This Claim Assistance Site is now closed.

Staten Island Claim Assistance Site
Wagner College
1 Campus Road, Kairos House,
External & Summer Programs, 2nd Floor,
Staten Island, NY 10301


What is the September 11th Victim Compensation Program:
This is a voluntary, Federally-funded program that provides compensation to eligible individuals or relatives of individuals who were killed or physically injured as a result of the terrorist-related aircraft crashes of September 11, 2001.
Who Should Visit the Claim Assistance Site:
Potential claimants who want to learn more about the Victim Compensation Fund Program.
What Is Available:
Potential claimants can walk in and talk to customer service representatives about the following:
* Learn more about the program
* Ask questions about eligibility, compensation, and the application process
* Get information about other resources available

Potential claimants can also pick up the following information:
* The Interim Final Regulations
* The Eligibility Form and Application for Advance Benefits (with instructions)
* Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about the program
* Presumed Economic and Non-Economic Loss
September 11th Victim Compensation Fund
Claims Assistance Site
Wagner College
1 Campus Road, Kairos House
External & Summer Programs, 2nd Floor
Staten Island, NY 10301
Hours of Operation:
This Claim Assistance Site is now closed.
Please call Wagner College at (718) 390-3100 to get directions to Wagner College and the Student Union.

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