
Thursday, November 22, 2001 10:17 PM
WTC and insurance

Dear Sirs,

I do not believe that the earnings potential of the WTC terrorist attack should have an "age cap," nor that deductions be taken due to charity donated to the families of victims, nor be affected by victim's life insurance policy. I hope that those who are the survivors of victims will be given the right to appeal any decisions taken in this regard.


Attachment 1:

Help a community family hurt by the WTC tradgedy

PS - We received the following note from      : :

I have been receiving your Shabbat Shalom from Cyberspace and "Minute" letters for quite awhile. Thank you. I have also been sending it on to those that I know would like to receive it. I now have to ask you to do the same for me. If you received the November issue of the Sephardic Image Magazine please read the article I wrote so that the community would get to know the family that I asked people to pray for. The story begins on page 54.
I need your help to reach as many people as possible in order to prevent another injustice from befallling upon      family.
And I am still asking for people who want to donate to please make their donation thru       's       Super Fund earmarked "       ." As we all now know The Twin Towers Fund is going only to the families of the Firefighter, Police, EMS and Port Authority Police who perished. They are very deserving however so are the other innocent victims and their families.
We know in our community that "if I am not for myself then who should be for me?" Charity must begin at home!!!

Dear Friends,
You have all been so wonderful in Praying for the saftey of my Great nephew,       . Unfortunately we now know that he was among the victims of the disaster of the Twin Towers.
At the same time the family has been notified that the Justice department is going to make a decision as to how to help the families of those inocent victims of terrorisim who were either on the ground or in the planes. They do not want a law suit because they believe that will force the airlines into bankruptcy and then nobody will get anything.
They are interested in puplic opion regarding the following criterion for distributing the funds.
The general idea is to give each family the amount that the deceased would have earned during their working life, had he or she lived. This is the standard by which law suites are usually settled.
The problem is that in this case they want to subtract from the total designated for each victim's family the folowing:
1-Deduct the value of any life insurance the deceased my have
2- Take out the value of any gifts (charity contirbution) the family may receive.
3-Put a cap of age 58 (instead of 65) on the potential lifetime earnings the deceased would have earned.
4-Take away any right of appeal by the victim's dependants.

To make this understandable--Imagine if your insurance company told your family that your million dollar policy will only pay your heirs the million MINUS----any savings, or gifts, or less the years that you didn't pay. Therefore, theoretically if you saved $50,000 and your friends want to help your family and they donate $50,000 and you only paid for 6 years on a 20 year life policy (est.) $25,000 per year.This means that the remaining 14 years of payments (Approx. $350,000), plus the $100.000 above will be deducted first and your beneficiarys will receive only $550,000 and not the million you thought you paid for.


To Whom It May Concern:
a) We believe there should be no age cap on the earnings potential of the victims of this terrible tragedy. Why should they have a cap if the rest of us are looking at retirement now starting at age 70.
b) There should be no deductions for any charity received by the victim's dependants. They are ENTITLED to their share REGARDLESS of any gifts they may have received.
c) Life insurance was PAID for by the Victim and should not have any bearing on what the family has a right to.
d) The right to appeal should not be denied to those who are suffering due to the tragic losses inflicted on them by this horrific event.

Signed, (your name)

Please send this to as many people as possible as the deadline is November 25, 2001

Thank you all and May Ha Shem Bless you.

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