
Monday, November 26, 2001 6:19 PM
compensation to all

Dear Attorney General Ashcroft:

One of the "Heroes of Flight 93" who died after helping crash the plane into the Pennsylvania countryside in order to stop the terrorists from crashing it into the White House was an openly gay man,    . Is his life worth less than those of his straight brothers and sisters who also gave their lives on Flight 93 that day -- simply because he was gay? Should his partner receive no compensation, while the partners of the other heroes receive funds from a grateful and sorrowing nation? How does such discrimination honor those who lost their lives on September 11 -- or who, like     , consciously gave their lives, knowing that their sacrifice might save others? What sort of message would such discrmination send to our nation's gay youth, or to our gay soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines fighting in Afghanistan?

Now is the time to exhibit some of the "compassionate conservatism" touted by your president and mine. Please ensure that all who lost loved ones in the tragedy are compensated appropriately, regardless of their sexual orientation. We owe their dead family members nothing less.

Individual Comment
San Francisco, CA

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