Gasoline is a Class 2 petroleum distillate.

- Data analyses establishes that DPS Samples 0037 (left sleeve), 0037 (right sleeve), 0189 (shirt), 0189 (shirt) , 0189 (pants), 0932 and 0936 contained a midrange petroleum distillate known as a deparaffinated kerosene. This range of petroleum distillate can be found as a solvent but is more commonly available as a fuel in some charcoal starters. This type of product is a Class 0 petroleum distillate.

- Data analyses establishes that DPS Samples 0019C, 0022A (left shoe), 0022A (right shoe), 0024 and 0024B contained a light petroleum distillate known as petroleum naphtha. Petroleum naphtha is available commercially as a solvent or as a fuel in lighter fluids and campstove products. This range of petroleum product is a Class 1 petroleum distillate.

- DPS Samples 0024A, 0026B, 1415, 1417., 1418, W.9 and 1420 contained broad range, straight run petroleum distillates of the fuel oil series. The range of components recovered is consistent with a kerosene, a Class 4 petroleum distillate.

- DPS Sample 0018B contained a medium petroleum distillate consistent with a mineral spirits of kerosene, a Class 3 petroleum distillate.

- DPS Samples 0030, 0796 and 0938 contained resides of heavy petroleum distillates. Further characterization could not be achieved.

- Other samples submitted may have contained singular, identifiable components that may, or may not, have originated from flammable mixtures. These samples are considered as negative for identifiable flammable liquid residues. Failure to identify an accelerant in any sample of fire debris should not be interpreted to mean that an accelerant could not have been present. It means only that, none could be recovered from that particular debris.


DPS No:           AFL       Description         Results:
00000000-       No:

 0004		3	Camo shirt	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0005	11	Camo shirt	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0006	13	Vest magazine	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0014		8	Ammo pouch	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0017	19A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0017A	19B	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0017B	19C-1	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0017B	19C-2	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0017C	19D	Shoes	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 001-ID	19E	Passport	Not tested 0017E	19F	Passport	Not tested 0017F	19G	Personal items	Not tested .Report 93FRI212 Page 3  DPS  No:	AFL	Description	Results: 00000000-	No:   0017G	19H	Personal items	Not tested 0018	12A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0018A	12B	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0018B	12C	Reebok shoe	Contained a medium petroleum distillate, a 			Class 3 product. 0018C	12D	Personal items	Not tested 0018D	12E	Magazine pouch 	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0019	22A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0019A	22B	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0019B	22 C	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0019C	22D	Shoe	Contained a petroleum naphtha, a Class 1 			petroleum distillate. 0019D	22E	Lighter	Not tested 0020	24A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0020A	24B	Jacket	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0020C	24C	Tennis shoe	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0020B	24D	Lighter	Not tested 0021	18A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0021A	18B	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0021B	18C	Right shoe	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0021	18D	Left shoe	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0022	17A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0022A	17B	Right shoe	Contained a petroleum naphtha, a Class 1 			petroleum distillate. 0022A	17C	Left shoe	Contained a petroleum naphtha, a Class 1 			petroleum distillate. 0024	23A	Clothing	Contained a uetroleum naphtha, a Class 1 			petroleum distillate. 0024A	23B	Clotbing	Contained kerosene, a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. 0024B	23C	Tennis shoes	Contained a petroleum naphtha, a Class 1 			petroleum distillate. .Report 93FR1212 Page 4  DPS  No:	AFL	Description	Results: 00000000-	No:   0024C	23D	Lighter	Not tested 0025	20A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0025A	20B	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0025A	20B-S	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0025B	20C	Bible	Not tested 0025C	20D	Computer disk	Not tested 0025D	20E	Personal items	Not tested Q026	16A	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0026A	16B	Right shoe	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0026B	16C	Lef t shoe	Contained a. mixture of gasoline and kerosene, 			a mixture of a Class 2 and a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. 0026	16D	Watch	Not tested 0028	15	Vest-bullet	Not tested 0030	10	Ammo pouch	Contained the residue of a heavy petroleum 			distillate. 0037	14S-1	Left sleeve	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. 0037	14S-2	Right sleeve	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. 0183	4	Control/dog	Not tested 0188	7	Control/dog	Not tested 0189	9S1	Shirt	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. 0189	9S2	Shirt	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. 0189	9S3	Pants	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. 0255	6	Soil	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 0263	1	Water	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0735	2	Raincoat	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 0755	3	Wood	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. .Report 93FR1212 Page 3  DPS  No:	AFL	Description	Results: 00000000-	No:   0786	26	Debris	No identffiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0787	27	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids . 0788	28	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0789	29	Rock debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0790	30	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0791	31	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0792	32	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0793	33	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0794	34	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0795	35	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0796	36	Cloth	Contained the residue of a heavy petroleum 			distillate 0797	37	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0798	38	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0922	39	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0923	40	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0924	41	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0925	42	Carpet	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate 0926	43	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0928	44	Debris	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 0929	45	Glove	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0930	46	Nylon pouch	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0931	47	Leather glove	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0932	48	Latex glove	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. 0933	49	Knife holster	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0934	50	Cartridge' belt	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 0935	51	Belt holster	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids 0936	32	Navak coat	Contained a deparaffinated kerosene, a Class 0 			petroleum distillate. .Report 93FR1212 Page 6  DPS No:	AFL	Description	Results: 00000000-	No:   0937	53	Camo shirt	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0938	54	Camo pants	Contained the residue of a heavy petroleum 			distillate. 0939	55	Gas mask	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 0940	56	Vest	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0973	57	Floor joist	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 09.74	58	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0976	59	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 0977	60	Particle board	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1176	61	Not identified	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 1402	62	Carpet & plastic	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1403	63	Carpet	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1404	63A	Debris	Contained gasoline, a Class 2 petroleum 			distillate. 1405	64	Cloth	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1406	65	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1407	66	Cloth	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1408	67	Clothing	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1409	68	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1410	69	Debris	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1411	70	Flooring	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1412	71	Concrete	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1413	72	Concrete	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1414	73	Concrete	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1415	74	Concrete	Contained a mixture of gasoline and kerosene; 			a mixture of a Class 2 and a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. 1416	75	Concrete	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1417	76	Concrete	Contained kerosene, a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. .Report 93FR1212 Page 7  DPS  No:	AFL	Description	Results: 00000000-	No:   1418	77	Soil & debris	Contained kerosene, a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. 1419	78	Soil & debris	Contained kerosene; a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. 1420	79	Concrete	Contained kerosene, a Class 4 petroleum 			distillate. 1421	80	Concrete	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 1422	81	Concrete	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 2018	82	Torch	No identifiable flammable/ combustible liquids. 

Lab Sample No: 21 was included in DPS No: 18.
Lab Sample Nos: 63 and 63A were two different DPS sites but received the same lab number through a typing duplication.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrew T. Armstrong, PhD
Certified Professional Chemist, AIC
AIHA Accreditation: 363
John M. Corn, MS
Senior Chemist


Laboratory Report 93FR1212

Sample Descriptions

 		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   1	0263	4/22/93	DPS Label - DPS Batch #12., Wallace Higgins, FBI 		(1600)	Outer Can - Water Sample F/crater do not open until 			              ready to analyze ZL Mt. Carmel 4/23/93 #263 			Enclosed Can - water sample F/crater do no open until 			              ready to analyze ZL ZW Mt. Carmel 4/23/93 			              #263 2.	0735	4/24/93	DPS Label - Rain coat - yellow rain coat sector D 		(1500)	              grid, All Ray Cano, DPS Batch #27 			Paper Sack - DA11 #1 Yellow rain coat 4/24/93 3:OOPM 				#765 			Can - for latent prints  3	0004	4/21/93	DPS Label - Camo shirt, Wallace Higgins, FBI Batch #2 		(1441)	Dog Tag - LA4140 6:15PM 4-23-93 #2 			Can - WAC MUR Mt. Carmel, 1 - Camo shirt 4/21/93 ZL 				Ex. 4 			Zip Lock Bag (Split) - 4/21/93 ZL WAC MUR Mt. Carmel 				1 Camo shirt  4	0183	4/23/93	DPS Label - Control Sample Arson K-9, John Kaus, FBI 				Batch #8 			Can - Ex 183 JMK 4-23-93 LA4140 Control #2 with                         Ex 1, 2, 3  4/23/93  6:15PM  5	0755	4/24/93	DPS Label - Wood - Char - Wood - Dog Sample Sector D 		(1530)	grid A21 Ray Cano, DPS Batch #28                   Sack - RC 4/24/93                   Can -  4/24/93 3:30PM DA2 dog sample wood (oak) 		A 18, 19, 20  6	0255	4/22/93	DPS Label - Soil - Char - Soil Sample, Wallace 		(1600)		Higgins, FBI	Batch #12 			Can - Mt. Carmel, TX	4/22/93 soil sample f/crater 				do not open until ready to analyze Z4  7	0188	4/23/93	DPS Label - Char - Controlled Sample Arson K-9, John 				Kaus, FBI Batch #8 			Can - LA4140 Control #1 with Ex 1, 2, 3 4/23/93 				6:15PM  JMK  4-23-93  				(i)  APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   8	0014	4/21/93	DPS Label - Pouch - Ammo, Wallace Higgins, FBI 		(1441)		Batch "2                         Zip Lock Bag (Split) - WAC  MUR    4/21/93  ZL   Mt. 	Carmel, TX   2 black mag.  pouches w/2 mag  	each (mags loaded)                  Can -  WAC  MUR  Mt. Carmel  2-Blk. mag. pouch 4/21/93 		#14  9	0189	4/23/93	DPS Label - Char: 2 shirts, 1 pair of pants, John  				Kaus, FBI Batch #8                  Plastic Sack - LA  4140  4/23/93   6:30PM  Control  #1 	w/Ex. 4   Ex. 189 JMK   4/23/93                  Articles split into three cans:	Split 1 - Shirt 	Split 2 - Shirt 	Split 3 - Pants  10	0030	4/21/93	DPS Label - #030 Pouch - Ammo, Wallace Higgins, FB I 		(1441)		Batch #2 			Zip Lock Bag (Split) - WAC MUS Mt. Carmel, TX 				4/21/93 ZL                         Can -  #30 J 4-23-93 1 Ammo Belt 2x2-9mm pouches  	(black) JMK 4-23-93  11	0005	4/21/93	DPS Label - Camo shirt, Wallace Higgins, FBI 		(1441)		Batch #2-                  Dog Tag - Onyx's Nose - LA 4140 6:15PM 4-23-93 #1                  Zip Lock Bag (Split) - contained 1 glass case, 1             pair glasses -  Optical Dispensary, Waco, TX             3 rounds of ammo - 9mm. Luge FC  hollow point; 	9mm WCC88 - solid; rifle cart. C077                  Zip Lock Bag - WAC MUR Mt. Carmel, 1 camo jacket 	w/loose rounds in pocket  ZL  4/21/93                         Can - WAC MUR Mt. Carmel 1 camo jacket w/loose  	rounds in pocket 4/21/93 Ex 5  (ii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FRI212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   12E	0018	4/21/93	DPS Label - -Pouch magazine, Higgins, Wallace, FBI 		(1441)		Batch #2                         Can - WAC MUR  ZL  Mt. Carmel, TX   4/21/93 1 Black  	mag pouch                   Zip Lock Bag (Split) - WAC MUR Mt. Carmel 4/21/93 	1 Black mag pouch w/two loaded mags 12	0018	4/21/93	Orange Sack - Med 5, ATF-18, DOB Ferguson, Misty 				contained 12A, 12B, 12C and 12D  12A	0018	4/21/93	Label - 18  - labeled clothing - Misty Ferguson 		(1441)		4/19/93 17:50    Agent: Jaime Lopez Agent 				ID #0500 ATF  DET  0018  4/19/93  Time  1750 			Dog Tag - Onyx's LA 4140 #5     4/24/93 4:15PM can 				w/socks, jeans, bra 			Can - DET 0018 4/19/93 1750  12B	0018	4/21/93	Label -	18A clothing - Misty Ferguson 4/19/93 17:50 		(1441)		Agent Jaime Lopez   Agent ID 10500 ATF 			Dog Tag - Onyx's LA 4140 #6    4/24/93 4:15PM can 				w/shirts (3)  12C	 001	84/21/93	Labe - 18B - Reebok - Misty Ferguson 4/19/93  17:50 		(1441)		Agent Jaime Lopez   Agent ID #0500 ATF 			Dog Tag - Onyx's LA 4140  #7   4/24/93 4:15PM   two 			black Reebok shoes 		Paper Sack DET 0018B LA 4140 #7  12D	0018	4/21/93	Label  -	18C	Necklace 4/19/93 17:50 Agent Jaime 		(1441)		Lopez	Agent ID #0500 ATF 		Contents of Sack - Label DET 0018C - 1 pair glasses, 			1 watch - AWATCH, 1 gold necklace w/star, 			1 cloth bracelet - black & purple  (iii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FRI212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number.	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings    13	0006	4/21/93	DPS Label - Vest magazine, Wallace Higgins, FBI 		(1441)		Batch #2                         Zip Lock Bag (Split) - WAC MUR  Mt. Carmel, TX 	 4/21/93  ZL 1 black vest w/loaded magazine                   Dog Tag - Onyx's nose, LA  4140  6:15PM  4/23/93  #3                         Can - WAC MUR  Mt. Carmel ZL 1 black vest w/9  	loaded mags 4/21/93 Ex 9  14	0037	4/21/93	DPS Label - Jacket, Wallace Higgins, FBI Batch #2 		(1441)	Previous Sacks - WAC MUR Mt. Carmel - 1 scorched 				blue nylon jacket                   Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 4/23/93 10:30PM 	#4                   Cans Made:   Split 1 - left sleeve                      Split 2 - right sleeve  15	0028	4/21/93	DPS Label - Vest bullet res, Wallace Higgins, FBI 		(1441)		Batch #2                         Sack - WAC MUR Mt. Carmel, 4/21/93 ZL 1-one  	panel bullet proof vest/ATF agent #28  16A       0026	4/19/93	Sack - JAC 4/19/93 Craddock, Graeme 11/29/51 	(1740)	Can - Graeme Craddock clothing, Agent Jaime Lopez 			ATF #0500 4/19/93 1740 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose  #18 LA 4140 4/24/93 4:50PM 			can w/clothing  16B        0026	4/19/93	Sack -	0026A Graeme Craddock, tennis shoes Reebok 	(1740)		Jaime Lopez ATF 0500 		Dog Tag - LA 4140 4/24/93 #19A 4:50PM Shoe/ 			right black tennis  16C         0026	4/19/93	Sack -	0026A Graeme Craddock, tennis shoes Reebok 	(1740)		Jaime Lopez ATF 0500 		Dog tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 4/24/93 #19B 4:50PM  			Shoe/left black tennis  16D         0026	4/19/93	Dog tag - 0026B watch Seiko Sports 150 Agent Jaime 	(1740)		Lopez Agent ID #0500 ATF DET 026B  (iv) APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  	Collection Lab   DPS Number	Date	Sample No.   (00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings    17A   0022	4/19/93	Sack -  Castillo, Jaime 6/4/68 JL 4/19/93 	(1800)	Can - DET 0022 Castillo, Jaime clothes Jaime Lopez 			#0500 ATF 		Dog Tag - Onyx's Nose #20 LA 4140 4/24/93 5:00PM  17B   0022	4/19/93	Label - DET 0022A Shoes Reebok Back Tennis, Jaime 	(1800)	Lopez	Agent ID #0500 ATF 		Sack	DET 0022A 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #21A  LA 4140  4/24/93  5:00PM 			right shoe  17C   0022	4/19/93	Label - DET 0022A Shoes Reebok Back Tennis, Jaime 	(1800)	Lopez	Agent ID #0500 ATF 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose IV21B LA 4140 4/24/93 5:OOPM 			left shoe  18A   0021	4/19/93	Label - DET 0021 Thibodeau, David pants, jeans, 	(1725)		shorts, cloths Agent Jaime Lopez Agent 			ID #0500 ATF 		Sack - 21 Thibodeau, David 2/13/69 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #15 LA  4140  4/24/93  4:45PM  18B   0021	4/19/93	Label -	DET 0021 Thibodeau, David shirt, sweater/ 	(1725)		black clothes Jaime Lopez Agent ID  #0500 			ATF 		Can - DET 0021A 4/19/93 @ 17:25 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #15 LA 4140 4/24/93 4:45PM  18C   0021	4/19/93	Label - Shoes Jaime Lopez Agent ID #0500 ATF 	(1725)	Sack - DET 0021B @ 17:25 LA 4140 17A   17B 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #17A  LA  4140  4/24/93  4:45P.M 			can w/R shoe (boot hiking)  18D   0021	4/19/93	Label - Shoes Jaime Lopez Agent ID #0500 ATF 	(1725)	Sack - DET 0021B @ 17:25 LA  4140  17A  17B 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #17B LA 4140 4/24/93  4: 4.5 PM 			can w/L shoe (boot hiking)  			(v) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FRI212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  	Collection Lab  DPS Number	Date	Sample No.  (00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   19A     0017	4/19/93	Label - DET 0017 Unknown black female clothes Jaime 	(1830)		Lopez Agent ID 710500 ATF 		Sack - Black female unconscious IL 4/19/93 17 		Can - DET 0017 4/19/93 @ 18:30 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 #22  4/24/93  5:10PM  19B     0017	4/19/93	Label - DET 0017 Unknown black female clothing 	(1830)	Jaime Lopez Agent ID #0500 ATF 		Can - DET 0017A 4/19/93 @ 1830 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 V'23 4/24/93 5:10PM  19C     0017	4/19/93	Label - DET 0017B Unknown black female clothing 	(1830)		Jaime Lopez Agent ID #0500 ATF 		Can - DET  0017B 4/19/93 @ 1830 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 7#24 4/24/93 5:10P.M  19D     0017	4/19/93	Label - DET 0017 Unknown black female black shoes 	(1830)		Jaime Lopez Agent ID #0500 ATF 		Sack - DET 0017C LA 4140 #25 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #25 LA 4140 4/24/93 5:15PM  19E     0017	4/19/93	Label - 0017D Unknown black female passport #003408563 	(1830)		Jaime Lopez AID #0500 ATF 		Sack - DET  0017D for latent prints 		Contents: European United Kingdom of Great Britain & 			Northern Ireland passport  19F     0017	4/19/93	Label - 0017E Unknown black female British passport 	(1830)		#L426260C Jaime Lopez AID #0500 ATF 		Sack - DET 0017E for latent prints 		Contents: British passport #L426260C Miss M.V. Thomas  19G    0017	4/19/93	Label - 0017F Unknown black female personal articles 	(1830)		- savings book, checkbook, pen, star necklace 			Jaime Lopez AID #0500 ATF 		Sack - DET 0017F for latent prints 		Contents: Savings book, check book (Mt. Westminister 			Bank), pen, gold star necklace, notebook paper 			note, liquid gold - Leeds  			(vi) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  	Collection Lab  DPS Number	Date	Sample No.  (00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   19H  0017	4/19/93	Label - 0017G Unknown black female DET 0017G personal 	(1830)		articles - red wallet - medical card Jaime 			Lopez AID #0500 ATF 		Sack - DET 0017G for latent prints 		Contents: Red wallet, medical card of Miss Marjorie 			Venetia Thomas  20A  0025	4/19/93	Label - DET 0025 Unknown female - white, clothing 	(1730)		Jaime Lopez AID #0500 ATF 		Sack - Refused to give name JL 4/19/93 		Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #26 LA 4140 4/24/93 5:20PM  20B  0025	4/19/93	Label - DET 0025A Unknown female - white, clothing 	(1730)		Jaime Lopez 0500 ATF 		Can - DET 0025A 4/19/93 1730 		Dog tag - Onyx's nose #26 LA 4140 4/24/93 5:20PM  20C  0025	4/19/93	Label - DET  0025B Unknown female - white, red Holy 	(1730)		Bible Jaime Lopez AID 0500 ATF 		Sack - 0025B for latent prints 		Contents: small red Holy Bible of Gladys Pauline 			Ottman  20D  0025	4/19/93	Label - DET 0025C Unknown female - white, computer 	(1730)		disk - Maxell 		Sack - DET 0025C for latent prints & cart 		Contents: Maxell computer disk MF2-DD floppy disk 			marked "Seven Seals" - sharp  20E  0025	4/19/93	Label - DET 0025D Unknown female - white, personal 	(1730)		effects - watch, necklace, pen Jaime Lopez 			AID 0500 ATF 		Sack - DET 0025D for latent prints 		Contents: 1 Pilot brand pen, 1 Helbros brand watch  			w/black band, 1 gold star necklace  (vii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   22A	0019	4/19/93	Label - DET 0019 Doyle, Clive, clothing Jaime Lopez 		(1820)		AID 0500 ATF 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 #11 4/24/93 4:35PM  22B	0019	4/19/93	Label - DET 0019A Doyle, Clive, clothing Jaime 		(1820)		Lopez AID 0500 ATF 			Sack - DET 0019A 4/19/93 @ 1820 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 412 4/24/93 4:35PM  22C	0019	4/19/93	Label - DET 0019B Doyle, Clive, clothing Jaime 		(1820)		Lopez AID 0500 ATF 			Sack - DET 0019B 4/19/93 @ 1820 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 1#13 4/24/93 4:35PM  22D	0019	4/19/93	Label - DET 0019C Doyle, Clive, 1 shoe (brown) Jaime 		(1820)		Lopez AID 0500 ATF 			Sack - DET 0019C LA 4140 1414 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 #14 4/24/93 4:35PM  22E 	0019	4/19/93	Label - DET 0019 Doyle, Clive, 1 lighter Jaime 		(1820)		Lopez AID 0500 ATF 			Sack - DET 0019D 			Contents: 1 gold Bic brand lighter  23A	0024	4/19/93	Label - DET 0024 Lovelock, Derek, clothing Jaime 		(1810)		Lopez AID #0500 ATF 			Sack - DOB 8-13-55 Derek Lovelock 5/15/55 24 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 T'T8 4/24/93 4:30PM  23B	0024	4/19/93	Label - DET 0024A Lovelock, Derek, Jaime Lopez AID 		(1810)		#0500 ATF 			Can - DET 0024A 4/19/93 @ 1810 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 #8 (probably 9) 				4:30PM 4/24/93 			Contents: clothing   (viii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   23C	0024	4/19/93	Label - DET 0024B Lovelock, Derek, white tennis 		(1810)	      shoes Jaime Lopez AID #0500 - ATF 			Sack - DET 0024B 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose LA 4140 #10 4:30PM 4/24/93  23D	0024	4/19/93	Label - DET 0024C Lovelock, Derek, orange lighter 		(1810)	       Jaime Lopez AID #0500 - ATF 			Sack - DET 0024C 			Contents: 1 Bic brand lighter  24A	0020	4/19/93	Label - DET  0020 Remos, Avraam, clothes Jaime Lopez 		(1722)	         AID #0500 - ATF 			Can - DET 0020 4/19/93 @ 1722 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #28 LA 4140 4/24/93 5:30PM  24B	0020	4119/93	Label - DET 0020A Remos, Avraam, jacket multi color 		(1722)	          light Jaime Lopez AID #0500 - ATF 			Can - DET 0020A 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #29 LA 4140 4/24193 5:20PM  24C	0020	4/19/93	Label - DET 0020C Remos, Avraam, black tennis shoe 		(1722)	         Jaime Lopez AID #0500 - ATF 			Sack - DET 0020C LA 4140 #30 			Dog Tag - Onyx's nose #30 LA 4140 4/24/93 5:20PM  24D	0020	4/19/93	Label - DET 0020B Remos, Avraam, lighter Jaime 		(1722)	          Lopez AID #0500 - ATF 			Sack - DET 0020B 			Contents: 1 orange Bic brand lighter  25	---	---	Trip Blank - Can  26	0786	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36, Sec J Grid A36 Akin, Lane 		(1225)	          DPS Arson Debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM #786 A36 LA 4140 			          4/25/93 12:25PM  debris  (ix).APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   27	0787	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36, Sec J Grid A32I of 2 		BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB.	                Akin, Lane DPS Arson Debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM #787 LA 4140 A32 			                Debris sample 4/25/93 11:20A 1 of 2  28	0788	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36, Sec J Grid A32 2 of 2 		(1120)	                Akin, Lane DPS Arson Debris 			Sack - 5288 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03 PM LA 4140 A32 			                 Debris sample 4/25/93 11:20AM 2 of 2  29	0789	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36, Sec J Grid A38 Akin, Lane 		(1245)	                 DPS Rock Debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM #789 A38 LA 4140 			                 4/25/93 12:45PM Rock  30	0790	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36 Debris sample Sec J Grid A33 		(1145)	                 Akin, Lane DPS 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM #790 A33 LA 4140 			                 4/25/93 11:45AM Debris sample  31	0791	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36 Sec J Grid A31 Akin, Lane 		(1120)	                 DPS Debris sample 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM #791 A31 LA 4140 			                  Debris sample 4/25/93 11:20AM  32	0792	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36 Sec J Grid A37 Akin, Lane 		(1225)	                  DPS Debris sample 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - #792 KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM A37 LA 4140 			                  4/25/93 12:25P Debris  (x) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   33	0793	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36 Sec J Grid A34Akin, Lane 		(1145)	              DPS Debris sample 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - #793 KS 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM A34 LA 4140 			              4/25/93 11:45AM Debris sample  34	0794	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch V136 Sec J Grid A39 Akin, Lane 		(1245)	             DPS - Debris sample 			Sack - 5288 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25193 1:03PM A39 LA 4140 4/25/93   			             12:45P Debris  35	0795	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch .436 Sec J Grid A2 Akin, Lane 		(1245)	             DPS Debris sample 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM #795 A2 LA 4140 			             4/25/93 12:45P Debris  36	0796	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch 7236 Sec J Grid Al Akin, Lane 		(1225)	             DPS Burned black cloth 			Sack - 4/25/93  5288   4/25/93 			Can - #796 KE 5288 4/25/93 Al LA 4140 4/25/93 			             12:25PM Burned black cloth  37	0797	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch V136 Sec J Grid A35 1 of 2 		(1210)	             Akin, Lane DPS Burned clothing 			Sack  - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03 #797 A35 12:10PM 			              LA 4140  4/25/93 Clothing burned 1 of 2  38	0798	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #36 Debris sample Sec J Grid A35 		(1210)	              DPS 2 of 2 Akin, Lane DPS 			Sack - 5288 			Can - #798 KE 5288 4/25/93 1:03PM A35 LA 4140 			             4/25/93 12:10PM Debris sample 2 of 2  (xi) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	. Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   39	0922	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #47 Sec L Grid A44Akin, Lane 		(1615)	              DPS Char: Block & Debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 4/25193 4:50PM #922 A44 LA 4140 			              4/25/93 4:15PM Block & Debris 1 of 2 			              Sec. L  40	0923	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #47 Sec L Grid A44 Akin, Lane 		(1602)	              DPS - Block & Debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can -  KE 5288 4/25/93 4:50PM LA 4140 A44 			            4/25/93 4:15PM Block & Debris 2 of 2 			            Sec. L  41	0924	4/25/93	DPS Label  -Batch #47 Sec N Grid A40 Akin, Lane 		(1525)	           DPS- Arson Debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - KE 5288 - 4/25/93 4:50PM 11924 A40 LA 4140 			           4/24/93 3:25PM Debris Sec N Grid I A40  42	0925	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #47 Sec 1 Grid A-11 A-42 		(1550)	           Akin, Lane DPS Burned carpet 			Sack -  4/25/93 			Can - #925 KE 5288 4/25/93 4:50PM A42 LA 4140 			            4/25/93 3:50PM Burned carpet Grid 1 Al  43	0926	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch V147 Sec L Grid A43 Akin, Lane 		(1615)	           DPS Arson debris 			Sack - 4/25/.93 			Can - #926 KE 5288 4/25/93 4:50PM A43 LA 4140 			           4/25/93 4:15PM Debris Sec L  44	0927	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch 147 Sec N Grid 1 A41 Akin, Lane 		(1525)	           DPS. Arson debris 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - #928 KE 5288 4/25/93 4:50PM LA 4140 A41 			           4-25-93 3:25P Debris Sec N Grid 1  (xii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   45	0929	4/25193	DPS Label - Batch #47 Sec W Grid 1 A30 Akin, Lane 		(1640)		DPS Glove 			Sack - 4/25/93 			Can - #929 KE 5288 4/25/93 4:50PM A30 LA 4140 			                4/25/93 4:40PM Glove  46	0930	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Pouch Sec W Grid 1 A48 		(1740)		Akin, Lane DPS Nylon Pouch #9 			Sack - 4/26/93 			Plastic Sack - #930 W-1 #9 Black double mag pouch 				4/25/93 5.40PM LA 4140 A48 K 5288 				4/26/93 8:10AM  47	0931	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Glove Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1742)		Lane DPS Left leather glove A51 			Sack - W-1 #12 Brown (left) leather glove #931 				4/25/93 5:42P LA 4140 A51 K 5288 4/26/93 				8: 10AM  48	0932	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Glove Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1744)		Lane DPS Clear Latex gloves #11 A53 			Sack - #932 K5288 4/26/93 8:10AM W-1  4/25/93 				5:44PM #11 (4)Clear latex gloves LA 4140 				A53 49	0933	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Holster Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1745)		Lane DPS Knife holster #8 A54 			Sack - #933 W-1 4/25/93 5:45PM #8 Knife holster 			                A54 KS 5288 4/26/93 8:10AM  50	0934	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Belt #4 Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1735)		Lane DPS Cartridge belt w/double mag pack 				A52 			Sack - W-1  #4 #934 K 5288 4/26/93  8:10AM LA 4140 				A52 Cartridge belt w/double mag pouch 				4/25/93 5:35PM  (xiii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   51	0935	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Belt holster Sec W Grid 1 		(1755)	              Akin, Lane DPS Pistol belt/holster #3 			Sack - W-1 #3 Pistol belt & holster LA 4140 A47 			              #935 4/26/93 8:10AM  52	0936	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Coat Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1735)	              Lane DPS Navak coat #1 			Box - W-1 #1 Blue Navak Coat 4/25/93 5:35PM 			               LA 4140  A55 #936 5228 4/26/938:10AM  53	0937	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Shirt Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1729)	               Lane DPS Shirt: Char: Camouflage shirt #7 			               A45 			Sack - J  4-26-93 			Can -  #937  KS 5288 4/26/93 8:10AM #7 Camo shirt 			               W-1 4-25-93 5:29PM LA 4140 A45  54	0938	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Pants Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1732)	               Lane DPS Char: camouflage pants #6 A49 			Sack - 4/26/93 			Can - #938 KS 5288 4/26/93 8:10A #6 Camo pants 			               W-1 4-25-93 5:32PM LA 4140 A49 J 4-26-93  55	0939	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Gas mask Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1751)	               Lane DPS Char: #2 			Sack  -  4/26/93 			Can - #939 KS 5288 4/26/93 8:10AM #2 Gas mask 			                W-1 4/24/93 5:51PM LA A46  56	0940	4/25/93	DPS Label - Batch #49 Vest Sec W Grid 1 Akin, 		(1730)	                Lane DPS Char #5 			Sack - 4/26/93 			Can - 4940 KS 5288 4/26/93 8:10AM #5 Black 			                vest 4/25/93 5:30PM LA 4140 A50 J 4/26/93  57	0973	4/26/93	DPS Label - Batch #55 Arson debris Sec. I Grid Al 		(1010)	              Akin, Lane DPS Char - Floor joists 			Sack -  4/26/93 			Can - #973 KS 5288 4/26/93 11:24AM J 4-26-93 All 			               LA 4140 4/26/93 10:10AM Floor joists I Al  (xiv) APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FRI212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   58	0974	4/26/93	DPS Label - Batch #55 Arson debris Sec L Grid A21 		(1110)	              Akin, Lane DPS Char: Arson debris 			Sack - 4/26/93 			Can - #974 5288 4/26/93 11:24AM A21 4/26/93 			              11:10PM LA 4140 Debris Sec L J 4/26/93  59	0976	4/26/93	DPS Label - Batch #55 Arson debris Sec L Grid A57 		(1110)	              Akin, Lane DPS Char: Arson debris - cinder 			              block 			Sack - 4/26/93 			Can - #976 KS 5288 4/26/93 11:24AM A57 LA 4140 			             4/26/93 11:10AM Cinder block Sec L 			             J 4/26/93  60	0977	4/26/93	DPS Label - Batch #55 Arson debris Sec L Grid A56 		(1105)	             Akin, Lane DPS Char: Arson debris - particle 			              board 			Can - #977 KS 5288 4/26/93 11:24AM A56 LA 4140 			              4/26/93 11:05AM Particle board Sec L 			              J 4-26-93  61	1176	4/26/93	DPS Label - Batch #74 1 can Sec 1 Grid B1 Turner, 		(1735)	             George DPS 			Sack - 4/26/93 			Can - A-59 J 4-26-93 DIC 4/26/93 Ex. #176 Arson 			             I B1 George Turner #3492  4/26/93 5:35PM 			             Dottie Collins 44934 4/26/93  6:40PM 			             Ex. 1176  62	1402	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98  Arson 1 of 8  Sec A Grid 60 		(1400)	             Akin, Lane DPS Char: Carpet & plastic Evid 			             Tech 5956 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A60 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:00PM Carpet & plastic 			              1 of 8 Ex. 1402 Sec. Sondra Denney #5956 			              SD 4:05PM 4/27/93 J 4-27-93  (xv) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   63	1403	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Arson 2 of  8 Sec A  Grid 60 		(1400)	              Akin, Lane DPS Evid Tech 5956 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A60 Ex 1403 J 4-27-93 LA 4140  4/27/93 			              2:00PM Carpet 2 of 8 Sect. Sondra Denney 			              #5956 SD 4:05PM 4-27-93  63A	1404	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98  Debris 3 of 8 See A Grid 60-3 		(1400)	              Akin, Lane DPS Char: Debris Evid Tech 5956 			Sack - J  4/.27/93 			Can - A60-3  LA 4140 4/27/93 2:00PM Debris  3 of 8 			             Sect. Ex 1404 J 4-27-93 Sondra Denney #5956 			             SD 4:05PM 4/27/93  64	1405	4/27/93	DPS Label - Arson 4 of 8 Sec A Grid 60-4 Akin, 		(1400)	            Lane DPS Char: Cloth Evid Tech 5956 			Sack - 4/27193 			Can - A60-4 Ex 1405 J 4-27-93 4/27/93 2:00PM 			            LA 4140 Cloth 4 of 8 Sect. Sondra Denney 			            #5956 SD 4:05PM 4/27/93  65	1406	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Arson 5 of 8 Sec A Grid 60 		(1445)	            Akin, Lane DPS Char: Debris Evid Tech 5956 			Sack - J 4/27/93 			Can - A60 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:45PM 5 of 8 Sec. 			             #1406 Sondra Denney #5956 SD 4:05PIM 			             4/27/93 J 4-27-93  66	1407	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson 6 of 8 		(1440)	              Sec. A Grid 60 Akin, Lane Char: Cloth 			Sack - J 4/27/93 			Can - A60 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:40PM Black cloth Sec 			              6 of 8 Ex 1407 Sondra Denney 5956 SD 			              4:05PM 4/27/93 J 4/27/93  (xvi) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   67	1408	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson 7 of 8 		(1445)	              Sec A Grid 60 Akin, Lane DPS Char: Clothing 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A60 LA 4140 2:45PM Clothing 7 of 8 J 4-27 			              Ex 1408 Sondra Denney #5956 SD 4:05PM 			               4/27/93  68	1409	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson 8 of 8 		(1525)	              Sec A Grid 60 Akin, Lane DPS Char: Debris 			Sack - J 4/27/93 			Can - A60 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:25PM 8 of 8 Sect. 			              J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney #5956 SD 4:05PM 			              4/27/93  69	1410	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson Sec A 		(1430)	              Grid 61 Akin, Lane DPS 			Sack - J 4/27/93 			Can - A61 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:30PM Debris J 4/27/93 			               Sondra Denney #5956 SD 4:05PM 4/27/93  70	1411	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson Sec A 		(1430)	              Grid 62 Akin, Lane DPS Char: Flooring 			Sack  - 4/27/93 			Can - J  4/27/93 A62 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:30PM 			               Flooring Sect. Ex 1411  71	1412	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson 1 of 2 		(1430)	              Sec A Grid 63 Akin, Lane DPS Char: Concrete 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can -  A63 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:30PM Concrete 1 of 2 			              J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney #5956 SD 4:05PM 			              4-27-93 #142  72	1413	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson 2 of 2 		(1430)	              Sec A Grid 63 Akin, Lane DPS Char: 			              Concrete 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A63 LA 4140 4/27/93 2:30PM Concrete 2 of 2 			               Sondra Denney  #5956 4:05PM 4/27/93 Ex 1413 			                J 4/27/93  (xvii) APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FRI212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   73	1414	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson Sec A 		(1510)	              Grid 64 Akin, Lane DPS Char: Concrete 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A64 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:10PM Concrete Sec N 			              Grid 4 Ex 1414 J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney 			               #5956 SD 4:05PM 4/27/93  74	1415	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid 5956 Arson Sec N Grid 4 		(1520)	              Akin, Lane DPS Char: Concrete block 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A65 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:20PM Concrete block 			              Sec N Grid 4 J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney 			              5956 4/27/93 4:05PM Ex 1415  75	1416	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-66 		(1520)	              Sec J. Grid 1 Akin, Lane DPS Char: 			              Concrete block 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - LA 4140 A66 4/27/93 3:20PM Soil Sec 			              Grid 1 Sondra Denney #5956  SD  4/27/93 			               4:05PM Ex 1416  76	1417	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-66 		(1520)	               Sec J Grid 1 Akin, Lane DPS Char: 			               Concrete block 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A67 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:45PM Soil Sect. N 			               Grid 2 J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney 5956 SD 			                4/27/93   4:05PM Ex 1416  77	1418	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #'98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-68 		(1545)	             Akin, Lane DPS Char: Soil & debris 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A68 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:45PM Soil & debris 			              Sect. N  Grid 2 Sondra Dennev 5956 SD 			              4/27/93 4:05PM Ex 1418 J 4/27/93  (xviii) .APPENDIX Laboratory Report 93FR1212 Sample Descriptions (continued)  		Collection Lab	DPS Number	Date	Sample No.	(00000000)	(Time)	Description & Markings   78	1419	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-69 		(1545)	              Sec N Grid 2 Akin, Lane DPS Char: Soil 			              & debris 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A69 LA 4140 4:05PM Ex 1419 Sec N Grid 2 			              J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney 5956 4/27/93 			              4:05PM  79	1420	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-70 		(1550)	               Sec N Grid 2 Akin, Lane DPS Char: 			               Concrete 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can -  A70 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:50PM Concrete Sec N 			               Grid 2 J 4/27/93 Sondra Denney 5956 SD 			                4/27/93 4:05PM Ex 1420  80	1421	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-71 		(1545)	              Sec N Grid 2 Akin, Lane DPS Char: 			              Concrete 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A71LA 4140 4/27/93 3:45PM Concrete Sec N 			               Grid 2 Sondra Denney 5956 4/27/93 4:05PIM 			                Ex 1421 J 4/27/93  81	1422	4/27/93	DPS Label - Batch #98 Evid Tech 5956 Arson A-72 		(1550)	              Sec N Grid 2 Akin, Lane DPS Char: 			              Concrete 			Sack - 4/27/93 			Can - A72 LA 4140 4/27/93 3:50PM Sec N Grid 2 			              Concrete Ex #1422 Sondra Denney #5956 			               SD 4/27/93 4:05PM  82	2018	4/30/93	DPS Label - Batch 175 Evid. Tech 4526 4/30/93 11:25AM 		(1125)	              Torch Sec 0 Akin Lane DPS Char. Torch 			Can - #73 LA 4140 4/30/93 11:25AM Torch Sec. 0 			              J 4/30/93 Kay Davis 4526 2:13PM 4/30/93 

APRIL, 1993




PITTSBURGH, PA 15222-4333
(412) 392-8552
FAX: (412) 392-2896 Accelerant Detection Canine Team Assist Report


On Thursday, April 22, 1993 around 1200 hours Fire Marshal John Kaus received a telephone call from Deputy Fire Marshal Thomas Hitchings, a member of the Fire Investigation Team in Waco, TX. Informing him that he Onyx (Allegheny County's Accelerant Detection Canine and I were requested for assistance at the scene with evidence collection.


On Friday, April 23, 1993 the three of us left Pittsburgh around 1010 hours, arriving in Waco, TX at 1515 hours. After receiving our identification cards we arrived at the Branch Davidian Compound around 1700 hours. At this time we were introduced to the Fire Investigation Team and briefed as to that would be required of us.


The Fire Investigation Team consisted of :
Paul Gray- Houston (TX) Fire Department - Team Leader
John Ricketts - San Francisco (CA) Fire Department
William Cass - Los Angeles City (CA) Fire Department
Thomas Hitchings - Allegheny County (PA) Fire Marshal's Office
N. Lane Akin - Texas Rangers


Around 1615 hours Onyx was requested to conduct a search of several items of clothing already in evidence. This search was conducted in a small empty building that would later be used for fuming items for possible fingerprints. The first search was conducted using six (6) gallon cans containing items of clothing and two (2) gallon cans containing a cloth sample known not to contain an accelerant. I calibrated Onyx using one drop of 50% evaporated gasoline prepared by the Allegheny County (PA) Crime Lab. Onyx and I then conducted this search at 1815 hours. She did alert to three (3) cans containing items of clothing. These three (3) cans were set aside for another search.


Around 1830 hours several items of clothing were laid out on the floor of the trailer known not to contain an accelerant and one othere item, a jacket already in evidence. Onyx handled by John Kaus was calibrated using the same drop of gasoline and then conducted a search of these items. Onyx did alert to both sleeves of the jacket.


Around 1854 hours the items of clothing that had been in the three (3) cans were laid out on the trailer floor along with other items of clothing known not to contain an accelerant. Again, I claibrated Onyx using the same drop of gasoline and then Onyx and I then conducted a search of the items of clothing. She did again alert to all three (3) items. Onyx alerted to certain areas of each item of clothing as follows:
Camouflage shirt - alerts on the right collar and sleeve
Ammunition vets - middle clip pouches on each side
Camouflage shirt - right sleeve, right collar, left front pocket and left sleeve

Items of evidence that Onyx alerted to are as follows:

Item(01) - Jacket: DPS 0037
Item(02) - Camouflage shirt: DPS 0004
Item(03) - Ammunition vest: DPS 0009
Item(04) - Camouflage shirt: DPS 0005


At the conclusion of the searches the Fire Investigation Team took John Kaus and I on a walk through inspection of the actual fire scene to determine what areas Onyx could search safely at this time.


Around 1920 hours Onyx was calibrated outside the fire scene using one drop of 50% evaporated gasoline prepared by the Allegheny County Crime Lab and then Onyx and I did conduct a general search of the fire scene and Onyx did alert in seventeen (17) areas. All alerts were marked using small orange flags with the letter "A" and a number 1 through 17 on them. This search lasted approximately 30 minutes.


Around 1950 hours the search was suspended in order to give Onyx a break. The search would continue in the morning.


On Saturday, April 24, 1993 around 0915 hours John Kaus and I, along with the Fire Investigation Team conducted another walk through inspection to determine other areas that could be searched by Onyx.


Around 0930 hours, John Kaus calibrated Onyx outside the fire scene using one drop of 50% evaporated gasoline prepared by the Allegheny County Crime Lab and then he and Onyx conducted a search of some partially charred wood in front of the compound directly in front of the bunker. She did alert to three (3) pieces of wood.


Around 0940 hours, John Kaus and Onyx conducted a search of the area known as the bunker. Onyx did alert to four (4) areas within this area. After a rest period John Kaus Onyx conducted a search of the areas known as the dining room and weight room with Onyx alerting in two (2) different spots.


Onyx was again given a break and around 1015 hours she was calibrated using one drop of 50% evaporated gasoline and she and John Kaus conducted a search of a small concrete block building at the base of the water tower in the area of the chicken coop. She alerted inside this building in the general area of a wheel barrel near a pile of clothing. She also alerted to a cloth glove.


Around 1035 hours John Kaus again calibrated Onyx using one drop of 50% evaporated gasoline in the rear of the compound and then he and Onyx conducted a search in the area known as the gym. She alerted to a crushed one gallon Coleman fuel can and in the area of a partially burnt bale of hay.


The following samples were collected and canned to be sent to Armstrong Forensic Laboratory:
Item(49): Fire debris: A40: DPS 924
Item(50): Charred wood: A41: DPS 928


Around 1535 hours the investigation moved to the cafetria style dining room. John Kaus and Onyx conducted a search of the area with Onyx alerting several times.


Around 1550 hours a team working in the kitchen uncovered part of a wooden floor with carpet attached and requested that Onyx conduct a search of the section of flooring. Onyx did alert on the carpeting and a sample was collected:


Item(51): Carpet: A42: DPS 925


Moving back to the dining area the areas of her alerts were removed from the area and placed in piles to have conduct a second search.


The following samples were collected and canned to be sent to Armstrong Forensic Laboratory:
Item(52): Fire debris: A43: DPS 926
Item(53): Partial concrete block: A44 1/2: DPS 922
Item(54): Partial concrete block: A44 2/2: DPS 923


At this time Onyx was given a break and placed in the van. Also, an alert on Saturday was to a cloth glove that was located in a small block building a the base of the water tower. This item was collected at this time:


Item(55): Glove: A30: DPS 929


Around 1730 hours a team collecting munitions requested that Onyx conduct a search of clothing found in the small block building at the base on the water tower. John Kaus acclimated her to the area and calibrated her. They then conducted a search of clothing, the following items were collected and canned to be sent to the Armstrong Forensic Laboratory:
Item(56): Camouflage shirt: A45: DPS 937
Item(57): Gas Mask: A46: DPS 939
Item(58): Pistol Belt/Holster, ex: 935: A47
Item(59): Ammunition pouch: A48: DPS 930
Item(60): Camouflage Pants: A49: DPS 938
Item(61): Vest, ex: A50: DPS 940
Item(62): Leather Glove: A51: DPS 931
Item(63): Cartridge belt w/mag pack: a52: DPS 934
Item(64): (4) latex gloves: A33: DPS 932
Item(65): Knife holster: A54: DPS 933
Item(66): Navak Coat: A55: DPS 936


At the conclusion of this search Onyx was released for the day. The search would continue in the morning.


On Monday, April 25, 1993 at 0910 hours after acclimating Onyx to the area and calibrating her, she and John Kaus conducted a search in Sector IA1 - the area in front of the bunker near the front wall of the compound. Onyx did alert in that area previously. She did alert again in the same area and fire debris was removed from the scene and broken up into piles. Onyx and I conducted a second search of the piles and a sample was collected of what she alerted to.


Item(67): A sample of wood: A11: DPS 973


Onyx was given a break an around 1045 hours she and John Kaus conducted a search in the dining room area after a lot of debris and propane bottles had been carefully removed. At this time she did alert to areas where she had previously alerted and to several new areas. Debris from these areas was removed to another area and piles were set out for her to conduct a second search. The results of the second search resulted in the following samples being collected:
Item(68): A sample of wood: A56: DPS 977
Item(69): A sample of concrete block along with dirt and debris: A57: DPS 976
Item(70): A sample of dirt and debris: A21: DPS 974


Onyx was again given a rest while debris removal was in progress. Around 1630 hours clothing was uncovered in Sector IB1, in front and to the left of the bunker. All of the clothing appeared to have come from the second floor. Onyx was again acclimated to the area, calibrated and she I conducted a search of eleven piles of clothing. The following samples were collocted:
Item(71): Clothing: A58 1/7
Item(72): Clothing: A58 2/7
Item(73): Clothing: A58 3/7
Item(74): Clothing: A58 4/7
Item(75): Clothing: A58 5/7
Item(76): Clothing: A58 6/7
Item(77): Clothing: A58 7/7


Also during debris removal in the same sector burlap was found along the front wall and had an odor to it. Onyx and John Kaus conducted a search of six piles of burlap and Onyx did alert to one particular pile:


Item(78): Cloth burlap: A39: DPS 1176


Onyx was again given a test while debris removal continued. It was later determined and there was nothing further found that day to have her check.


On Tuesday, April 27, 1993 Onyx was on the scene for debris removal in the southeast corner of the compound in an area believed to be a sewing area and computer room. Around 1300 hours during debris removal a section of flooring, carpet and a chair pad were found in the debris along with several items of clothing. These items were removed and spread out in piles for Onyx to search. She was acclimated to the area calibrated and then she and John Kaus conducted a search. The following samples were collected:
Item(79): Carpet/chair pad: A50 1/3: DPS 1402
Item(80): Carpet: A60: 2/6: DPS 1403
Item(81): Soil and debris: A60 3/8: DPS 1404
Item(82): Cloth: A60 4/8: DPS 1405
Item(83): Clothing: A60 5/8: DPS 1406
Item(84): Clothing: A60 6/8: DPS 1407
Item(85): Clothing: A60 7/8: DPS 1408
Item(86): Clothing: A60 8/8: DPS 1409


Onyx then also conducted a search of the sector in the southeast corner and did alert to several areas debris was removed and placed into piles for Onyx to conduct another search. She did alert and samples were collected:
Item(87): Dirt and debris: A61: DPS 1410
Item(88): Flooring material: A62: DPS 1411
Item(89): Concrete: A63 1/2: DPS 1412
Item(90): Concrete: A63 2/2: DPS 1413


Onyx was given a rest while debris was being removed from the area known as the chapel. Around 1500 hours she was acclimated to the area and calibrated by John Kaus and then conducted a search of the chapel and she did alert in several areas. Samples were collected from these areas:
Item(91): Debris: A64: DPS 1414
Item(92): Debris: A65: DPS 1415
Item(93): Debris: A66: DPS 1416


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Updated February 14, 2018