
Wednesday, December 19, 2001 10:02 AM
Re: Compensation for 9/11 victims

Dear Special Master Feinberg,
    Human life is sacred to me and to most people, regardless of their faith. No one can put a price tag on the life of a loved one. You are charged with the difficult task of doing just that in your honorable work of trying to compensate the victims and families of the vicitms of the September 11, 2001 tragedy. I urge you to create a system that allows all victims to have compensation that is unrelated to their salary. The man or woman who was the sole support for a family and worked as custodian or dishwasher should be compensated equally with those who worked as stockbrokers. I know that this will be a difficult task, but I do suggest that you take at least 75% of the money and distribute it equally. The remaining 25% could be distributed based on prior income. I do realize that some people affected have higher bills to pay and a more expensive lifestyle to keep up. By doing the distribution in this way, you try to walk a fine line between equal distribution and distribution based on prior income.

Blessings on you as you go about this difficult task,

Individual Comment
Clarence Center, NY

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