
Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:08 PM

Please take into account that the families will most likely be suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for some time to come. Psychological/victimization counseling is immensely important. We are seeing a large increase in our calls to our 24 hour Hotline regarding depression, since 9/11, plus many people talking about death and especially suicide.
Our community has also suffered from a more than "normal" number of suicide deaths since 9/11.
We are extremely concerned about the effect this trauma is having on our countries citizens as a whole. Unfortunately, I don't believe we can compensate every person who witnessed the event, as that would be all of us. We also can't compensate all those who witnessed in person, as the numbers would be overwhelming and limited control on proof. But the ramifications to all of us.....they are immense, and the aftereffects are happening. We are concerned.

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