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Blog Post

Philippines: ICITAP-Trained Instructors Deliver Train-the-Trainer Courses During COVID-19

On August 21, ICITAP-Philippines concluded two Community Oriented Policing/Train-the-Trainer courses in Davao City, Philippines. Both two-week courses were taught by ICITAP-trained Philippine National Police (PNP) Instructors and graduated 30 PNP officers. These courses are part of ICITAP’s efforts to further develop and expand the PNP’s Community Policing program and efforts throughout the different regions of the country. Due to stringent health protocols brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, all course instructors and course attendees were subjected to initial health screenings and subsequently sequestered at the training site, throughout the duration of the training. These courses were delivered with the support of and in coordination with the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) and through INL-managed Global Security Contingency funding (GSCF).

Updated August 11, 2023