
Sunday, December 09, 2001 6:51 PM
Compensation Fund

Mr Zwick,
I am responding to this because of an e-mail I received from the church I attend in the Lehigh Vally of Pa. I attend the MCCLV church. This church is a predominatly gay,lesbian,and bi-sexual church but I am a straight 58 year old female who prefers to attend this church. I don't even know why this discussion of how to distribute these funds should be questions. It would seem to me the funds should be avaliable to all persons no matter what the color,race,religion or sexual oriantion is. Why would anyone question this? All of these people died or were injured. Maybe not in the service of there country but dead is dead and hurt is hurt. Just because someone whom some people don't consider to be normal, but who knows what normal is, that doesn't mean that they should be excluded from the distribution. Everyone no matter what needs to know that they were valued as a person,not just because they were a straight,white,christian male or female. I pray that God will show you and your staff the right path to follow when deciding how to divide. Why not make sure that all get an equal amount. May God bless you and keep you and your staff in his hands.
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