
Tuesday, November 06, 2001 9:54 AM
My viewpoint

To Whom It May Concern:

My husband and I donated to the September 11th Fund during the celebrity hosted telethon back in September. We didn't donate a lot, but we did donate. I think trying to account for every single dollar a family or individual receives from multiple sources will create an albatross and bottleneck the intent of private donations.

I realize some families may receive more than others when combining all the different charities who may have helped them. Some may have more friends who have assisted, some may have more family, some may have been highlighted by a local charity, etc. However, when it comes to this fund, why can't be equally distributed to those directly affected? As crass as this sounds, determine how many people died in the tragedy and divide it up. Moving forward why can't this fund be designated to helping those who lost an immediate family member in the tragedy? Could you suggest that charities outside of the September 11th Fund focus on those who lost jobs, etc.?

The article I read in the New York Times stated there is concern that there will be some "double-dipping" on behalf of those affected. Quite honestly, if someone who lost their husband or wife should end up with a substantial amount of money over this, I don't really care. We cannot replace the life that was lost just because on that day that person did the responsible thing and went to work.

This money does not belong to the government. It belongs to those for which it was intended. If I had known this would be the result of a donation, I would have sought out one individual family and mailed them a check personally.

Please do the right thing by these people.


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