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Selected Publications and Research

General | Abduction | Child Sex Trafficking | Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation | Law Enforcement | School Issues | Special Populations | Teens


June 2012
An NIJ-funded evaluation takes a close look at communities developing strategies to address childhood exposure to violence.
November 2011
(Rachel Swaner and Julia Kohn, Michael Rempel, Marcie Campbell, Peter Jaffe, and David Wolfe)
This report describes the nature and scope of children's exposure to violence in eight sites nationwide that were selected to participate in the Attorney General's Defending Childhood demonstration program.
October 2011
Fact Sheet: National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence series, October 2011. Presents an overview of the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV), the most comprehensive nationwide survey to date of the incidence and prevalence of children's exposure to violence, sponsored by OJJDP and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and carried out by the Crimes Against Children Research Center of the University of New Hampshire.
August 2009
(David Finkelhor, Heather Turner, Richard Ormrod, Sherry Hamby, and Kristen Kracke)
This bulletin presents findings from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence, the most comprehensive survey to date of children's exposure to violence in the United States.
This guide provides ways for caregivers to help children who have been exposed to violence.
August 2009
(Elena Cohen, Betsy McAlister Groves, and Kristen Kracke)
This publication assists practitioners in understanding the impact of exposure to violence.

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May 2010
(Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)
The authors provide insight into the crime of family abduction from the perspective of both the child and the parent searching for his or her missing child.
May 2010
(Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)
This guide provides parents with the most current information on, and helpful insights into, what families should do when a child is missing.

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Child Sex Trafficking

July 2010
(William Adams, M.P.P., et al.)
This publication examines the effects of the Trafficking and Violence Prevention Act of 2000 on the prosecution of commercial sexual exploitation of children cases.

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Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation

October 2013
Bulletin, October 2013. Presents survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding the co-occurrence of victimization and delinquency among children who are exposed to violence. The survey confirms findings of earlier studies that identified three groups of youth: delinquent-victims, primarily delinquent youth, and primarily victim youth.
October 2011
Bulletin: National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence series, October 2011. Explores in depth the survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding exposure to family violence among children in the United States, including exposure to intimate partner violence, assaults by parents on siblings of children surveyed, and other assaults involving teen and adult household members.
October 2011
Bulletin: National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence series, October 2011. Presents the findings of the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding children’s direct exposure to multiple types of violence, crime, and abuse, also known as polyvictimization.
August 2010
The goal of this National Strategy is to prevent child sexual exploitation from occurring in the first place, to protect every child's opportunity and right to have a childhood that is free from sexual abuse, trauma, and exploitation so that all children can become the adults they were meant to be.
March 2009
(Mary Finn, Brenda Sims Blackwell, Leslie C. Jackson, James L. Wolk, M. Brooke Oakley)
This research documents the nature and extent of commercial sexual exploitation of children in Atlanta–Fulton County (Georgia), reports on a process evaluation of the effort to address commercial sexual exploitation of children in the county, and reports on the coordinated sharing of lessons learned with a similar New York evaluation project conducted jointly by the Center for Court Innovation and John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
November 2008
(Margaret-Ellen Pipe, Yael Orbach, Michael Lamb, Craig B. Abbott, Heather Stewart)
This study examines the effects on case outcomes of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's protocol for interviewing suspected child victims of abuse.

Law Enforcement

April 2012
Presents the survey results from the National Bulletin: OJJDP National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence Series, April 2012. Presents the survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding authorities' knowledge of victimization incidents involving children and youth, particularly police, school, and medical authorities.
April 2010
(Kelly Dedel)
Child Abuse and Neglect in the Home provides police with information about the problem of child abuse and neglect in the home and reviews factors that increase its risks.
June 2009
(COPS Office in partnership with NIJ)
This issue focuses on how mapping and spatial analysis can help jurisdictions understand the effects of restrictions on where sex offenders are allowed to live.
April 2009
(Police Executive Research Forum)
The threatening nature of the stop snitching message intimidates witnesses and undermines police efforts to involve communities in preventing and combating crime. This report addresses the problem and includes case studies documenting successful law enforcement and community approaches.
August 2011
COPS fact sheets provide an overview of CSPP publications, specific problems, grant, and program information.
December 2008
(Kristen Zgoba, Philip Witt, Melissa Dalessandro, Bonita Veysey)
This analysis of the impacts of sex offender community notification and registration legislation (Megan's Law) in New Jersey focuses on the law's effect on the overall rate of sexual offending over time, the deterrent effect on reoffending, and the costs of the law's implementation and annual expenditures.

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School Issues

April 2012
Presents the survey results from the National Bulletin: OJJDP National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence Series, April 2012. Presents the survey results from the National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence (NatSCEV) regarding authorities' knowledge of victimization incidents involving children and youth, particularly police, school, and medical authorities.
June 2010
(Jean M. McGloin)
Assigning Police Officers to Schools summarizes the typical duties of School Resource Officers (SRO), synthesizes the research pertaining to their effectiveness, and presents issues for communities to bear in mind when considering the adoption of an SRO model.
July 2015
This report, produced jointly by the National Center for Education Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics, presents the most recent data on school crime and student safety.
June 2009
Center for Problem Oriented Policing Services
This guide provides police with information about the causes and extent of bullying in schools and recommendations for developing effective approaches and practices that contribute to student safety.

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Special Populations

Written in Spanish, this guide presents ways for caregivers to help children who have been exposed to violence.
June 2008
This fact sheet discusses activities funded through Children's Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities, eligibility, and supportive training and technical assistance for grantees.

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June 2010
(Miranda Jolicoeur and Edwin Zedlewski)
After defining "sexting," this paper examines its prevalence among youth, identifies its potential harms, considers whether it violates laws, reviews its prevalence in the United States and other countries, and suggests the appropriate societal response to "sexting."
March 2010
(Julie L. Whitman)
This publication describes an initiative started in 2006 by the city of Minneapolis to prevent and reduce violence by and against youth.
December 2009
(David Finkelhor, Richard Ormrod, and Mark Chaffin) This bulletin presents population-based epidemiological information about the characteristics of juvenile offenders who commit sex offenses against minors.
August 2009
The CD-ROM includes resources related to law enforcement responses for addressing gang activity, gang activity in specific populations, criminal behavior of gangs, and statistics and research on gangs.

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Updated April 11, 2017