
Monday, November 26, 2001 11:40 AM
FleetBoston Financial's Comments

Attachment 1:
November 24, 2001

Kenneth L. Zwick
Director, Office of Management Programs
Civil Division
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530


Dear Mr. Zwick:

In response to the request for public comments regarding the September 11th Victims Fund established by Congress to provide assistance to those directly effected by the tragic events of September 11th, I write to you today to express FleetBoston Financial's thoughts and experiences on the recognition of domestic partners.

We at FleetBoston Financial, the nation's 7th largest financial services company, strongly support the swift action of Congress to create this Fund. And, I am writing today to express our hope that these regulations will ensure that the Fund will provide equitable compensation to all victims of this tragedy without regard to their sexual orientation.

Since 1996, FleetBoston Financial has recognized the domestic partners of our gay and lesbian employees. We did so for one simple reason... so we could ensure that our gay and lesbian employees received the same rights and benefits as their straight colleagues. To do anything less in society today, would be to condone discrimination practices. Something we wanted no part of.

We also knew that we needed to redefine our traditional definition of family and recognize that our gay and lesbian employees were members of a new type of family. Our domestic partner benefits ensure that partners of our gay and lesbian not only receive the same health benefits as our straight employees, but that our employees' partners are protected and are recognized with across all benefits, including death.

As a company with more than 55,000 employees worldwide, we were especially fortunate not to lose one employee in the attacks of September 11th. Amazing, when you consider that two of the flights originated from our headquarter city of Boston. Rest assured if we had lost an employee, one who happened to be gay, we would have fully recognized their partner if they had been in a committed relationship.

We did have close to 30 employees who lost a significant other (wife, husband, partner) in the attacks. Again, you can be assured that we are treating the surviving family members with equal respect, assurances and condolences whether they be straight or homosexual relationships. And, I ask that the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 does so as well. It really is the only right thing to do.


Comment By
FleetBoston Financial
Boston, MA

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