
Friday, December 14, 2001 3:40 PM
Protect Traditional Marriage

Mr. Kenneth Zwick
Office of Management Programs
Department of Justice
Washington, DC

Dear Mr. Zwick:

I want to express my opposition to any effort by the federal government to provide
9-11 victim compensation funds to "domestic partners" of unmarried
survivors of the terrorist attack upon our nation.

Funds disbursed through the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 should
only go to the surviving family members of those who died on 9-11. Funds must go
to the widows, widowers, orphans, and other blood-related or adopted members of
the family--not to unmarried sexual partners of those who died.

provide funds to "domestic partners" is to undermine the traditional
definition of marriage and family to include any number of sexual liaisons
between same-sex or opposite-sex unmarried couples. Many homosexuals and
swinging heterosexuals, for example, engage in sex with multiple partners. Do we
provide funds to each of the sexual partners? Where do we draw the line on how
many "domestic partners" a person may have?

Homosexual activists are exploiting the 9-11 tragedy by asking the federal government to
redefine what constitutes a legitimate "family" under the law. In
fact, homosexual activist                , writing in Out magazine
has openly called for the subversion of the concept of marriage between a man
and a woman. He has urged homosexuals to fight for the legalization of
homosexual marriages and once legalized to "redefine the institution of
marriage completely . . . . to debunk a myth and radically alter an archaic
institution. . . . The most subversive action lesbians and gays can under
take--and one that would perhaps benefit all of society--is to transform the
notion of 'family' entirely."

If the DOJ provides funds to "domestic partners," it will be helping
                accomplish his goal: That of redefining marriage and altering what he
calls an "archaic institution."

We also oppose September 11th Funds going to the estates of the deceased instead of
to their surviving family members. No one can know for certain where these funds
will end up if they are deposited in the estate of a person who has died. The
person may have willed his estate to a terrorist, racial hate group, or even to
an organization like the North American Man-Boy Love Association. No one will
know unless each person's will is examined by a DOJ lawyer.

The money should go to the surviving family members of the deceased, not to the
estate or to the surviving "domestic partner."

Individual Comment
Paradise Valley, AZ

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