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Blog Post

Update: Responding to Hurricane Sandy

 In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy,  recovery efforts continue throughout the Northeast region, especially in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. Over the past several days, OVW staff has been in contact with our grantees and state coalitions to better understand the challenges you are facing and the pressing needs of your programs.  Last week I issued a statement easing reporting requirements for OVW grantees in the major federal disaster areas impacted by Hurricane Sandy in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut. Since then FEMA has declared Rhode Island a major federal disaster area and as such I have directed the following:
  1. Grantees in the major federal disaster areas – currently New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island – whose grants were scheduled to end on October 31, 2012, will be granted an automatic no-cost extension of 30 calendar days in order to provide them with additional time to request a further extension or begin the closeout process.
  2. Grantees in the major federal disaster areas – currently New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island – who were unable to meet the Financial Status Reporting deadline of October 30, 2012 and as a result have had their funds frozen, will have access to their funds restored and be granted an automatic 30-day extension to submit the required reports for the last quarter of fiscal year 2012. If you anticipate a further delay and are unable to submit your Financial Status Reports by November 30, 2012 you can request an additional 30-day extension by contacting OVW GFMD at 1.888.514.8556 or
  3. Grantees in the major federal disaster areas – currently New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Rhode Island – are allowed to use OVW grant funds to pay overtime pay without prior approval when necessary to cope with emergencies resulting from natural disasters.
New Jersey, New York and Connecticut grantees have already been granted extensions, and OVW anticipates these changes to be in effect for Rhode Island by the end of the week. Please be assured that our staff is available should you need to request additional support. We are committed to ensuring that our partners, stakeholders, and grantees impacted by this disaster can focus their time and energy on rebuilding their communities, and we hope these actions will allow you to focus on recovery and rebuilding. Our thoughts are with everyone during this difficult time.  Sincerely, Bea Hanson Acting Director
Updated April 27, 2017