
Friday, December 21, 2001 1:36 PM
Is there a map of the qualifying area? More on injury criteria?

In my case I was injured, suffering broken bones, while trying to get further away from the World Trade Center Tower 2 when it started to collapse. Since the tower was very tall it seemed at the time that it would fall my way. On Sept 11 I was taken to New Jersey and a NYPD officer took a statement from me after the hospital finished doing a closed reduction on my fractured radius and a splint, I haven't heard anything since. Because I was able to get around a corner to get protection, I was not hit by debris, but I was hurt trying to avoiding being hit. The injuries required surgery later on. Is there something more to clarify this area. Most of the info I see on the website seems geared to people who were killed....Thanks

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New York, NY

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